
  1. haidut

    Oral vitamin D3 may treat steroid-driven hair loss

    A very interesting study, which demonstrates that a relatively low (5,000 IU) oral daily dose of vitamin D3 for 6 months, may be able to treat gender-specific (driven by steroids) hair loss. Now, the study participants were all female, with female-pattern hair loss (FPHL), however the findings...
  2. haidut

    Vitamin D may prevent/delay Type I diabetes

    Vitamin D seems to be trying to take aspirin's crown as a universal drug away. The study below is the latest evidence that this remarkable nutrient may have therapeutic effects in conditions that most doctors consider completely unrelated outside of vitamin D's realm (e.g. calcium absorption)...
  3. haidut

    Vitamin D3 anabolic, calcitriol catabolic for muscle/thymus

    Several great studies, which will probably do little to calm down the controversy that seems to be brewing lately in the blogosphere over whether supplementing with vitamin D3 is beneficial or not. Namely, the last study below demonstrated direct muscle-anabolic effects from supplementation with...
  4. haidut

    Vitamins D and E - the Taliban in the COVID-19 war

    Despite the massive censorship all over the Internet, there have been plenty of articles and studies on vitamin D and its role in COVID-19. Several studies reported that at least 9 in 10 of hospitalized patients have severe vitamin D deficiency. In addition, a few small studies demonstrated that...
  5. haidut

    Vitamin D, reducing fat oxidation may treat lung fibrosis, COVID-19

    Pulmonary fibrosis, regardless of etiology, is considered invariably a progressive and fatal disease. Despite this official story, behind the scenes several pharma companies are running clinical trials with several anti-fibrotic agents and the results so-far demonstrate that the condition is...
  6. haidut

    Avoiding sunlight increases colon cancer risk

    Some time ago I posted about avoiding sunlight being as bad for systemic health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. The study below corroborates that view, but with a focus on colon cancer risk and vitamin D. Namely, avoiding sunlight exposure results in much lower vitamin D, which is...
  7. haidut

    High PTH, low vitamin D implicated in bipolar disorder (BD)

    A great study highlighting once again the importance of calcium, vitamin D and especially the pro-inflammatory parathyroid hormone (PTH) for mental health. While there are many studies (both observational and intervention ones) examining the role of vitamin D in mental health, this is one of the...
  8. haidut

    Vitamin D (topical) safe and effective for removing scars

    A neat human study, which demonstrates that topical treatment with vitamin D may treat even large scars that have been present on the skin for years. Many people have such scars as a result of surgery, trauma, chemical/heat burns, radiation, etc. As the study says, the typical treatment is with...
  9. haidut

    Vitamin D deficiency impairs muscles by lowering energy production

    Perhaps this study below will put some of the arguments against vitamin D supplementation to rest. It demonstrated up to 40% reduction of energy production in the muscles of animals deficient in vitamin D, in spite of unchanged number/size/density of mitochondria inside the cells. In addition...
  10. haidut

    Vitamin D can force cancer cells to differentiate back into normal

    Danny and I already discussed this topic on a recent podcast, but I decided to post the studies anyways, considering how important the topic is. While progesterone and testosterone are the most well-known differentiating factors in humans, the role of vitamin D has gone largely unnoticed. The...
  11. haidut

    Nine out of ten COVID-19 deaths may be due to vitamin D deficiency

    A remarkable claim in this study, but not really surprising to people who have been studying the vitamin D effects on the immune system. While the study was observational, as the authors explain, the correlation between vitamin D insufficiency and COVID-19 mortality was so high that the authors...
  12. haidut

    Fasting ups estrogen & cortisol, decimates vitamin D, may cause diabetes

    A really interesting study, which will likely generate more than a few hateful emails for my Inbox :): Anyways, as the study demonstrates, fasting achieves these negative effects due to the elevated fatty acids working through PPAR activator PGC-1α, to activate both the estrogen receptor (ER)...
  13. haidut

    Vitamin D prevents cortisol-induced depression and...inflammation

    A great study for a number of reasons. First, it discussed openly that in animal research circles cortisol administration is considered an official and reliable method of causing major depression. As the article states, for some reason human medical circles have been unwilling to accept the...
  14. haidut

    Vitamin D is anti-catabolic / anabolic, protects liver from cortisol injury

    In a recent post of mine I discussed the effects of cortisol on various aminotransferases (especially TAT), their role as biomarkers of catabolism, and how inhibitors of said aminotransferases have a potent anti-catabolic / anabolic effects. In that same post, I also described how cortisol (a...
  15. Tristan Loscha

    Effect Of Calcifediol (VIT D) Treatment And Best Available Therapy Versus Other On ICU + Survival

    "Effect of Calcifediol Treatment and best Available Therapy versus best Available Therapy on Intensive Care Unit Admission and Mortality Among Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Pilot Randomized Clinical study" Author links open overlay panelMarta EntrenasCastilloaLuis ManuelEntrenas...
  16. Tristan Loscha

    Chris Masterjohn Position On Vitamin D For COVID - 19; VD Reduces Risks Efficiently

    Finally Confirmed! Vitamin D Nearly Abolishes ICU Risk in COVID-19 September 3, 2020 The first randomized controlled trial (RCT) of vitamin D in COVID-19 has just been published. The results are astounding: vitamin D nearly abolished the odds of requiring treatment in ICU. Although the number...
  17. haidut

    Magnesium, Vitamin D, B12 Combo Strikingly Therapeutic For COVID-19

    It is always good to see proof that medicine has not completely lost its mind by blindly chasing only the latest and greatest discovery in pharma antiviral drugs. The preventive and therapeutic effects of magnesium on viral diseases have been known for decades and has prompted the health...
  18. haidut

    Vitamin D/K Combo Increases Penis Size As Much As Surgery

    A very interesting study, not only because of its obvious social implications but also because it confirms the anabolic effects of the vitamin D/K combination, as well as the likely androgenic effects of vitamin D. I could not help but pronounce the D/K combo in my head as "dee-k" :): Another...
  19. haidut

    Vitamin D Reduces Blood Sugar And Body Fat In Obese Women

    A neat study, albeit lasting much longer (about 1.5 years) than most other intervention studied with vitamin D. What makes this study particularly interesting is that it only used high doses vitamin D (60,000 IU once weekly) initially until blood levels rose into the normal range. It did not...
  20. haidut

    Vitamin D - The New Antibiotic Against Skin And Gut Infections

    A great new study demonstrating the crucial role of vitamin D in maintaining proper immune function. The study demonstrates that maintaining normal levels of vitamin D is strongly protective against gut infections by Salmonella-type bacteria. Interestingly, the authors claim that vitamin D is...
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