A New Day, A New Start



Mar 10, 2016
I am wondering if anyone else has noticed this since doing Peat for a while.

It seems like sometimes the rest of the world is moving extremely slowly or inefficiently. I, though a patient person by practice, get frustrated by how long things seem to take. Technology, driving sometimes, a lot of conversations, policies at work that seem like they slow things down. To the point where it's like, practicing restraint doesn't work because it's like hitting a stop sign around every corner. At some point you're going to hit the roof lol.

My metabolism is still not the best / fastest it could be, but I almost wonder if the people around me are worse off, judging by how impatient I usually feel in public. Or is this just a normal thing to feel like things are taking too long?


Feb 18, 2018
I am wondering if anyone else has noticed this since doing Peat for a while.

It seems like sometimes the rest of the world is moving extremely slowly or inefficiently. I, though a patient person by practice, get frustrated by how long things seem to take. Technology, driving sometimes, a lot of conversations, policies at work that seem like they slow things down. To the point where it's like, practicing restraint doesn't work because it's like hitting a stop sign around every corner. At some point you're going to hit the roof lol.

My metabolism is still not the best / fastest it could be, but I almost wonder if the people around me are worse off, judging by how impatient I usually feel in public. Or is this just a normal thing to feel like things are taking too long?

I’ve noticed when this happens in me it’s usually because my mind is running at a very quick pace. If I’m in such a state where I’m planning several moves ahead and my movements are sharp and precise, than I become especially aware at people who don’t move up to par. Self-check out lines at a Walmart? The absolute worst. That’s when I first noticed truly how slow a debilitated human being moves. I forget how I usually get in such a state, but coffee, milk, and sugar is probably involved.

When I’m well and grounded though everything is fine. Even if people are moving slow Im there, patiently letting it all happen. While the external events don’t change, I do believe our internal reaction to the events are entirely driven by our underlying states.


Mar 10, 2016
Yeah, self check out is a headache of its own. (Actually, I think more check outs should be self-serve. But it is definitely an example of a situation that gives you anxiety just from waiting!) Right, like when you're in the zone and other people just...aren't hahah. Idk. I just like to move fast generally.
So you think that patience is the right response to observing of slow-moving people. I think that's true, and also really the only possible response. But sometimes I act facetiously. I work in customer service and it's hard not to let impatience show through sometimes - just a glimpse -, and arguably it's no worse for the workplace culture.
Also, having to use lame technology absolutely grinds my gears. And so many workplaces are running on old tech. Even the large chain I used to work at, the computers could be very frustrating.


Coffee milk and sugar you said - have you tried agave sweetener? Here is my evening pick-me-up. edit to add, it's my first time using the calcium acetate!



Feb 18, 2018
Yeah, self check out is a headache of its own. (Actually, I think more check outs should be self-serve. But it is definitely an example of a situation that gives you anxiety just from waiting!) Right, like when you're in the zone and other people just...aren't hahah. Idk. I just like to move fast generally.
So you think that patience is the right response to observing of slow-moving people. I think that's true, and also really the only possible response. But sometimes I act facetiously. I work in customer service and it's hard not to let impatience show through sometimes - just a glimpse -, and arguably it's no worse for the workplace culture.
Also, having to use lame technology absolutely grinds my gears. And so many workplaces are running on old tech. Even the large chain I used to work at, the computers could be very frustrating.


Coffee milk and sugar you said - have you tried agave sweetener? Here is my evening pick-me-up. edit to add, it's my first time using the calcium acetate!

View attachment 18009

lol I mean there’s a lot of different games I’ll play. For instance, there’s choosing the shortest line among the various options, analyzing line length, cart volume, clerk speed, of those make the choosing game a little more fun. However, once stuck in a situation, I’m only truly patient when I’m super zen mode. Any other time I think distraction is a useful tactic. I’ll either browse this forum, or people watch, imagine what people’s various lives are like, their persona, how life chose to express itself in this one individual. I’ll observe the little sub conscious decisions people make, where their attention is at, body language, it can all be interesting. Or read a magazine from a shelf or something. Just let my natural interests drift until something catches my eye.

I have tried the agave sweetener, but oddly enough I’m starting to lose my sweet tooth? I use to want sugar all the time, but my tastes have been shifting. Most fruit is just too sweet now, I’ve been craving that dense warmth that meat and starch give me (although eating these foods without causing problems has been a long investigation). I’m starting to crave different flavors, sugar has been losing its appeal!


Mar 10, 2016
OK I have a random question.

I have purebulk niacinamide, and i want to take just 30mg a day because i'm very sensitive to it.

This amount breaks down to less than a hundredth of a teaspoon of the powder.

How do I measure this??


Sep 25, 2018
OK I have a random question.

I have purebulk niacinamide, and i want to take just 30mg a day because i'm very sensitive to it.

This amount breaks down to less than a hundredth of a teaspoon of the powder.

How do I measure this??

Buy a mg scale. You could also make your own solution, in a dropper bottle for example, and make each drop 30 mg.


Mar 10, 2016
Thanks @milkboi. I also saw that I had been quoted into a similar thread about measuring tiny amounts.

@Runenight201, how's your foray into starches and meats treating you? What starches do you like right now? Do you enjoy steak? I cooked up some top round two nights ago - it's really good.

So, I realized tonight that I really miss ramen noodles. I wonder if any Peat-ers have come up with a good replacement for ramen. Maybe with bone or oxtail broth, lots of salt, and rice noodles? Ideas welcome!!


Nov 22, 2017
Thanks @milkboi. I also saw that I had been quoted into a similar thread about measuring tiny amounts.

@Runenight201, how's your foray into starches and meats treating you? What starches do you like right now? Do you enjoy steak? I cooked up some top round two nights ago - it's really good.

So, I realized tonight that I really miss ramen noodles. I wonder if any Peat-ers have come up with a good replacement for ramen. Maybe with bone or oxtail broth, lots of salt, and rice noodles? Ideas welcome!!

Ramen, made traditionally, is probably very close to "Peaty" (i.e. pro-metabolic). Sourcing the best noodles is probably key. Rice or buckwheat, which I think are the Japanese ones.


Feb 18, 2018
Thanks @milkboi. I also saw that I had been quoted into a similar thread about measuring tiny amounts.

@Runenight201, how's your foray into starches and meats treating you? What starches do you like right now? Do you enjoy steak? I cooked up some top round two nights ago - it's really good.

So, I realized tonight that I really miss ramen noodles. I wonder if any Peat-ers have come up with a good replacement for ramen. Maybe with bone or oxtail broth, lots of salt, and rice noodles? Ideas welcome!!

Still exploring :) I have a batch of wild rice that’s cooking in the rice cooker, and my current plan is to chop up some fresh tomatoes, lemon juice, salt, and maybe some Parmesan cheese on top of it.

I’m very skeptical of meat again! I got the big bad COVID-19, and it’s actually been a very useful tracker in helping me determine what foods are good/bad for me. The foods that make my covid symptoms worse, I ultimately conclude are not good for me. It increases my sensitivity to foods and allows me to pick up on things I would not have picked up in a virus free state. The worse I felt from the virus was when I ate a turkey avocado sandwich with chicken soup, and I was bed ridden for 3 hours. After that I had some Tylenol, sugary bread, and club soda and I was back on my feet with much reduced symptoms and a very good mood.

Right now I feel fine, no fever and my energy is good and I don’t have headaches or obtrusive congestion. I have been taking Tylenol, which I like more than aspirin. It really nukes fever and headaches imo. My dad did make a aspirin/lemon juice/tonic which I should try, as I’ve been drinking club soda/lemon juice/ionic vitamin c and zinc which has been marginally helping. From my initial conclusions I can tell this virus is only dangerous if the body is already in an unhealthy state and junk food is eaten on top of it. I’m pushing day 3 of initial symptom onset, and waiting for my body to build immunity as quickly as possible so that I can get back to my life without infecting others!


Mar 10, 2016
That sounds like an amazing meal. I'm really liking Romano cheese rite now. It's a strong taste but its overall feeling on a dish is light and summery. I'm also vibing radishes and carrots with rice although you are making me hungry for cherry tomatoes : )

You got COVID??! what! are you still feeling any of the effects? is it anything like how it is described on the news? and are you gonna be ok?

I am happy that you're taking care of yourself, taking it slow, and using as a learning experience though. And I hope you're mostly done taking Tylenol. It is effective lol, and I remember reading that NSAIDs can even boost your mood. So I mean whatever works : )

Have you been affected in any other ways by COVID beside diet sensitivities? Do you have an exercise or work schedule that has taken second place? Anything unusual that you've supplemented to get better? I took an iron supplement today. Very un-Piti. But in context, I eat almost no heme iron, I take copper, and I only had 8ish mg Fe, so its ok.


Feb 18, 2018
That sounds like an amazing meal. I'm really liking Romano cheese rite now. It's a strong taste but its overall feeling on a dish is light and summery. I'm also vibing radishes and carrots with rice although you are making me hungry for cherry tomatoes : )

You got COVID??! what! are you still feeling any of the effects? is it anything like how it is described on the news? and are you gonna be ok?

I am happy that you're taking care of yourself, taking it slow, and using as a learning experience though. And I hope you're mostly done taking Tylenol. It is effective lol, and I remember reading that NSAIDs can even boost your mood. So I mean whatever works : )

Have you been affected in any other ways by COVID beside diet sensitivities? Do you have an exercise or work schedule that has taken second place? Anything unusual that you've supplemented to get better? I took an iron supplement today. Very un-Piti. But in context, I eat almost no heme iron, I take copper, and I only had 8ish mg Fe, so its ok.

If you notice a positive improvement based on whatever supplement you take, I say that’s a good supplement then! Don’t tell Peat but I had 2% milk with added....fish oils X.X Costco jams it into their organic milk but it tastes so good and better than generic milk so I think it’s all good :)

I’m starting to agree more with @Kelj’s side of things, in that caloric quantity is the best way to achieve high energy and health. I mean, will a car go further on 5 gallons or 10 gallons of gas?? Mr snake diet guy kind of knocked some sense into me with that, even though I wonder why on earth he has to be all aggressive and profane.... he makes some good points tho. So this evening I decided to slam down all the sugar and fat and starch and protein I wanted, and I feel really good. I had so much cheese, potatoes, milk, cereal, soda, maple syrup. Very euphoric, lots of good highs, dopaminergic moments, blasting music cruising around town, dreaming, smiling, jovial.

COVID is out and gone from my life now (minus its socioeconomic effects). It’s kind of like a bad cold/flu. Yea you’re sick and it sucks but then you get better and life moves on. I don’t think it’s as scary as everyone makes it out to be... and I’m kind of glad I got it and it’s out of the way and I don’t have to live in this fear state of this unknown virus out to get me. I’m not sure there’s anything special I did to really help besides making sure I had sugar and aspirin in my body a lot. I am grateful for my body’s immune system and it’s functioning ability to overcome a foreign invader and get me back to good health! Well done and thank you Life!


Mar 10, 2016
Wish there was a costco near me! I like saving money too :P :greedy: Haha well I won't tell if you don't. BTW taking between 5 & 10 mg of iron every other day is helping me sleep and I feel better since starting.

It's so true. You can take all the shmancy pills out there but if you're just not eating enough...

I hadn't heard of him. I think it's amazing you got to experience that. Just amazing.

I actually had a theory about something similar (thought of while playing music and driving. haha.) That people might make themselves hypothyroid, generally by under-eating or eating many PUFAs, as a coping / drugging mechanism. Because when you see how life really should feel, then you must make changes to your life. And you have to support the faster metabolism that allows you to feel that way. And frankly it's kind of inconvenient to do that (but so worth it.)

It's really encouraging that you have it behind you, and like you said, it's not the gamechanger that it's made out to be. At least not for you. How do you think you got it? I approve of your recovery process, and bet you feel like a boss with that behind you.


Feb 18, 2018
That’s good that iron’s helping you sleep better. It feels so nice to wake up in the morning after having rested very well. It’s an elusive feeling that’s been evading me since the general degenerative processes kicked in, but every now and then I do just the right things and wake up feeling very refreshed.

I just had some lentils for dinner today which coincidentally are a high iron food. I like them because I’m able to obtain some carbohydrate, vitamins/minerals, and some fiber without disrupting my gut. I had to eat them with loads of pico de Gallo mixed in to increase the sugar content and make them more palatable and then for the finale I mixed in some turkey deli meat just for some pure protein. I also threw in a couple of cheese slices but I’m on the fence if they were needed or not. The meat and tomatoes helped the most imo. I think all that I’m missing from that dish is perhaps some herbs to add more zest and flavor and perhaps lime juice? We’ll see how the dish evolves...

I’ve had very similar thoughts in regards to your theory. Once the veil has been lifted and the connection between food/energy/mood/thoughts/etc... has been made, it becomes a much more complicated yet rewarding endeavor. When everything goes right and the physiological needs are perfectly met, I usually finally feel free to truly settle into myself and pursue my interests with very little negative states and abundance of intrigue and passion. However, when I don’t quite get there, I’m usually left agitated and distracted and sometimes depressed by the thought that I really must go fix myself, yet I don’t have the current freedom or energy to make it actually happen.

It’s why I think to be truly productive, a human being needs at its constant disposal all the nourishment factors necessary for such engagement. In a diseased society with pathological structures, many adults are left to fend for themselves to make it happen (unless one was fortunate enough to be born into and then smart enough to maintain a family structure with solid knowledge of nourishment and support for its members). But we are social creatures, and when we are nested in a strong human relational family, all the needs are able to met at a much lower cost to each individual, especially when we specialize. The whole unit then thrives, as the sum is able to rise much further than any one individual on their own could.

I’m feeling a little uncomfortable taking up so much space on your thread, as you undoubtedly started this to record your own thoughts and observations, so don’t feel a need to reply. If your next post disregarded this message entirely and was about mountains and birds, I would not feel offended... Happy trails :)


Mar 10, 2016
Haha, I like what you have to say Runenight201 :)) Hearing another person's experience and thoughts never hurts. And once again - your cooking sounds like it is on point! :fire:

DEFINITEly know what you mean about being able to work on yourself and find creative pursuits & solutions when you feel good - but just pretty much spinning the old wheels when you're not feeling great.

I'm actually really struggling with pain from 3 broken teeth right now. I know - how did things get so bad!! I'm like a dentist's nightmare except I actually floss and brush. At least all 3 are wisdom teeth that already needed to come out. Insurance has been a real pain in the &**. Every time I get on the phone with them I hear a different variation of "that's not covered" or "he's not actually in network".

Lotsa salty broth in the meantime to cope with the swelling. And vodka rinse. I really don't know what else to take besides my usual supplements and OTC pain stuff.


Feb 18, 2018
Jeez that sounds painful. I wonder if the fact that they were wisdom teeth predisposed them to break? Most people’s wisdom teeth don’t grow in properly, I know Dr. Mike Mew has a whole load of information on that. Mine were removed because they were growing all crooked and would’ve messed up my other teeth. When it comes to severe pain nothing beats opioids, but I would never take those unless it was for an acute condition that would resolve itself in a timely manner. Getting into those for chronic pain is asking for trouble. I’ve had my fair share of surgeries and opioids helped so much from withering in pain at an 8-9 to subduing it down to like a 4-5. I probably could’ve gotten the pain down further but I always decided to ration them for when I no longer needed them just to have some fun...but it’s been years since that. Maybe some ice pads applied on the outside of the cheek could help?

My brothers gf has had a run of cavities and she’s a dental hygienist who also brushes and flosses meticulously, so there’s definitely more to dental health than just hygiene, but I’ve made the mistake of completely ignoring hygiene appealing to the whole naturalistic notions of primitive man and ended up with some cavities for being so careless, so it probably shouldn’t be neglected either...


Mar 10, 2016
My newest issue: insomnia. Well, here's the context, where I live, there is just not a good sleeping environment. The neighbors in the house connected to us are loud and one of them has to leave the house somewhere in the middle of the night for work, so I hear him thumping around getting ready. My room is also right near the bathroom and over the kitchen, so any time one of the members of my family gets up at night for literally any reason, I hear it. (And one of them has delayed sleep onset so that person is usually awake and working or tinkering late. Often in the kitchen.) Bathroom door closes? Microwave door? Cabinet door shuts loudly? Someone goes up and down the stairs? Doing dishes and it bumps the sink wall? There goes my sleep. Actually, I don't hear them - I FEEL them. There are vibrations, thumps, and miscellaneous coming through the floor of my room at almost any given time. I'll get halfway to sleep, so close I can freaking taste it, and then get woken up. By the time this happens three times or so, I'm furious and feeling helpless. So at that point I get this adrenaline surge where I can't go back to sleep no matter how much I try to calm down.

Then I go to class, then to work. Come home and try to nap and basically the same thing happens. I'm not a rough person but I feel like I have been at my absolute angriest over the last few days. Sleep deprived and so frustrated that the people at my home don't take me seriously about this.

ANYWAY, given this situation that is terribly frustrating, I'm trying to find ways to sleep through it all. I'm kind of a light sleeper to begin with. And I'm eating like 2300 - 2600 calories a day, usually, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.........


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
My sister uses an inexpensive white noise machine she bought at Walmart. She says it helps when the neighbors are playing basketball near her bedroom. I use Flent’s ear plugs. As a light sleeper, too, I sympathize with you. If I wake up and start to think too much, I read. It helps to have something that isn’t too exciting or too boring, just pleasant enough to focus on. All of this won’t really help much, though, because your neighbor is making no effort to try not to waken others.

Maybe if your sleeping location could be as far away from the connecting wall that would help.


Mar 10, 2016
Jeez that sounds painful. I wonder if the fact that they were wisdom teeth predisposed them to break? Most people’s wisdom teeth don’t grow in properly, I know Dr. Mike Mew has a whole load of information on that. Mine were removed because they were growing all crooked and would’ve messed up my other teeth. When it comes to severe pain nothing beats opioids, but I would never take those unless it was for an acute condition that would resolve itself in a timely manner. Getting into those for chronic pain is asking for trouble. I’ve had my fair share of surgeries and opioids helped so much from withering in pain at an 8-9 to subduing it down to like a 4-5. I probably could’ve gotten the pain down further but I always decided to ration them for when I no longer needed them just to have some fun...but it’s been years since that. Maybe some ice pads applied on the outside of the cheek could help?

My brothers gf has had a run of cavities and she’s a dental hygienist who also brushes and flosses meticulously, so there’s definitely more to dental health than just hygiene, but I’ve made the mistake of completely ignoring hygiene appealing to the whole naturalistic notions of primitive man and ended up with some cavities for being so careless, so it probably shouldn’t be neglected either...

Hopefully your widsom teeth came out before they were a problem! That's the easy way to do it. I was told by two dentists that my little wisdom teeth were growing straight - no problems. And they ALMOST did fit but they were a little too big at the very end. The dentist who took them out showed me some very tangled roots on them. And he said one had "grown into my nerve center": not sure how scientific of an explanation that was, but I had been having pain, like bruising, in my ear and my eyebrow until getting that tooth removed. I'm happy that your prescription meds never became an issue for you. You should have that party before they expire :P :P

Yes I tried the dogmatic, K2 and calcium no-brush route as well, and got cavities as well. But you seem to be right that more than "hygiene" is involved.

Thanks @Dolomite I tried white and pink noise, with varying results. What finally helped? A small, fairy-dust amount of niacinamide right before bed. Sleep through anything like that. I can't remember the last time of solving something with so little effort.


Feb 18, 2018
Hopefully your widsom teeth came out before they were a problem! That's the easy way to do it. I was told by two dentists that my little wisdom teeth were growing straight - no problems. And they ALMOST did fit but they were a little too big at the very end. The dentist who took them out showed me some very tangled roots on them. And he said one had "grown into my nerve center": not sure how scientific of an explanation that was, but I had been having pain, like bruising, in my ear and my eyebrow until getting that tooth removed. I'm happy that your prescription meds never became an issue for you. You should have that party before they expire :P :P

Yes I tried the dogmatic, K2 and calcium no-brush route as well, and got cavities as well. But you seem to be right that more than "hygiene" is involved.

Thanks @Dolomite I tried white and pink noise, with varying results. What finally helped? A small, fairy-dust amount of niacinamide right before bed. Sleep through anything like that. I can't remember the last time of solving something with so little effort.

They did, and I was quite young at the time. I believe 17, so they never became an issue. My teeth though are something that I like to use as an objective marker of my health. Sometimes I do things and they look so white and strong, and then other times they become translucent and sensitive. Coffee definitely makes my teeth yellow and weak. Same with soda. It sucks because soda is an instant de-stressor and coffee allows me to perform at a much higher level, but both damage my tissues long term so are not ideal in my opinion. I’m currently looking for solutions that will allow me to handle stress and function at a cognitively high level without compromising my physiological health. I remember one time I had a double espresso, and while my mind was SO sharp, I began having really bad and disruptive neck pain. It’s almost as if the coffee and soda strips my bones and teeth of their minerals.

I’m happy to hear your insurance worked out. I’m taking a pretty big risk rn by having minimal health and dental insurance. I pretty much just want to be protected against catastrophic out of my control injuries, and I’m hoping that I’m able to take care of myself well enough to avoid any of the common diseases Americans get. I lost my faith in the doc when I last went to one about my sleep problems and he was just like, have you tried melatonin/not using your phone before bed? I do have somewhat of a desire to get my blood work done though because it would be nice to see where my hormone levels are, but I’m not dying to check them. There’s other ways I can determine how optimal they are in terms of physiological and psychological signs I try and keep track of.


Mar 10, 2016
I’m happy to hear your insurance worked out. I’m taking a pretty big risk rn by having minimal health and dental insurance. I pretty much just want to be protected against catastrophic out of my control injuries, and I’m hoping that I’m able to take care of myself well enough to avoid any of the common diseases Americans get
I'm glad, though, that I'm not the only one who is taking that risk. It feels a little irresponsible, but if I paid much for insurance I wouldn't have much money left : /

Funny because a family member has struggled with severe insomnia, they still have it in fact but they're having some success with current medication. They have heard some pretty stupid crap too from doctors along the lines of "sleep hygiene", "think calm thoughts", etc. Frustrating to be sure. Same goes for patients of migraines. "Ibuprofen." Hope you are sleeping better now. Would also like to do some official checking in on my own minerals and hormones but currently can't be bothered :P What signposts do you go by?

Interesting, that is a scary espresso esp-erience. Hadn't noticed that inkling in myself. What makes your teeth feel stronger? Mine haven't been right in some time.

I was actually visiting an old Travis thread on how B12 increases methylation. In fact, he summed that B12 and glutamate were the only real correlations to increased methylation. I didn't want to post there out of a feeling of respect, but I'm thinking about maybe reining in the meat and dairy foods after that post. Wonder if anyone reading this has thought along those lines?

It'll be easier to do now that there is a vegetarian relative staying with me over holidays.

Merry Chrstmas RPF!
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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