
  1. tastyfood

    Can lower blood cortisol make you excrete more through the urine?

    I've been taking Lisuride and Gonadin for three weeks with the idea of lowering Cortisol levels. I did the 24 urine test again, and my results were higher than the last time. My result this time was 59 ug/24 hours, versus 50 the last time. The top of the lab range is 62. I think that after 50...
  2. haidut

    Prolactin Increases Cortisol Secretion

    I think this is a pretty important study as it provides further evidence of the close relationship between various biomarkers of stress such as prolactin, estrogen, and cortisol. As Ray said, estrogen is really not a female hormone but rather the stress hormone. Prolactin is pretty similar, and...
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