Forefront Health - Peat-inspired Blog/Online Store


Jan 7, 2016
Posting this for people who may not have seen it before. Yes, it's another person cashing in on Ray Peat's ideas, but I think he does it well and adds value.

Forefront Health - Real Health. Real Science. Real Results... Naturally.

Does he credit RP at all, or just present the ideas as his own? From what I saw on the website (I didn't dig too far, but read a couple of blog posts and the "about us", and saw lots of Peaty ideas, but no credit given to RP) it seems to be the latter, which seems very dishonest, and would make me concerned about doing business with him.


Oct 15, 2016
Yeh such people really disgust me.
Does he credit RP at all, or just present the ideas as his own? From what I saw on the website (I didn't dig too far, but read a couple of blog posts and the "about us", and saw lots of Peaty ideas, but no credit given to RP) it seems to be the latter, which seems very dishonest, and would make me concerned about doing business with him.


Mar 15, 2013
I've seen him link to Dr Peat's articles in the blog comments. But yeah, he definitely doesn't give RP enough credit. :confused I haven't tried any of his products BTW, and probably won't, as there are other sources for these products that I know and trust.


Jul 8, 2016
That website is like the Buzzfeed of the Ray Peat world. Just rips off Peat but packages them in click-baity way. His shop is very overpriced. 7g pregnenolone for $30, health natura sells 20g for $30. He has a rip-off energin clone as well with exactly the same B vitamins as haiduts product in but different amounts. Website seems very sly and shady.
Nov 26, 2013
Doctor Peats HATE Him! Overpay For Pregnenolone Powder In These 5 SIMPLE Steps! Step Number 4 May Require Your Bank Info.


Nov 9, 2016
Doctor Peats HATE Him! Overpay For Pregnenolone Powder In These 5 SIMPLE Steps! Step Number 4 May Require Your Bank Info.
Did he actually state something about him? I've been reading his site because the articles seems to make so much sense. But then I have a hard time trusting him because he is a huge salesman.
I can't blame a guy for wanting to get rich, so I just can't figure out if he's legit or not. The articles sure seem good, but the constant sales pitch is often a red flag although if he's really not a slimeball & is just working hard to made some money I don't have a problem with that. It's just hard to tell.


Jul 8, 2016
@Steve You say his articles make so much sense, just checking you do realise he has just rewritten Peats ideas into the way modern website articles and journalism is presented? Taking out all the research of course.

His supps are exact clones of other for a higher price, his articles have copied Peats with no original thought, effort or research into them. Nobody should be giving this guy money


Oct 18, 2013
In his defense (and I'm not saying that you should therefore agree with all his practices):

His audience is not the same as the Ray Peat Forum audience. He's targeting hypothyroid people who are sick and tired and brain fogged, and he's giving them bullet points and clear steps and easy-to-read articles. They don't want to read clinical studies and all that. They just want someone who can tell them how to feel better, who's been where they've been and who understands what they're going through.

If he's helping a bunch of people who have been getting the runaround from their doctors for years and who aren't capable of reading/digesting/assimilating Peat's own work and the clinical studies he references, then more power to him, because where else are these people going to go?

I'm not at all saying I agree with everything he does, but I do think he's providing a worthwhile service to his target audience.


Nov 9, 2016
@Steve You say his articles make so much sense, just checking you do realise he has just rewritten Peats ideas into the way modern website articles and journalism is presented? Taking out all the research of course.

His supps are exact clones of other for a higher price, his articles have copied Peats with no original thought, effort or research into them. Nobody should be giving this guy money
I'm not sure if all he's done is rewritten Peat's stuff, so I'll have to take your word for it. But I just went back & read a couple articles & they sure are nicely done. And in the comments he seems to know what he's talking about when he answers questions. Basically every researcher gets ideas from somebody else, so I don't know if the guy is legit or not. I have thyroid issues, so that's probably how I ended up on his site. I haven't spent any money...just read the articles. All I can say is the articles are nicely done & he seems to have a lot of knowledge. But he is one hard-core internet salesman. I entered my e-mail address & got all kinds of sales pitches (not saying that's a bad thing). I like money too.


Jan 25, 2016
Hi from Elize. I have to say that I am one of those who bought his books but no supplements. He does refer to Ray Peat through out his material, does give him credit. His material is very well organized and he does responded to email himself.


May 27, 2015
That website is like the Buzzfeed of the Ray Peat world. Just rips off Peat but packages them in click-baity way. His shop is very overpriced. 7g pregnenolone for $30, health natura sells 20g for $30. He has a rip-off energin clone as well with exactly the same B vitamins as haiduts product in but different amounts. Website seems very sly and shady.
Also, I doubt the b vitamins are high purity.


May 11, 2016
I've been "peating" for about 12 months now. I've done Tom's program. He explains that he healed his own hypothyroidism by applying Ray's work. He did the same run around with ignorant doctors as most have us have done and finally found Ray's ideas and principles to work for him. He helps many others now by directing them to the correct nutritional science of Ray Peat. He mentions Ray Peat and Broda Barnes right from the beginning. That's how I got to be here and in the fb group. Tom's blog posts are very useful to me and always encouraging when I need to encouragement to keep going. When I started his program the supplements were not his own brands but I can understand why he has formulated products. They are too expensive for me esp. living outside of the USA. Means I have to content myself with inferior products most of the time.
I didn't mind paying the money for the program because I could see I was getting something valuable for it. I was wasting money on a naturopath and inferior supplements and not even paying proper attention to nutrition.
Catherine Crowe is another Ray Peat blogger that have learned valuable information from.


May 11, 2016
Hi from Elize. I have to say that I am one of those who bought his books but no supplements. He does refer to Ray Peat through out his material, does give him credit. His material is very well organized and he does responded to email himself.
:thumbsup: :)


Jul 13, 2014
Looking at his shop. His products look like the exact same containers and packaging that health natura use. I wonder if he's literally just buying from them and charging a much higher price


Jan 25, 2016
Greetings from Elize again.
I choose to say I live with my thyroid and its complicated issues rather than saying I suffer from it.
We have the free will to choose anger or wisdom.
We have the free will to read all the material in the world. To retain what resonates with us and to let go of all that does not.
At times we are not always ready to understand or receive the information we let go of, but it usually comes back upon our path when we are ready to receive, absorb and understand it, as then we are able to shift to the next level upon our pathway.
As a newbie to Peat found that I had to hunt, search and ask many questions to get some idea as what Peating is about. It was during this search that the work of Forefront Health crossed my path. His material provided me with background on the thyroid, tools that include a starter meal plan guide, shopping lists, charts to monitor the impact of what I eat on my pulse rate, temperature and a temperature and pulse log. There is a 60 day meal plan. Shopping list, food and mood log, A Hypothyroid Revolution cookbook, loads of recipes. All available in hard copy and as online info plus a DVD. Above all Tom responds to questions you may have in person when dealing with a crisis.
Yes I paid for it all and he has put a lot of hard work into all of this,making peating understandable and most of all a place where all the information is put together in a well structured and formatted way. Many of us here spent thousands of dollars on medications and supplements and if they were of such great help we would not have ended up on these forums. For met the money spent to buy into Forefront Health and learning through his blog and material is money well spent for me as Elize. My thyroid levels improved a lot since using his material. I now know to go slow on reintroducing milk, sugar etc. The answer I still need to find his how to turn off the adrenaline surges due to low cortisol and severe levels of hypoglycemic tremors. I a sure the answer will come when it is meant to be and for now choose each day to say thank you for all the blessings I have, tremors and all.


Jan 25, 2016
I am starting on it soon. I am giving Tirosint-Sol a last try. I get a histamine response from the Glycerol in Tirosint-Sol. I .am going to try divided doses to see if I will have less of a Histamine response that way. If not am going to try the raw thyroid as an alternative. Levothyroxine just don't seem to work for me.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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