
  1. haidut

    Estrogen Potentiates "addiction" Through The Endocannabinoid (CB1) Receptor

    Please do not take this as an attack on weed. I found this by accident while researching the similarities between estrogen and cocaine, which Ray has written about before. So, the study is really about estrogen and cocaine "addiction". I think the key takeaway is that the endocannabinoid...
  2. haidut

    Dopaminergic Drugs Like Bromocriptine May Treat Alcoholilsm

    This study is interesting for several reasons. On one hand, it combines well with previous studies on addiction I posted about - i.e. that "addiction" is a physiological state in which a person attempts to mitigate the effects of "inescapable stress" as animal studies commonly call the issue...
  3. haidut

    Vitamin D Is Dopaminergic And Decreases Obesity And Addiction Behaviors

    Over the last few years, I have posted studies on the forum showing that the vitamin E, A, and K all have dopaminergic activity that contributes to their positive effects on metabolism and health. This study discovered that vitamin D is another potent dopamine agonist, and that its dopaminergic...
  4. haidut

    Achilles Heel Of Cancer Found - Its Addiction To Fat

    The public propaganda message has always been that cancer cells are addicted to glucose. As a result of that belief, one of the so-called "new wave" therapies in the treatment of cancer is to "starve" the cancer cells of glucose and hope that they die on their own. This usually has disastrous...
  5. M

    Trouble Quitting Cannabis

    Hello, I'm a 45 year old (gasp) mom and my 'mother's little helper' is in the form of a vaporizer and weed which I'm told is organically grown. My usage amount varies but I usually do 2-3 cycles (like 10 puffs) once, sometimes twice, per day. I thought I could keep it under control but my...
  6. haidut

    Blocking Cortisol May Treat Alcohol "addiction"

    This is yet another piece of evidence confirming Ray's views and the findings of the Rat Park experiment. Here is another recent study, showing elevated stress hormones in another type of "addiction". viewtopic.php?f=231&t=8386 In other words, there is no such thing as "addiction" but rather...
  7. haidut

    Addiction Linked To High Stress Hormones

    While the study only looked at "sex addiction" I think it has a broader message. Mainstream medicine claims that all addictions are caused by the same basic mechanism. So, it this is true then the findings can be expanded into all other "addictions" as well. Several decades ago, a smart...
  8. haidut

    Sugar Is "addictive" Because Is Stops The Stress Response

    In a framework where doing things repeatedly because they benefit you is considered addiction, the conclusion of this study is not really surprising. But the good news is, Peat is right again. Sugar protects the brain from the destructive effects of cortisol. There is a clinical trial in Germany...
  9. haidut

    The Real Cause Of Addiction - Loneliness / Desperation

    The article is essentially a more official admission of the findings of the Rat Park Experiment, backing it up by some other study findings. I think the truth is slowly starting to come out, but the problem is that as the author says our society is virtually designed to ensure loneliness...
  10. haidut

    Most People With "addiction" Simply Grow Out Of It

    Another piece in the puzzle suggesting that "addiction" is nothing more than adaptive behavior when the organism is under stress. Once the stressor is gone, most organisms stop the behavior. Of course, this is never publicized in the mainstream press, which trumpets the latest drug developments...
  11. haidut

    Adrenergic dysfunction may be the cause of all "addictions"

    Obviously, chronic stress is the most likely cause behind chronically elevated adrenalin levels, as is low blood sugar. This boosts the validity "Rat Park Experiment" and the theory behind it, which showed that rats used "addictive" substances only when under stress, and stop using them when...
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