Why Am I So Tense/agitated After Workouts?


Dec 17, 2018
I typically work out at night. What I've noticed lately is the next day I feel extremely tense and agitated - especially after working my chest and legs really hard. Anyone have any idea why that might be?

Working out too hard will disrupt metabolism mostly because of raising cortisol too high and glycogen depletion. Its best to do low reps and heavy weight, with proper rest to minimize stress reactions. If you dont really want to change how you workout you can only minimize stress reaction by feeding properly before the workout and as well as post workout. I do know thiamine helps fatigue by reducing lactic acid build-up and lactic acid build-up from working out also has anti-metabolic effects that can linger until your liver metabolizes all of it. Reducing lactic acid build up by B1 may reduce your morning symptoms.

The other thing is just the fact that working out too soon before bed can negatively affect sleep.

Luming Zhou

Feb 22, 2014
I had this too today when I worked out yesterday night and did not eat enough. I woke up groggy/shaky and my pulse was 54 beats per minute with cold extremities. Eating two big meals with easily digestible carbs had upped my pulse to 78 beats per minute in the afternoon. I felt much better. I had orange juice, eggs, milk, white rice, calcium carbonate, aspirin, sugar syrup, vinegar and sodium bicarbonate. I think antimicrobial agents in the meals like citrate, acetate, polyphenols and salicylate also helped. When I drink orange juice by itself or with a sugar/starch my heart rate increases; I do not experience this effect with sugar/starch alone or with potatoes.
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Mar 5, 2018
1 Do you have enough calories to fuel the recovery ? If i exercise hard without enough calories next day i don't have energy.
2 Exercising at night boosts your metabolism and worsen sleep. With exactly same work out i can sleep like baby if done in the morning and can have insomnia if done in the evening.
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