The Heart Is Not A Pump


Dec 3, 2015
Where to begin...
Of course the heart is a pump. If it stops working, you are dead! I haven't watched the video but these are my conclusion. I have a Ph.D. in physics and also studied aero- and fluid dynamics in Aachen, Germany. I read Gerald Pollack's 'The 4th Phase of Water' and 'Cells, Gels, and the Engines of Life' and Gilbert Ling's book.

However, the heart is just one piece of the whole system. It produces a liquid pressure pulse, and the arteries & veins are made from elastic material. So the blood vessels expand and contract, it works in conjunction with the heart. That's why it is problematic, when the arteries stiffen due to too much calcium. This leads to an impedance mismatch between the heart and the blood vessels and it causes the pressure pulse to get reflected back into the heart, which is destructive in the long term.

One can see this pulse transportation due to the time delay from the moment of the contraction of the heart and the arrival of the pulse, for example, at the wrist. Another important point I want to make, this comes from fluid dynamics. There we know that an initial laminar flow in, for example, water lines will turn turbulent after a certain length, determined by the Reynolds' number. It has to do with kinetic loss at the boundary layer flow close to the surface. So why does the blood flow not lead to turbulence in the arteries? Because the flow is pulsed and not continuous! The flow stops before turbulence can kick in and then starts anew with the next heart pulse.

But that is not all.

We have two different types of liquid bodies in our bodies:
1) The Ling-Pollack structured water in the cells, the water is in a gel-like state, not anymore a 'liquid'
2) The Riddick-McDaniel micro-cluster highly liquid state of the water, governed by the Zeta Potential

I have Thomas M. Riddick's book:
Control of Colloid Stability through Zeta Potential
With a closing chapter on its relationship to cardiovascular disease

The cardiovascular chapter is partially on the web:

Control of Colloid Stability through Zeta Potential & its relationship to cardiovascular disease

Dr. T.C. McDaniel suffered from severe arrhythmia when he was 56 years old, he was frustrated that none of his colleagues or any specialist were able to help him. He wrote this in detail in his book 'Disease Reprieve'. Then he stumbled upon Riddick's book and applied the findings to himself. Riddick also suffered from PVC (premature ventricular contraction) and found relief from electrolytes that strengthened the Zeta Potential of his blood. McDaniel formulated his 'Zeta Aid' based on Riddick's research, which I am taking religiously every day. It is composed of potassium-based electrolytes that strengthen the blood's Zeta Potential. It charges up the blood, so that bacteria, for example, from gum disease or infected teeth won't form 'biofilms' on the arteries, causing inflammation and narrowing of the blood vessels, or formation on heart valves with its destruction by the bacteria film (happened to a friend of mine).

This Zeta Aid, my friends, prevents heart disease!!!

Dr. TC McDaniel Zeta Aid Welcome

So, these special electrolytes, these 'anionic surfactants' charge up the blood particles, causing them to repel from each other. Riddick also showed that when the Zeta Potential achieves its optimum, the viscosity of the liquid reaches its minimum. Blood in this state is a highly optimized liquid with minimal viscosity! This is in contrast to the formation of the gel state of the water in the cells due to polarization of the water dipoles at the polar sites of the cell's protein chains (Gilbert Ling).

Both, the gel-like state of the bound water in the cells and the highly liquid state of water in blood are governed by electrostatic processes. They have a lot of commonality but the state of these two 'bodies of water' are completely opposite!

Then comes the 'bomb shell':

Riddick discovered that the electrical signals picked up by the ECG are not (solely) due to the electric stimulus of the heart muscles but (also) caused by the pulsating movement of the electrolyte in the blood vessels! He simulated this with a pulsating pump with a closed-circuit loop of tubing and inserted electrodes at two positions into the tubing. He saw the 'PQRST' heart pulse in this simple setup!

Who knows what other 'features' are still in hiding. Does the oxygen - carbon dioxide exchange contribute to the 'pumping' of blood, especially in the tiny blood vessels? Here also the electrostatic repulsion, due to the Zeta Potential, helps the red blood cells to squeeze through this transition from arteries to veins.

I contacted the company 'Zeter Meter, Inc.' that Riddick formed back in the 1960s. They sent me a PDF (160 MB) of Riddick's book. If anyone is interested, please contact me.

With best regards, Stephan

Thanks StephanF for this are you making your own electrolyte? If so can you please share the fromula? Thanks


Aug 6, 2017
Where to begin...
Of course the heart is a pump. If it stops working, you are dead! I haven't watched the video but these are my conclusion. I have a Ph.D. in physics and also studied aero- and fluid dynamics in Aachen, Germany. I read Gerald Pollack's 'The 4th Phase of Water' and 'Cells, Gels, and the Engines of Life' and Gilbert Ling's book.

However, the heart is just one piece of the whole system. It produces a liquid pressure pulse, and the arteries & veins are made from elastic material. So the blood vessels expand and contract, it works in conjunction with the heart. That's why it is problematic, when the arteries stiffen due to too much calcium. This leads to an impedance mismatch between the heart and the blood vessels and it causes the pressure pulse to get reflected back into the heart, which is destructive in the long term.

One can see this pulse transportation due to the time delay from the moment of the contraction of the heart and the arrival of the pulse, for example, at the wrist. Another important point I want to make, this comes from fluid dynamics. There we know that an initial laminar flow in, for example, water lines will turn turbulent after a certain length, determined by the Reynolds' number. It has to do with kinetic loss at the boundary layer flow close to the surface. So why does the blood flow not lead to turbulence in the arteries? Because the flow is pulsed and not continuous! The flow stops before turbulence can kick in and then starts anew with the next heart pulse.
With a phd in physics you should know that pressure travels practically instantly in water. Should be no time delay between squeeze and pressure rise in wrist. The whole circulature system should simultaneously bulge out. You can trivially test it yourself: take a soft silicon tube, and a large syringe. Now smash the plunger in, and see the whole tubing expands, there is no "pulse bulge" that travels from syringe to end (there is but it travels at 1500m/s)

The heart is a governor, not a pump. The power to drive the blood comes from the voltage difference between the blood and the tissue. Since red blood cells are larger in diameter than the capillary, a linear motor is formed with current flowing from the blood, through the red blood cell, and out through the capillary wall into the tissue. When the capillary is in it's relaxed state the inner wall is isolating, when the red blood cell stretches it there is an electrical connection through the isolation. With liquid between the blood cells, it acts like a linear pump.

This means that the capillary system is what creates the power to circulate the blood, the heart mainly pulses the flow in order to create turbulence waves (compare the speed of a wave on top of water maybe 2m/s, and sound (pressure) in water 1500m/s) that scrub the inner walls clean. The turbulence part is described in the mammalian stress mechanism theory i linked earlier and this view is compatible with basic physics, unlike the conventional view.


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Jul 8, 2014
With a phd in physics you should know that pressure travels practically instantly in water. Should be no time delay between squeeze and pressure rise in wrist. The whole circulature system should simultaneously bulge out. You can trivially test it yourself: take a soft silicon tube, and a large syringe. Now smash the plunger in, and see the whole tubing expands, there is no "pulse bulge" that travels from syringe to end (there is but it travels at 1500m/s)

Rei, you are confusing the speed of sound in water with the propagation of the blood pulse through the blood vessels. Have you actually performed the syringe experiment? I guess not. I did a quick search and found this:

Regional Pulse Wave Velocity
Framingham study created a multivariate risk scores to help the risk level of CVD classification. The first Framingham risk score was calculated by using information of disease, age, gender, diabetes, smoking, BP, and blood lipid concentrations. Several studies followed the Framingham work in order to improve and develop new guidelines for CVD risk management based on many others parameters that could amend the assessing individual risk. The multiple parameter risk response score is a useful tool to categorize patients in order to select the appropriate therapeutics. In the following studies main focus was given to the regional PWV as a predictive factor of CVD [31].

Woolam et al. estimated the PWV, using a piezoelectric crystal microphone to record the pressure pulse in radial and carotid arteries, in healthy subjects as ranged between 6.75 and 9.04 m s−1 and for diabetic subjects varying from 8.35 to 12.76 m s−1. A significant increase in the PWV was found in the diabetic subjects [32].

Isnard et al. studied, in a small population, the differences of PWV in normal subjects (8.9 ± 0.3 m s−1) and hypertension patients (11.8 ± 0.5 m s−1) [33].

So, instead of the 1,600 m/s, which is the acoustical wave velocity, the heart pulse propagates with a speed around 10 m/s, just a 'small' factor of 160 less...

The article also talks about arterial stiffness, which is an onset of cardiovascular disease. Stiffening of the blood vessels increased the pulse velocity. Interesting paper, and not pay-walled:

Novel Methods for Pulse Wave Velocity Measurement

Maybe my Ph.D. did give me the right tools to understand the underlying physics in the operation of the heart?

Through the night and morning I thought about this a bit more. Maybe one other important question is: "How does the blood get into the heart?" I really don't have a background in anatomy or medicine. So I only rely on my knowledge in fluid dynamics and physical principles. There is the Bernoulli equation: p + rho/2 v^2 = const. So you can trade pressure for velocity and velocity for pressure. I think that is also going on in the heart and the blood vessels. For example the oxygen deprived venous blood is pumped into the lungs, enriched with oxygen, the blood returns to the heart, entering the main aorta. What 'blows' up the heart chamber? I think it is the pulse propagating through the lungs and coming back to the heart. The heart has two 'pumps', the outgoing pulse of one is used to fill the chamber of the second one, and vice-versa.

When the heart had stopped, due to medical intervention, for example, and then needs to restart by electroshock, then it may be like jump-starting an engine. There is some fluid in the heart chamber, this is pushed out, not a strong pulse, but enough to cause the pulse return to fill the other chamber with a bit more fluid. This one then contracts and pushes out a bit more blood, which is returned to the first heart chamber, and so forth. So after a few beats, the heart is fully operational. It is like a ping-pong table tennis game, the 'ball' is the pressure pulse from one heart chamber traveling around to end up in the other 'court'.

Regards, Stephan
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Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Thanks StephanF for this are you making your own electrolyte? If so can you please share the fromula? Thanks

Hi CDG, Riddick came up with the initial 'recipe', which Dr. T.C. McDaniel then improved. It has to do with the valence ratio of the cations to anions in the electrolytes. For example aluminum chloride weakens the Zeta Potential, aluminum salts are used for 'water purification' at water treatment plants. They add just enough of these salts to zero out the Zeta Potential of the water, this then leads to dirt particles to coagulate and flocculate out of the water suspension. YOU DON'T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN IN YOUR BLOOD! Therefore, both Riddick and Dr. McDaniel warn vigorously against the ingestion of aluminum. So the use of aluminum as an adjuvant in vaccines, is highly questionable. Aluminum chlorite has a 3:1 valence ratio (AlCl3), so the opposite valence ratio strengthens the Zeta Potential. You need salt with a sodium or better with a potassium cation which both have the valence of +1, and add an anion, which is triply negatively charged, and that is the acid residue of citric acid. Riddick used sodium and potassium citrate in his 'regiment'. You have then to relate the amount of the electrolyte to the blood volume. You need to get the concentration to a value between 100 and 1,000 ppm, then the Zeta Potential becomes optimal. An adult has about 5 liters of blood, or roughly 5.6 kg. 500 ppm would be 2.8 grams. But the blood already has electrolytes, so a smaller amount is needed. Riddick's formula:

47 grams of potassium citrate
2 grams of sodium citrate
1 gram of sodium chloride (table salt)
9.5 grams of potassium carbonate (to raise the pH)
0.5 grams of sodium bicarbonate

This you dissolve into 1 liter of water, this is your concentrate. Don't drink this straight!! From this you take 20 ml into 1 liter of water = 1 gram/liter. Drink three times 500 ml of this diluted solution.

Zeta Potential New.jpg

Zeta Potential / Pot Citrate

I am buying Dr. McDaniel's 'Zeta Aid', it is solely potassium based. He felt that we already consumed too much salt, which is sodium based.

Dr. TC McDaniel Zeta Aid Welcome

Regards, Stephan
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Aug 6, 2017
Rei, you are confusing the speed of sound in water with the propagation of the blood pulse through the blood vessels. Have you actually performed the syringe experiment? I guess not. I did a quick search and found this:

Regional Pulse Wave Velocity
Framingham study created a multivariate risk scores to help the risk level of CVD classification. The first Framingham risk score was calculated by using information of disease, age, gender, diabetes, smoking, BP, and blood lipid concentrations. Several studies followed the Framingham work in order to improve and develop new guidelines for CVD risk management based on many others parameters that could amend the assessing individual risk. The multiple parameter risk response score is a useful tool to categorize patients in order to select the appropriate therapeutics. In the following studies main focus was given to the regional PWV as a predictive factor of CVD [31].

Woolam et al. estimated the PWV, using a piezoelectric crystal microphone to record the pressure pulse in radial and carotid arteries, in healthy subjects as ranged between 6.75 and 9.04 m s−1 and for diabetic subjects varying from 8.35 to 12.76 m s−1. A significant increase in the PWV was found in the diabetic subjects [32].

Isnard et al. studied, in a small population, the differences of PWV in normal subjects (8.9 ± 0.3 m s−1) and hypertension patients (11.8 ± 0.5 m s−1) [33].

So, instead of the 1,600 m/s, which is the acoustical wave velocity, the heart pulse propagates with a speed around 10 m/s, just a 'small' factor of 160 less...

The article also talks about arterial stiffness, which is an onset of cardiovascular disease. Stiffening of the blood vessels increased the pulse velocity. Interesting paper, and not pay-walled:

Novel Methods for Pulse Wave Velocity Measurement

Maybe my Ph.D. did give me the right tools to understand the underlying physics in the operation of the heart?

Through the night and morning I thought about this a bit more. Maybe one other important question is: "How does the blood get into the heart?" I really don't have a background in anatomy or medicine. So I only rely on my knowledge in fluid dynamics and physical principles. There is the Bernoulli equation: p + rho/2 v^2 = const. So you can trade pressure for velocity and velocity for pressure. I think that is also going on in the heart and the blood vessels. For example the oxygen deprived venous blood is pumped into the lungs, enriched with oxygen, the blood returns to the heart, entering the main aorta. What 'blows' up the heart chamber? I think it is the pulse propagating through the lungs and coming back to the heart. The heart has two 'pumps', the outgoing pulse of one is used to fill the chamber of the second one, and vice-versa.

When the heart had stopped, due to medical intervention, for example, and then needs to restart by electroshock, then it may be like jump-starting an engine. There is some fluid in the heart chamber, this is pushed out, not a strong pulse, but enough to cause the pulse return to fill the other chamber with a bit more fluid. This one then contracts and pushes out a bit more blood, which is returned to the first heart chamber, and so forth. So after a few beats, the heart is fully operational. It is like a ping-pong table tennis game, the 'ball' is the pressure pulse from one heart chamber traveling around to end up in the other 'court'.

Regards, Stephan
Andrew fletcher (the inverted bed therapy guy on the forum) has videos demonstrating this if you don't believe in basic physics. If you have a kilometer long tube and you pour in water at one end it takes less than a second for it to overflow the other end. No matter how sloppy the tube wall is, the whole tube either expands to accommodate the higher wall pressure, or it overflows the other end. There is no bulge you see traveling at 10m/s over the kilometer to start the outflow the other end :D


Dec 3, 2015
Hi CDG, Riddick came up with the initial 'recipe', which Dr. T.C. McDaniel then improved. It has to do with the valence ratio of the cations to anions in the electrolytes. For example aluminum chloride weakens the Zeta Potential, aluminum salts are used for 'water purification' at water treatment plants. They add just enough of these salts to zero out the Zeta Potential of the water, this then leads to dirt particles to coagulate and flocculate out of the water suspension. YOU DON'T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN IN YOUR BLOOD! Therefore, both Riddick and Dr. McDaniel warn vigorously against the ingestion of aluminum. So the use of aluminum as an adjuvant in vaccines, is highly questionable. Aluminum chlorite has a 3:1 valence ratio (AlCl3), so the opposite valence ratio strengthens the Zeta Potential. You need salt with a sodium or better with a potassium cation which both have the valence of +1, and add an anion, which is triply negatively charged, and that is the acid residue of citric acid. Riddick used sodium and potassium citrate in his 'regiment'. You have then to relate the amount of the electrolyte to the blood volume. You need to get the concentration to a value between 100 and 1,000 ppm, then the Zeta Potential becomes optimal. An adult has about 5 liters of blood, or roughly 5.6 kg. 500 ppm would be 2.8 grams. But the blood already has electrolytes, so a smaller amount is needed. Riddick's formula:

47 grams of potassium citrate
2 grams of sodium citrate
1 gram of sodium chloride (table salt)
9.5 grams of potassium carbonate (to raise the pH)
0.5 grams of sodium bicarbonate

This you dissolve into 1 liter of water, this is your concentrate. Don't drink this straight!! From this you take 20 ml into 1 liter of water = 1 gram/liter. Drink three times 500 ml of this diluted solution.

View attachment 18012

Zeta Potential / Pot Citrate

I am buying Dr. McDaniel's 'Zeta Aid', it is solely potassium based. He felt that we already consumed too much salt, which is sodium based.

Dr. TC McDaniel Zeta Aid Welcome

Regards, Stephan

Many thanks Stephen, I read Riddick's book some years back and am thankful that you brought up this work again. Are you measuring your pulse waves? If so how?

On an anther note have you read Broda Barns book "Solved the Riddle of Heart attacks"? He takes a totally different approach in that clogged arteries are due to maxidema ie adema of the arteries constricting them. He used thyroid supplementation with great success to deal with this issue.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Andrew fletcher (the inverted bed therapy guy on the forum) has videos demonstrating this if you don't believe in basic physics. If you have a kilometer long tube and you pour in water at one end it takes less than a second for it to overflow the other end. No matter how sloppy the tube wall is, the whole tube either expands to accommodate the higher wall pressure, or it overflows the other end. There is no bulge you see traveling at 10m/s over the kilometer to start the outflow the other end :D

So, Rei, what you are saying is that this peer-reviewed paper in the respected Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering that I cited (did you bother to read it?) is incorrect?

This heart pulse propagation was MEASURED in vivo, on living human beings. How can that be wrong?

I suggest you buy a one-kilometer long elastic tube and actually do the experiment. Maybe a 10-m long elastic tube would suffice. You would need some piezo-electric pressure sensors that are fast enough to register this traveling pulse and a decent oscilloscope, a USB oscilloscope would do. Then you have to buy or build a pump that would mimic the heart. I would be curious about your results. Good luck with that.

By the way, I am familiar with the reclined bed therapy, believe it or not, I sleep that way for about 5 years. I also sleep with a grounded bed sheet, I have personally met with Clint Ober and Dr. James Oschman, with Dr. Oschman actually several times. I know a lot of stuff but I am always eager to learn more. But when I smell a rat, I look into it and share my opinion. The claim that the inclined bed helps the movement of the lymphatic liquid is intriguing but requires more research. I have also read Dr. C. Samuel West's book on the lymphatic system and use a trampoline to exercise my lymph system. The lymph system does not have its own pump. It relies on muscle contraction and body movement. The lymph vessels have a large amount of valves, that only allow the liquid to move in one direction. Even a gentle stroke over the body will engage this mechanism and the lymph liquid will move. It may also be that the lymph benefits from the pulsating of the blood vessels, which produce a wandering pressure pulse through the tissue, thereby promoting the lymphatic liquid. It is a fascinating topic and important for general health. The lymph system is the waste water system in the body!

With best regards, Stephan


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Many thanks Stephen, I read Riddick's book some years back and am thankful that you brought up this work again. Are you measuring your pulse waves? If so how?

On an anther note have you read Broda Barns book "Solved the Riddle of Heart attacks"? He takes a totally different approach in that clogged arteries are due to maxidema ie adema of the arteries constricting them. He used thyroid supplementation with great success to deal with this issue.

I have not read Broda Barns book. Maybe I will some day. I watched the video a bit that was posted at the beginning of this thread. It is interesting that heart disease was essentially unknown 100 years ago. Two things come to mind: change in diet, and as Dr. Peat pointed out, the use of PUFAs, and dental practice: root canals!

My mom was admitted to the hospital in 2013, due to a bleeding ulcer (can also be caused by an infected tooth). She received a blood transfusion, had two severe strokes and passed away two days later. Death by medicine. Thomas M. Riddick and Dr. T.C. McDaniel both warned against blood transfusion, that the Zeta Potential of the blood could be weakened and that the donated blood already contained blood clots. Riddick did amazing pioneering work on colloidal stability and wanted to start a study with the Red Cross on the safety of blood transfusions, he never heard back from them. That was in the 1960s. How many people could have been saved if this research would have been conducted? In 2018, I lost my brother, again due to blood transfusion. It is very sad...


Aug 6, 2017
So, Rei, what you are saying is that this peer-reviewed paper in the respected Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering that I cited (did you bother to read it?) is incorrect?

This heart pulse propagation was MEASURED in vivo, on living human beings. How can that be wrong?

I suggest you buy a one-kilometer long elastic tube and actually do the experiment. Maybe a 10-m long elastic tube would suffice. You would need some piezo-electric pressure sensors that are fast enough to register this traveling pulse and a decent oscilloscope, a USB oscilloscope would do. Then you have to buy or build a pump that would mimic the heart. I would be curious about your results. Good luck with that.

By the way, I am familiar with the reclined bed therapy, believe it or not, I sleep that way for about 5 years. I also sleep with a grounded bed sheet, I have personally met with Clint Ober and Dr. James Oschman, with Dr. Oschman actually several times. I know a lot of stuff but I am always eager to learn more. But when I smell a rat, I look into it and share my opinion. The claim that the inclined bed helps the movement of the lymphatic liquid is intriguing but requires more research. I have also read Dr. C. Samuel West's book on the lymphatic system and use a trampoline to exercise my lymph system. The lymph system does not have its own pump. It relies on muscle contraction and body movement. The lymph vessels have a large amount of valves, that only allow the liquid to move in one direction. Even a gentle stroke over the body will engage this mechanism and the lymph liquid will move. It may also be that the lymph benefits from the pulsating of the blood vessels, which produce a wandering pressure pulse through the tissue, thereby promoting the lymphatic liquid. It is a fascinating topic and important for general health. The lymph system is the waste water system in the body!

With best regards, Stephan
I read the abstract, and it does not seem to have anything to do with this topic. I am not denying the existence of the pulse wave, or its speed. just the common explanation seems wrong.

mammalian stress mechanism theory says that the heart compresses the blood, which makes it into a non-newtonian fluid. So the work the heart does is the kinetic energy needed to put the blood through it's phase transition so it can flow without or near no resistance (due to lack of turbulence). When the chamber is empty the heart stops producing pressure for that beat, so the non-newtonian aggregate starts disintegrating from the aortic arc traveling towards the capillaries as a radial turbulence wave.

But i believe the capillaries have no flow resistance, the blood cells like RBC and larger probably function as linear pumps. This is not mammalian stress mechanism theory. I believe pollack or some of the other the structured water guys have this view.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
I read the abstract, and it does not seem to have anything to do with this topic. I am not denying the existence of the pulse wave, or its speed. just the common explanation seems wrong.

mammalian stress mechanism theory says that the heart compresses the blood, which makes it into a non-newtonian fluid. So the work the heart does is the kinetic energy needed to put the blood through it's phase transition so it can flow without or near no resistance (due to lack of turbulence). When the chamber is empty the heart stops producing pressure for that beat, so the non-newtonian aggregate starts disintegrating from the aortic arc traveling towards the capillaries as a radial turbulence wave.

But i believe the capillaries have no flow resistance, the blood cells like RBC and larger probably function as linear pumps. This is not mammalian stress mechanism theory. I believe pollack or some of the other the structured water guys have this view.

You were the one that opposed the notion of a 'pressure wave', and yes, it has to do with this topic, since it is about how the heart and the cardiovascular system works. You can't deny that you were just plainly wrong with your explanation. Can you please explain what you mean with "I am not denying the existence of the pulse wave, or its speed. just the common explanation seems wrong."? First you claimed that I was wrong, then you came up with some theory that you drew out of thin air, now you are saying that you are not denying the existence of the pressure wave but still you insist that the "common explanation seems wrong." What do you mean with "seems"?

Yes, blood is a non-Newtonian liquid, where sheer stress reduces its viscosity. Not by pressure, but by 'sheer stress'. Therefore, the pulsed transport will help transport the blood rather than a steady-state flow. It supports my point of view. There is still viscosity, although reduced. No, blood does still experience resistance to flow, it's just reduced, not eliminated. Big difference. I don't believe that the blood can sustain its radial flow when it reaches capillaries far away from the heart. Blood slows down considerably before the next heart beat, however I must admit that it doesn't come to a complete stop. How that affects the laminar flow, who knows, I couldn't find anything in the literature in a quick search. I still believe, but don't know, that the pulsating motion promotes laminar flow. But this not anymore within my knowledge of fluid dynamics because it is very specific to the heart.

Of course, flow in capillaries has friction! How do you come up with such ideas? Therein, flow resistance in tubes increases with the inverse of the FOURTH POWER of the radius! This is the Hagen-Poiseuille equation. Look it up. Liquid is drawn into glass capillaries due to the surface tension of the boundary water-air-glass interface. Once a capillary is filled, the flow through this capillary is governed by Hagen-Poiseuille equation.

Hagen–Poiseuille equation - Wikipedia

With best regards, Stephan
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Oct 31, 2012
Thank you all, it's a very enlightening discussion. I read Dr Cowan"s book about four years ago at the urging of a neighbor. I wasn't wildly impressed by the source of his idea's from Rudolf Steiner.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Thank you all, it's a very enlightening discussion. I read Dr Cowan"s book about four years ago at the urging of a neighbor. I wasn't wildly impressed by the source of his idea's from Rudolf Steiner.

I browsed through his video and was not impressed either. Although I am interested in vortex flow. In plasma physics, shear flow stabilization is a hot topic, it can be used to stabilize an otherwise unstable plasma Z-pinch. The same may perhaps happen if you introduce a twist in tubular flow, it may stabilize the laminar flow. The trick is to get kinetic energy back into the boundary layer of the flow in a tube (or blood vessel here).


Aug 6, 2017
You were the one that opposed the notion of a 'pressure wave', and yes, it has to do with this topic, since it is about how the heart and the cardiovascular system works. You can't deny that you were just plainly wrong with your explanation. Can you please explain what you mean with "I am not denying the existence of the pulse wave, or its speed. just the common explanation seems wrong."? First you claimed that I was wrong, then you came up with some theory that you drew out of thin air, now you are saying that you are not denying the existence of the pressure wave but still you insist that the "common explanation seems wrong." What do you mean with "seems"?

Yes, blood is a non-Newtonian liquid, where sheer stress reduces its viscosity. Not by pressure, but by 'sheer stress'. Therefore, the pulsed transport will help transport the blood rather than a steady-state flow. It supports my point of view. There is still viscosity, although reduced. No, blood does still experience resistance to flow, it's just reduced, not eliminated. Big difference. I don't believe that the blood can sustain its radial flow when it reaches capillaries far away from the heart. Blood slows down considerably before the next heart beat, however I must admit that it doesn't come to a complete stop. How that affects the laminar flow, who knows, I couldn't find anything in the literature in a quick search. I still believe, but don't know, that the pulsating motion promotes laminar flow. But this not anymore within my knowledge of fluid dynamics because it is very specific to the heart.

Of course, flow in capillaries has friction! How do you come up with such ideas? Therein, flow resistance in tubes increases with the inverse of the FOURTH POWER of the radius! This is the Hagen-Poiseuille equation. Look it up. Liquid is drawn into glass capillaries due to the surface tension of the boundary water-air-glass interface. Once a capillary is filled, the flow through this capillary is governed by Hagen-Poiseuille equation.

Hagen–Poiseuille equation - Wikipedia

With best regards, Stephan
continuing this discussion is pointless because either you are autistic or trolling. Misinterpreting or sidestepping everything i said with a gish gallop.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
continuing this discussion is pointless because either you are autistic or trolling. Misinterpreting or sidestepping everything i said with a gish gallop.

Then we leave it by that. Good luck with your 'theories'.


Oct 15, 2018
@StephanF thanks a lot for your contributions and comments on these aspects of blood flow! I think this is an area which is very overlooked by mainstream medicine (like everything). The only thing I'm not completely grasping is why certain ions favor the zeta potential while other don't. I remember from my high school chemistry that ions in water tend to have a slight attraction and produce some tendency to align in the water in their immediate vicinity. This zeta potential seems to be produced by similar interactions but I cannot picture it entirely. What do you think is the mechanism behind? For instance in AlCl3 will it be the case that the highly concentrated charge of Al 3+ tugs with more strength on the water than other ions? It seems potassium is a much weaker ion (electronegativy wise) than Al.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
@StephanF thanks a lot for your contributions and comments on these aspects of blood flow! I think this is an area which is very overlooked by mainstream medicine (like everything). The only thing I'm not completely grasping is why certain ions favor the zeta potential while other don't. I remember from my high school chemistry that ions in water tend to have a slight attraction and produce some tendency to align in the water in their immediate vicinity. This zeta potential seems to be produced by similar interactions but I cannot picture it entirely. What do you think is the mechanism behind? For instance in AlCl3 will it be the case that the highly concentrated charge of Al 3+ tugs with more strength on the water than other ions? It seems potassium is a much weaker ion (electronegativy wise) than Al.

That is a very good question. According to Riddick, particles in distilled water tend to be slightly negatively charged, with a Zeta Potential of around -30 mV, which gives some stability. Tiny amounts, a few ppm only, of AlCl3 will zero out the Zeta Potential, as in the graph that I posted. This salt will dissociate in Al^3+ + 3Cl^-. I don't know exactly how the electrolytes control the Zeta Potential, Thomas M. Riddick tries to explain this with the concept of bulk-stress.

He illustrates this with this graph:


"Now consider the typical concept of Zeta Potential (Fig. 22), and the changes which take place upon the addition of this reagent. These changes are marked "A", "B", "C" etc. on Fig. 20 for ready reference. The sequence is as follows:

(A) The initial (and natural) ZP of the colloid was -30 mv, represented by curve "A". (This is plotted as 0.01 millimol since "zero" does not exist on a logarithmic scale.) The colloid is naturally electronegative in distilled water, due to the preferential adsorption of the anion-and this is characteristic of most colloids in aqueous suspension when ionic concentrations are low, and pH is in the range of say 5.5 to 10.

(B) The addition of 0.1 millimol of reagent imparts "bulk-stress," which compresses the double layer*-driving more ions toward the surface of the colloid. Since this is a 1 :4 type of electrolyte, the anions are the controlling ions. Adsorption takes place to a degree which is represented by an increase in the electronegative ZP to -57 mv.

(C) Further addition of reagent to a concentration of 0.35 millimols increases the ZP to its maximum (-70 mv), and forms a monolayer. Thereafter the colloid cannot effectively (as far as Zeta Potential is concerned) adsorb more of the anion.

(D) It seems probable that multilayers are formed from "C" to "D"-representing dosages of . 35 to 3 .5 millimols respectively. (The point at which the curve reverses, however, is dependent upon "bulk-stress," as will be later discussed-and this point can actually be changed, at will, with say a 1 :1 electrolyte.)

(E) As further additions of the reagent are made, the anion cannot gainfully (as far as ZP is concerned) adsorb on the colloid-for a monolayer has already been formed. Its surface has been brought to the point of saturation. Therefore, these further additions result in a build-up of ions, almost (if not) entirely in the bulk of the suspending liquid. Since Zeta Potential is the potential measured from the plane of shear to the "bulk," a build-up (principally or entirely) in the "bulk" naturally lessens this potential. Therefore, Zeta Potential continuously lowers, and at point "E" it again reaches its initial value of -30 mv.

(F) As further build-up of the reagent occurs (and it can only occur in the bulk phase), ZP is further lowered to -12 mv.

(G) At "G", we substantially have ionic equality -relative to the plane of shear and the bulk of the suspending liquid. Therefore, Zeta Potential approaches (or equals) zero. It would seem that the double layer is compressed to its maximum "effectiveness" at this point, and could it be measured-even in Angstroms -it would be extremely " thin."

*The double and diffuse layers (Figs. 138-142, pp. 199-203) constitute an ionic cloud of cations and anions. It is germane to the concept of bulk-stress and pertinent to this situation that each time the molality is doubled, the number of ions per unit volume is also doubled and the average spacing between ions is decreased. This naturally increases the bulk-stress on the colloid, and also (for that matter) the bulk-stress (or driving force to adsorb) on the walls of the vessel containing the liquid."

(page 27 of Riddick's book). I can send you a DropBox link, if you would like the PDF of his book (over 200 MB).

With best regards,



Jun 8, 2020
Please be careful with potassium supplementation if you have a B1 deficiency.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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