
  1. Hans

    8 uncommon herbs that lower prolactin and restore dopaminergic neurotransmission

    Boosting dopamine is the first plan of action when it comes to lowering prolactin. But few herbs/supplements/drugs actually restore the dopaminergic system. In this article, I discuss 8 uncommon such herbs/supplements...
  2. Lokzo

    Testosterone As Well As Estrogen Increases Serotonin2A Receptor MRNA

    Testosterone as well as estrogen increases serotonin2A receptor mRNA and binding site densities in the male rat brain Our previous findings in female rats suggest that the potent effects of sex steroids on mood and mental state may be mediated, in part, by the effect of estrogen on the...
  3. haidut

    SSRI Drugs During Pregnancy Cause Child Autism, Antiserotonin Drugs Cure It

    Almost four years ago I posted a study implicating elevated serotonin in autism and that study also showed that administering serotonin receptor antagonists was effective in reversing the pathology. Serotonin Causes Autism; Blocking It May Treat Autism And now, another study not only points the...
  4. haidut

    Marijuana May Cause Psychosis/schizophrenia By Increasing Serotonin Signalling

    I know the topic of weed is controversial but by now the link between heavy and chronic marijuana use and the risk of psychotic conditions like schizophrenia has been well established. Peat mentioned a few times briefly that cannabis has anti-androgenic effects and should not be used chronically...
  5. haidut

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) May Be Caused By Increased Serotonin Sensitivity

    Despite the denials of mainstream medicine that CFS exists as an organic disorder, many studies have been done on the etiology of the fatigue and how it often follows an acute illness, usually of "viral" origin. Due to the fact that the role of serotonin in inducing fatigue is well-known...
  6. haidut

    Serotonin As The Cause Of Acute Pancreatitis

    As some of you know, pancreatitis is a condition very common among alcoholics and people on SSRI drugs. When it is acute it can be quite deadly and its incidence has been skyrocketing lately, which concided with rising rates of alcohol abuse among middle-class citizens in the Western world. The...
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