Zeta Potential In The Blood


Jun 2, 2017

I bought some of this and currently trying it out. Not really sure if it will have any effects. I will update here. So far it's making me feel slightly better (I guess?), but could be placebo.
Thanks for sharing. Would you mind putting "better" in context? How deficient of a state are you starting from, or is there a particular issue/symptom(s) that you're attempting to address?

I understand if you'd rather not share too much, but thought it may help.


Mar 29, 2016
Hi, I stumbled upon Dr. Ray Peat while preparing a lecture on the discoveries by Dr. Gilbert Ling and Prof. Gerald Pollack on the structured water. I have known Ling's discoveries for quite some times but had no idea what health consequences this had until listening to Peat's YouTube videos!

Now there is another very important health secret and it has also to do with water, but not in the cells, where it is structured, but in blood, where it is highly liquid! This has to do with the proper balance of electrolytes and their valence ratios. Thomas M. Riddick wrote about this in his book 'Control of Colloid Stability through Zeta Potential - With a closing chapter on its relationship to cardiovascular disease' and can be found here:

Thomas M. Riddick's Book

His findings on cardiovascular health were applied by Dr. T.C. McDaniel, who celebrated his 100th birthday this May (2014). Dr. McDaniel also wrote a book with the title 'Disease Reprieve', in which he wrote about his experience as a student of medicine and his own trouble with heart arrhythmia, which he was able to get rid of after reading about the Zeta Potential in Riddick's book. Dr. McDaniel sells a supplement 'Zeta Aid' which is an anionic surfactant that stabilizes the blood. He claims that this will get rid of heart disease.

T.C. McDaniel's Website

So it is interesting to note, that there are two completely different types of water in our bodies, the highly structured water in the cells, and the highly optimized liquid, the blood, a suspension stabilized by the Zeta Potential of the dissolved electrolytes.

Only to mention it briefly, aluminum chloride (AlCl[sub]3[/sub], valence ratio 3:1) will weaken the Zeta Potential, while potassium citrate (valence ratio 1:3) will strengthen the Zeta Potential.

From Application of basic concepts of Zeta Potential to Cardiovascular Disease - Chapter 22 :

There should be mobile cardiological labora�tories in every city in the country where one could, without appointment, have a quick examination and grading of his sclera. We have never observed malfunctional beats at Grade 2 IVC. At Grade 3, malfunctions are sometimes observed, but in the order of only 1 to 5%. At Grade 4 or 5, malfunctions in the range of 10 to 30% — or even higher — are not uncommon. Therefore, control should be instituted at Grade 2. In these mobile laboratories, one should also be able to have his ECG monitored for malfunctional beats.


We now arbitrarily establish a standard, setting forth varying "grades" and "degrees" of stability. And we ascribe to this classification what we consider "appropriate" values of Zeta Potential. The "Numerical Grade" is arbitrary, from zero to 10. The "Degree" will coincide with the agglomeration observed in the blood vessels of the eye when employing a horizontally aimed stereoscopic microscope.* [ * Techniques for viewing and grading intravascular coagu�lation will be given in the next section. ]
Our Grades, Degrees, and Estimated Zeta Potential values, are:

Application of basic concepts of Zeta Potential to Cardiovascular Disease - Chapter 22.png

@StephanF Where can we get the sclera of our eyes examined and graded?


Mar 29, 2016
This video on vaccination by the late Dr. Moulder touches on aluminum, blood sludge, strokes (micro-strokes as well), and on zeta potential:



Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
From Application of basic concepts of Zeta Potential to Cardiovascular Disease - Chapter 22 :

There should be mobile cardiological labora�tories in every city in the country where one could, without appointment, have a quick examination and grading of his sclera. We have never observed malfunctional beats at Grade 2 IVC. At Grade 3, malfunctions are sometimes observed, but in the order of only 1 to 5%. At Grade 4 or 5, malfunctions in the range of 10 to 30% — or even higher — are not uncommon. Therefore, control should be instituted at Grade 2. In these mobile laboratories, one should also be able to have his ECG monitored for malfunctional beats.


We now arbitrarily establish a standard, setting forth varying "grades" and "degrees" of stability. And we ascribe to this classification what we consider "appropriate" values of Zeta Potential. The "Numerical Grade" is arbitrary, from zero to 10. The "Degree" will coincide with the agglomeration observed in the blood vessels of the eye when employing a horizontally aimed stereoscopic microscope.* [ * Techniques for viewing and grading intravascular coagu�lation will be given in the next section. ]
Our Grades, Degrees, and Estimated Zeta Potential values, are:

View attachment 12624

@StephanF Where can we get the sclera of our eyes examined and graded?

Hi Yerrag,

I read that too, since I have Riddick's book. I think it is a modified stereo microscope maybe with special lighting, to magnify the blood capillaries in the white of the eye. The reason why Riddick did this is that this is possibly the only way to directly observe the flow of red blood cells in vivo. I don't think this ever made it into main stream medicine. I have a stereo microscope for surface mount electronics, I was thinking of trying to replicate Riddick's work. It shouldn't be too hard. I have to check if mine has the proper magnification, I bet it is not enough. An ophthalmologist (what a word!) should have a good microscope but they are not looking at the blood in the capillaries, but they could!

Added: I just look in Riddick's book. The sclerascope has a magnification that can be changed from 1X objective to 60X. He states that 'Consequently ophthalmic microscopes having a maximum magnification of 30X are generally unsuitable.' Mine has only an 10X objective with a 1-4.5X variable zoom, so its maximum resolution is 45X. But I have also purchased it with a USB-CCD camera, which can boost the magnification even further. So mine maybe suitable, if used with the CCD camera.

By the way, thanks for elaborating on the Zeta Potential topic!!

The problem with the vaccines are also interesting, I think the aluminum adjuvant is one of the mayor culprits, since aluminum lowers the Zeta Potential, which can lead to coagulation and these reported mini-strokes in vaccinated children. But the response on the child's immune system with the increased amount of white blood cells may be also responsible. But how fast does the body create white blood cells? Can it be solely responsible for the formation of clots? I would think that this would take a few days at least. But maybe that is within the time frame of the observed neurological damage caused by vaccines. The aluminum will make things only worse - I can't believe how stupid this is.

As a side-note: I lost my mother due to a blood transfusion, which Riddick and Dr. McDaniel warn about, that blood transfusion can dangerously lower the Zeta Potential and that the transfusion blood already contains small blood clots. I also lost my elder brother last year, he had an 11-hour bladder operation, where he suffered a lung embolism, his heart was out for 7 minutes, probably also due to blood transfusions. He was in a coma for 2 months and then I sent the doctors the EarthPulse magnetic pulser for transcranial magnetic stimulation. After 2 week he finally woke up but was paralyzed and unable to speak. He must have suffered one or more strokes. He partially recovered, started to move his arms, then he was moved to another clinic and suffered another massive stroke that left him blind. Then life support was stopped and he died in a couple of weeks. Very sad. I gave every doctor a write-up on the Zeta Potential, of course they never heard about it...


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Jan 23, 2016
Hi Yerrag,

I read that too, since I have Riddick's book. I think it is a modified stereo microscope maybe with special lighting, to magnify the blood capillaries in the white of the eye. The reason why Riddick did this is that this is possibly the only way to directly observe the flow of red blood cells in vivo. I don't think this ever made it into main stream medicine. I have a stereo microscope for surface mount electronics, I was thinking of trying to replicate Riddick's work. It shouldn't be too hard. I have to check if mine has the proper magnification, I bet it is not enough. An ophthalmologist (what a word!) should have a good microscope but they are not looking at the blood in the capillaries, but they could!

Added: I just look in Riddick's book. The sclerascope has a magnification that can be changed from 1X objective to 60X. He states that 'Consequently ophthalmic microscopes having a maximum magnification of 30X are generally unsuitable.' Mine has only an 10X objective with a 1-4.5X variable zoom, so its maximum resolution is 45X. But I have also purchased it with a USB-CCD camera, which can boost the magnification even further. So mine maybe suitable, if used with the CCD camera.

By the way, thanks for elaborating on the Zeta Potential topic!!

The problem with the vaccines are also interesting, I think the aluminum adjuvant is one of the mayor culprits, since aluminum lowers the Zeta Potential, which can lead to coagulation and these reported mini-strokes in vaccinated children. But the response on the child's immune system with the increased amount of white blood cells may be also responsible. But how fast does the body create white blood cells? Can it be solely responsible for the formation of clots? I would think that this would take a few days at least. But maybe that is within the time frame of the observed neurological damage caused by vaccines. The aluminum will make things only worse - I can't believe how stupid this is.

As a side-note: I lost my mother due to a blood transfusion, which Riddick and Dr. McDaniel warn about, that blood transfusion can dangerously lower the Zeta Potential and that the transfusion blood already contains small blood clots. I also lost my elder brother last year, he had an 11-hour bladder operation, where he suffered a lung embolism, his heart was out for 7 minutes, probably also due to blood transfusions. He was in a coma for 2 months and then I sent the doctors the EarthPulse magnetic pulser for transcranial magnetic stimulation. After 2 week he finally woke up but was paralyzed and unable to speak. He must have suffered one or more strokes. He partially recovered, started to move his arms, then he was moved to another clinic and suffered another massive stroke that left him blind. Then life support was stopped and he died in a couple of weeks. Very sad. I gave every doctor a write-up on the Zeta Potential, of course they never heard about it...



This is all so very fascinating, please continue to contribute. What are the most common things that lower the zeta potential?


Mar 29, 2016
I read that too, since I have Riddick's book. I think it is a modified stereo microscope maybe with special lighting, to magnify the blood capillaries in the white of the eye. The reason why Riddick did this is that this is possibly the only way to directly observe the flow of red blood cells in vivo. I don't think this ever made it into main stream medicine. I have a stereo microscope for surface mount electronics, I was thinking of trying to replicate Riddick's work. It shouldn't be too hard. I have to check if mine has the proper magnification, I bet it is not enough. An ophthalmologist (what a word!) should have a good microscope but they are not looking at the blood in the capillaries, but they could!

Added: I just look in Riddick's book. The sclerascope has a magnification that can be changed from 1X objective to 60X. He states that 'Consequently ophthalmic microscopes having a maximum magnification of 30X are generally unsuitable.' Mine has only an 10X objective with a 1-4.5X variable zoom, so its maximum resolution is 45X. But I have also purchased it with a USB-CCD camera, which can boost the magnification even further. So mine maybe suitable, if used with the CCD camera.
I spent some time looking for such a device. It has to have a long gooseneck and it costs upwards of $2,000. It's rather specialized. I guess we'll just have to be lucky to find one off ebay or www.newlifescientific.com or build one ourselves from off-the-shelf and/or used parts.

Without the visual help from a sclerascope, I've been using the ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) test as its proxy, but I don't know if it does a good job of it. My ESR test was 0.0 mm/hr (range 0.0- 15.00).
By the way, thanks for elaborating on the Zeta Potential topic!!
Thanks also for sharing on zeta potential. It was a very long read, but worth the time!
The problem with the vaccines are also interesting, I think the aluminum adjuvant is one of the mayor culprits, since aluminum lowers the Zeta Potential, which can lead to coagulation and these reported mini-strokes in vaccinated children. But the response on the child's immune system with the increased amount of white blood cells may be also responsible. But how fast does the body create white blood cells? Can it be solely responsible for the formation of clots? I would think that this would take a few days at least. But maybe that is within the time frame of the observed neurological damage caused by vaccines. The aluminum will make things only worse - I can't believe how stupid this is.
It seems that vaccines are designed to create a perfect storm for a small but significant portion of vaccine recipients, while conferring a chronically diseased state for the rest of the vaccine recipients, all of which allow the pharma cartel to feast on the annual profit streams of treating conditions that will emerge in ensuing years. Everyone vaccinated become unwilling yet unaware (mostly) milking cows for the industry. The movie Matrix shows humans being milked for power, but the reality is humans are presently being milked already.
As a side-note: I lost my mother due to a blood transfusion, which Riddick and Dr. McDaniel warn about, that blood transfusion can dangerously lower the Zeta Potential and that the transfusion blood already contains small blood clots. I also lost my elder brother last year, he had an 11-hour bladder operation, where he suffered a lung embolism, his heart was out for 7 minutes, probably also due to blood transfusions. He was in a coma for 2 months and then I sent the doctors the EarthPulse magnetic pulser for transcranial magnetic stimulation. After 2 week he finally woke up but was paralyzed and unable to speak. He must have suffered one or more strokes. He partially recovered, started to move his arms, then he was moved to another clinic and suffered another massive stroke that left him blind. Then life support was stopped and he died in a couple of weeks. Very sad. I gave every doctor a write-up on the Zeta Potential, of course they never heard about it...
I'm sorry about your mother and brother. Most people would have chalked it up to chance, fate, and God's will, but it's painful when we know the deeper and darker story to it. I wasn't aware of the impact of blood transfusions until you mentioned it, but it makes sense knowing about zeta potential and its significance.

How would one go about getting a blood transfusions to minimize the risk involved?


Aug 6, 2017
Isn't zeta potential just rebranded blood pH ? Since pH is also a measure of voltage.


Mar 29, 2016
Isn't zeta potential just rebranded blood pH ? Since pH is also a measure of voltage.
I really don't know. It doesn't appear to be so as the tendency for blood to thicken and clump, or to flow freely, isn't determined in large part or solely by blood pH.


Aug 6, 2017
The page linked in OP talks about ZP in mv with 0v being bad and -20mv being good. This is pretty much exactly what jerry tennant has been promoting when he speaks about voltage with 0v and above being cancerous and -20mv being excellent health, and more negative values associated with regeneration.

So now we have three concepts that at least at a glance look to be the same: voltage, pH, ZP

To me this seems to be similar woowoo science as the "high energy angstrom foods" that no-one knew how to define. High Energy Angstrom Foods, Electrical Universe, Higher Consciousness
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Mar 29, 2016
The page linked in OP talks about ZP in mv with 0v being bad and -20mv being good. This is pretty much exactly what jerry tennant has been promoting when he speaks about voltage with 0v and above being cancerous and -20mv being excellent health, and more negative values associated with regeneration.

So now we have three concepts that at least at a glance look to be the same: voltage, pH, ZP

To me this seems to be similar woowoo science as the "high energy angstrom foods" that no-one knew how to define. High Energy Angstrom Foods, Electrical Universe, Higher Consciousness
Yes, there is the pH element to it, but the choice of electrolytes used to influence the pH is important. Avoiding trivalent cations is important, and using the electrolyte potassium citrate is important, where the anion citrate is trivalent, and the anion consist of three monovalent atoms of potassium.


Aug 6, 2017
Is this not the same as saying you need electron donors instead of stealers? A trivalent cation is a molecule with charge +3 while the potassium citrate has the +3 of citrate neutralized by 3(-1) of potassium


Mar 29, 2016
Is this not the same as saying you need electron donors instead of stealers? A trivalent cation is a molecule with charge +3 while the potassium citrate has the +3 of citrate neutralized by 3(-1) of potassium
I fail to follow your logic. The zeta potential, as I understand it, is lowered (and this isn't good) when trivalent cations such as aluminum are present whereas it is increased when monovalent cations are present. Potassium is a monovalent cation. The topic of zeta potential as it relates to electrolyte composition is still fuzzy to me, but it isn't a matter of simply mapping a relationship of zeta potential to pH. I think that in formulating an electrolyte solution to improve blood flow the key consideration is zeta potential primarily and pH secondarily. Say you have potassium citrate in the right dilution, you add some potassium bicarbonate to adjust the pH. And since our ecf pH varies from person to person, the adjustment will vary as well.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
zeta potential graph.jpg
This is all so very fascinating, please continue to contribute. What are the most common things that lower the zeta potential?

It has to do with the valence ratio. Aluminum salts will weaken the Zeta Potential. So stay away from anything that was cooked in aluminum pots, or has aluminum baking powder as an ingredient. Avoid cosmetics that use aluminum, or deodorant sticks that contain aluminum. Aluminum is a cation with a valence of +3, it means it donates 3 electron in a chemical bond and becomes a positive ion with a charge of +3e.

What strengthens the Zeta Potential are singly charged cations, sodium or potassium, with a multiply charged anion, like citrate has a valence of -3. Or pyrophosphate which has -4. See attached graph, which I made from Riddick’s data. I superimposed the normal concentration ranges of the blood electrolytes. You see that a few ppm of aluminum chlorite will zero out the Zeta Potential of distilled water. Aluminum salts are use in water treatment plants to remove suspended dirt particles. But you don’t want them in your blood! I think this is a strong argument against aluminum adjuvants in vaccines.

When you look at the graph, then to the right you see what happens if the salt concentration is getting too high. This Riddick calls ‘salting out’. Too much salt will also destabilize the Zeta Potential. The sweet spot is in the 100-1000 ppm range. The more negative the Zeta Potential, the stronger it becomes. There is also a dependency on pH but the pH of blood is in a very tightly controlled range, somewhere around pH 7.4-7.5 I think.

Blood is a fascinating liquid and reading Riddick’s insights were astonishing to me. My background is physics and not health science or medicine...

With best regards,



Mar 29, 2016


Oct 11, 2015
Interesting. Seems to tie in with Ray Peat mentioning the use of sugar to treat wounds, although he hasn't mentioned the use of citric acid for that. But how does this tie in with zeta potential?
NADES sounds cool like zeta potential


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Interesting. Seems to tie in with Ray Peat mentioning the use of sugar to treat wounds, although he hasn't mentioned the use of citric acid for that. But how does this tie in with zeta potential?

Sorry not the citric acid itself but the sodium or potassium salts of it, I meant to say citrate.


Sep 12, 2015
View attachment 12899

It has to do with the valence ratio. Aluminum salts will weaken the Zeta Potential. So stay away from anything that was cooked in aluminum pots, or has aluminum baking powder as an ingredient. Avoid cosmetics that use aluminum, or deodorant sticks that contain aluminum. Aluminum is a cation with a valence of +3, it means it donates 3 electron in a chemical bond and becomes a positive ion with a charge of +3e.

What strengthens the Zeta Potential are singly charged cations, sodium or potassium, with a multiply charged anion, like citrate has a valence of -3. Or pyrophosphate which has -4. See attached graph, which I made from Riddick’s data. I superimposed the normal concentration ranges of the blood electrolytes. You see that a few ppm of aluminum chlorite will zero out the Zeta Potential of distilled water. Aluminum salts are use in water treatment plants to remove suspended dirt particles. But you don’t want them in your blood! I think this is a strong argument against aluminum adjuvants in vaccines.

When you look at the graph, then to the right you see what happens if the salt concentration is getting too high. This Riddick calls ‘salting out’. Too much salt will also destabilize the Zeta Potential. The sweet spot is in the 100-1000 ppm range. The more negative the Zeta Potential, the stronger it becomes. There is also a dependency on pH but the pH of blood is in a very tightly controlled range, somewhere around pH 7.4-7.5 I think.

Blood is a fascinating liquid and reading Riddick’s insights were astonishing to me. My background is physics and not health science or medicine...

With best regards,

Do you have a formula we can use to make zeta aid?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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