atrial fibrilation

  1. haidut

    Omega-3 increase risk of atrial fibrillation (afib)

    It looks like Big Pharma is just living the dream. Considering doctors left and right are recommending massive doses of omega-3 to everybody and their cat, Big Pharma selling drugs that treat afib seems like the perfect conspiracy of "sell them the poison and then the remedy". Hopefully, the...
  2. haidut

    Aspirin/salt For Treating A Broken Heart, And What REALLY Causes Afib

    At a first glance the study below seems rather mundane but a careful read provides some very interesting insights. The syndrome of "broken heart" is a real physiological condition that medicine has tried to deny for decades despite even assigning it its own official medical name - Takotsubo...
  3. haidut

    Another "obesity Paradox" - It Lowers Mortality In Patients With Atrial Fibrillation

    I hope this is not taken as a call to get obese. I am posting it simply as an example that obesity may be a protective mechanism once a disease is already established. As such, it should not be viewed always in a negative light but as a possible result of an endocrine disorder, which likely...
  4. haidut

    Red Light Can Treat Deadly Heart Arrhythmia

    The study used both blue and red light but the blue light was used on mice and the red light on a human model. While the direct application of a light beam to the heart is not quite feasible currently, I don't see a reason why sustained application of red light for longer time periods over the...
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