Weaknes In Muscles After Eating


Mar 19, 2019
Hello everyone.

Hope someone can help me about this issue that I started to feel a few weeks ago, and I can't find the correct cause for it.

After one and half hour after eating my lunch, my muscles start to become weak, like if I didn't have enough tonicity in muscles, and also some nausea.
When I stand up, my leg muscles start shaking...its a very strange sensation.

This morning for example I took my breakfast did my jogging session, and only after eating my lunch I started having this symptoms.

What do you think it is ?

Insulin resistance....too much cortisol , leading to a decrease in blood glucose?

I don't get it.

Thank you.

Best regards.
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Mar 19, 2019
What did you eat?


My lunch was a beef of turkey meat, with a portion of rice, tomato sauce, and some steam potatoes.

Three years ago, I was diagnosed with General anxiety disorder, with panic attacks.

Today I don't have panic attacks, but e feel constantly worried.
The symptoms that I had three years ago are gone, but I still have that "worried" feeling.
That feeling of worry is always there.
I've been taking Glycine 6 g/day, it helps me to manage better that "worried" feeling, and sometimes completely remove it.
Sometimes I do have some adrenaline rush, without doing nothing, or without something that provoque It.
When that happens I don't panic, only feel some dizziness, and heart rate increases, but remain calm... it's a little strange.But I surely can feel the release of adrenaline.
That's why I asked, that maybe I'm suffering from too much cortisol, and that somehow depletes my stored glycogen.

What do you think it could be ?

Thank you so much

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I think that it could be a sign of food sensitivity. Bio-energetic practitioners will test sensitivity by checking muscle weakness on any substance. When there is a symptom shortly after food consumption it is a sign of food sensitivity, not necessarily food allergy, but a food that your body doesn't do well with and causes a symptom that isn't necessarily isolated to the stomach. For instance, if you eat something and shortly after get a headache, or any of the symptoms you described. Try to pay attention to your food selections and see if there is a correlation. With the modern problem of leaky gut, more people have food sensitivity than ever, they just don't realize it and attribute their symptoms to something else. Colostrum can heal leaky gut, among other things.


Mar 19, 2019
I think that it could be a sign of food sensitivity. Bio-energetic practitioners will test sensitivity by checking muscle weakness on any substance. When there is a symptom shortly after food consumption it is a sign of food sensitivity, not necessarily food allergy, but a food that your body doesn't do well with and causes a symptom that isn't necessarily isolated to the stomach. For instance, if you eat something and shortly after get a headache, or any of the symptoms you described. Try to pay attention to your food selections and see if there is a correlation. With the modern problem of leaky gut, more people have food sensitivity than ever, they just don't realize it and attribute their symptoms to something else. Colostrum can heal leaky gut, among other things.

Thank you so much.

Yes I do have a lot of gut problems.
I was diagnosed with IBS a few months ago...do you think I should try Colostrum ?
Never heard of it...

Thank you so much.


Feb 18, 2018
You may be eating too much starch relative to your other food intake. You could try lowering starch consumption and eating more sugar/fruit/milk between meals.

Ensuring that your eating sufficient fat and salt with your starch will also help it digest better and keep it from causing problems.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Thank you so much.

Yes I do have a lot of gut problems.
I was diagnosed with IBS a few months ago...do you think I should try Colostrum ?
Never heard of it...

Thank you so much.
I would give colostrum a try. Anything that helps heal, seal, and sooth the gut will help you. Include digestive enzymes with your meals, as well as digestive bitters that help with digestion. Also, consider that you may have low stomach acid, which will not only impair digestion, but will cause infections in the body since stomach acid is the gate-keeper that destroys bacteria, etc. and prevents it from getting past the stomach into the body (there is a thread on low stomach acid). Check out this site for info, I believe Soverreign Labs is the best colostrum: Welcome to The Sovereign Health Initiative
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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