Help! I Need To Raise My Temperature

Apr 15, 2015
I’m 39, have an office based job, I get in every morning (after commuting for an hour), 30 minutes into sitting at a computer my hands are like ice and don’t warm up all day.

I regularly flush - my face is red and hot but every other part of me is freezing.

Hay fever, this used to be all year round but is now only June (UK grasses)
Menstrual problems - severe cramping/vomiting/fainting on first day of period (not every month, random)
Skin problems (spots)

What I’ve tried:
Paleo diet which I stopped 2 years ago when my husband discovered Danny Roddy’s article about eating Peat style. I’ve been eating like this ever since then (Cheese/OJ/Shellfish/Eggs/Gelatin/Sugar etc).

The paleo diet ‘cured’ the hay fever (probably because cortisol was so high) and menstrual problems for a while - I didn’t have a period for 3 months.

Eating Peat style re-started regular periods. I then started using progesterone cream which helped with lots of the menstrual problems but recently seems to have had less of a positive effect (I was taking it all month - doctor’s recommendation - so I’ve reduced this to just second half of the month - as per Ray Peat’s advice). Downside to reduced progesterone is that skin problems started again.

I did Steve Richfield’s temperature reset protocol which was great for the days I stayed at home in a warm room but I found it unsustainable standing in the shower every morning for 20 minutes to raise my temperature then dressing as an eskimo all day…

I’ve tried upping carbs in my diet but this has just made me put loads of weight on (I went from 52kg when eating paleo to 62kg now) and it doesn’t affect my temperature. Tried Pregnenolone but didn’t notice any effect; same with aspirin, niacinamide (just causes me to flush), and DHEA.

My thyroid numbers seem well within the ‘standard’ ranges:

TSH 1.22 mIU/L (0.27 - 4.2)
FREE THYROXINE 16.8 pmol/l (12.0 - 22.0)
FREE T3 4.3 pmol/L (3.1 - 6.8)

Since having this blood test done, I’ve been taking a quarter grain of Armour (1 week), upped this to half yesterday but I’m feeling nothing. I don’t suffer from any of the tiredness associated with hypothyroidism but probably because I’m adrenalised all the time (hence cold hands and feet).

Average temp is 36.6C/97.8F pulse is generally fast (90bpm), but hands and feet nearly always freezing, and I feel cold all over.

Very grateful if you’ve managed to read to this point - thanks!

Any ideas what else can I try?

Edited to add: also tried salt, bag breathing, carrot salad. And I use Estroban and B vits too.


Aug 15, 2015
Do you do any bag breathing for CO2? I noticed every time I do that, my nails become pink and I feel heat in my hands and feet. Also, whenever I drink sugared little bit salted milk with coffee, gelatin, and coconut oil, I get all warmed up. Also, do you do carrot salad? It can help you clear out estrogen and endotoxin which is good for metabolism and hence heat. Sometimes when I up my magnesium level with supplements, I also get warm hands. It all depends really on the circumstances. Do you have all your nutrients met? You can log them in cronometer and see where you stand.
Apr 15, 2015
I've tried bag breathing and eat a carrot salad daily (have done for months). Neither seem to do anything. I've also tried upping salt intake, but again it doesn't make any difference to my temperature :(


Aug 15, 2015
BrittanySetter said:
post 100546 I’ve tried upping carbs in my diet but this has just made me put loads of weight on (I went from 52kg when eating paleo to 62kg now)
I see you're still afraid of carbs. If you went low carb for a long time, it's natural you will gain weight once you introduce carbs. Peat is big on simple sugars. Until we have good liver function, i.e., enough glycogen and good thyroid function, we need constant influx of sugars. Peat style of living needs time until you see good results.

I remember also that Ray said we feel our best if our TSH is below 1.00. Magnesium can work as a surrogate to thyroid because it is involved in ATP production. What is your daily intake of Mg? I am saying this because I have a feeling that sugars, if you're going to up your sugar intake, might deplete magnesium in the body.

BrittanySetter said:
post 100551 I've also tried upping salt intake, but again it doesn't make any difference to my temperature
Ray thinks salt helps retain magnesium in the body and that helps fight edema.. maybe the weight gain from sugars was caused by the depletion of your magnesium stores. Do you have any estrogen dominance symptoms? Please don't believe everything I say and do your own research. This is merely my observations because I like to do a lot of experiments on myself :lol:
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Aug 9, 2015
Ive read your entire post. What I have observed is that you are trying and doing alot of things at once. 36.6c is seems to be the normal temp for european descents, I know in russia most people are 36.6 and 37c is when you get sick. From what you described it seems that you have a good core temperature but have cold feet and hands. Does that happen all the time or do they warm at some point? What other symptoms accompany that? Shivering? Muscle twitching? Or are you perfectly fine just freezing hands feet?


Nov 28, 2014
How much are you eating, calorie-wise? Losing your period like you mentioned suggests that you weren't eating enough in the past, and so I'm wondering if you still have a tendency to under-eat. If your body isn't getting enough energy from food, it can't utilize the vitamins and supplements. Or keep you warm.


Aug 9, 2015
sweetpeat said:
post 100566 How much are you eating, calorie-wise? Losing your period like you mentioned suggests that you weren't eating enough in the past, and so I'm wondering if you still have a tendency to under-eat. If your body isn't getting enough energy from food, it can't utilize the vitamins and supplements. Or keep you warm.

I believe she wrote she gained some 24lb of weight by increasing her carb intake. Would that no suffice for enough calories? OP please write a complete and short as possible dietery/supplement intake and symptoms and believed causes.
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Apr 15, 2015
bornamachine said:
post 100559 What I have observed is that you are trying and doing alot of things at once

I've tried things in turn over a few years so as not to confuse things.

bornamachine said:
post 100559 36.6c is seems to be the normal temp for european descents,

The thing is I feel cold regardless of whether my temperature is 'technically' right, I can be in multiple layers whilst people around me are working in t-shirts :shock: I'm very sensitive to the cold in general. And it's not just extremities, I feel cold all over.

sweetpeat said:
post 100566 How much are you eating, calorie-wise?

I haven't done cronometer for a while but it's around 1,700 calories a day. I went through a period of taking in much more to try and force things but it didn't increase heat, just added weight (fat, not muscle). I feel that I'm just not 'burning' the food to create heat, though as I said I don't suffer from fatigue so I am managing to get energy from it.
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Mar 29, 2014
:welcome BrittanySetter,

I have had chronically cold hands and feet for many years. Sometimes along with a hot head. Better this last winter or two, I think.

I'd also suspect energy deficit is contributing to your cold hands and feet, running on adrenaline. Normal would probably be closer to 2500 cals. I don't know if it is possible for everyone to recover from under-eating without gaining fat. Seems as though quite a few ex-low carbers have trouble readjusting to eating lots of carbs again.

As mentioned above, it may be worth assessing a typical days diet with cronometer or similar, experimenting with eating several meals a day (eg 6-8), adding some extra magnesium, checking calcium: phosphorus ratio (>1 is good, 1.5 may be better).

When you tried eating more, and gained fat, how long did you keep it up, and were you eating similar foods to now?
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Aug 9, 2014
BrittanySetter said:
post 100546 Average temp is 36.6C/97.8F pulse is generally fast (90bpm), but hands and feet nearly always
Pulse is not in unison with temp. You are running on stress hormone (adrenaline).
Adrenaline is compensating your low metabolism. It raises pulse while keeping hands and feet cold. It depletes liver glycogen causing hypoglycemia, low temp and weight gain.
Some T3 should help. Not more than 1mcg at a time. Avoid coffee while staring T3.
Focus on sugar syrup if ripe fruits are not available. Good luck
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Aug 18, 2015
I bet egg shell calcium would get it back and looos like you haven't tried it yet.higher calcium to phosphate ratio. It made a big impact on my temperature.


Jul 14, 2013
Oxfordshire, UK
BrittanySetter said:
post 100546 I’m 39, have an office based job, I get in every morning (after commuting for an hour), 30 minutes into sitting at a computer my hands are like ice and don’t warm up all day.

I regularly flush - my face is red and hot but every other part of me is freezing.

Hay fever, this used to be all year round but is now only June (UK grasses)
Menstrual problems - severe cramping/vomiting/fainting on first day of period (not every month, random)
Skin problems (spots)

What I’ve tried:
Paleo diet which I stopped 2 years ago when my husband discovered Danny Roddy’s article about eating Peat style. I’ve been eating like this ever since then (Cheese/OJ/Shellfish/Eggs/Gelatin/Sugar etc).

The paleo diet ‘cured’ the hay fever (probably because cortisol was so high) and menstrual problems for a while - I didn’t have a period for 3 months.

Eating Peat style re-started regular periods. I then started using progesterone cream which helped with lots of the menstrual problems but recently seems to have had less of a positive effect (I was taking it all month - doctor’s recommendation - so I’ve reduced this to just second half of the month - as per Ray Peat’s advice). Downside to reduced progesterone is that skin problems started again.

I did Steve Richfield’s temperature reset protocol which was great for the days I stayed at home in a warm room but I found it unsustainable standing in the shower every morning for 20 minutes to raise my temperature then dressing as an eskimo all day…

I’ve tried upping carbs in my diet but this has just made me put loads of weight on (I went from 52kg when eating paleo to 62kg now) and it doesn’t affect my temperature. Tried Pregnenolone but didn’t notice any effect; same with aspirin, niacinamide (just causes me to flush), and DHEA.

My thyroid numbers seem well within the ‘standard’ ranges:

TSH 1.22 mIU/L (0.27 - 4.2)
FREE THYROXINE 16.8 pmol/l (12.0 - 22.0)
FREE T3 4.3 pmol/L (3.1 - 6.8)

Since having this blood test done, I’ve been taking a quarter grain of Armour (1 week), upped this to half yesterday but I’m feeling nothing. I don’t suffer from any of the tiredness associated with hypothyroidism but probably because I’m adrenalised all the time (hence cold hands and feet).

Average temp is 36.6C/97.8F pulse is generally fast (90bpm), but hands and feet nearly always freezing, and I feel cold all over.

Very grateful if you’ve managed to read to this point - thanks!

Any ideas what else can I try?

Edited to add: also tried salt, bag breathing, carrot salad. And I use Estroban and B vits too.

Someone mentioned eggshell, and I was going to add that you must take vitamin K2 with that. (Life Extension Super K is reasonably high dose, and they recently had a special offer in which is hopefully still there).

That reminded me that K2 has another function which is helping with reproductive health, and apparently, so does vitamin D3 which is good to take anyway, especially as we won't get much more sun in the UK for b..... ages!

I hope that any fats you are getting are saturated.
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Sep 16, 2015
BrittanySetter said:
post 100546 I’m 39, have an office based job, I get in every morning (after commuting for an hour), 30 minutes into sitting at a computer my hands are like ice and don’t warm up all day.

I regularly flush - my face is red and hot but every other part of me is freezing.

Hay fever, this used to be all year round but is now only June (UK grasses)
Menstrual problems - severe cramping/vomiting/fainting on first day of period (not every month, random)
Skin problems (spots)

What I’ve tried:
Paleo diet which I stopped 2 years ago when my husband discovered Danny Roddy’s article about eating Peat style. I’ve been eating like this ever since then (Cheese/OJ/Shellfish/Eggs/Gelatin/Sugar etc).

The paleo diet ‘cured’ the hay fever (probably because cortisol was so high) and menstrual problems for a while - I didn’t have a period for 3 months.

Eating Peat style re-started regular periods. I then started using progesterone cream which helped with lots of the menstrual problems but recently seems to have had less of a positive effect (I was taking it all month - doctor’s recommendation - so I’ve reduced this to just second half of the month - as per Ray Peat’s advice). Downside to reduced progesterone is that skin problems started again.

I did Steve Richfield’s temperature reset protocol which was great for the days I stayed at home in a warm room but I found it unsustainable standing in the shower every morning for 20 minutes to raise my temperature then dressing as an eskimo all day…

I’ve tried upping carbs in my diet but this has just made me put loads of weight on (I went from 52kg when eating paleo to 62kg now) and it doesn’t affect my temperature. Tried Pregnenolone but didn’t notice any effect; same with aspirin, niacinamide (just causes me to flush), and DHEA.

My thyroid numbers seem well within the ‘standard’ ranges:

TSH 1.22 mIU/L (0.27 - 4.2)
FREE THYROXINE 16.8 pmol/l (12.0 - 22.0)
FREE T3 4.3 pmol/L (3.1 - 6.8)

Since having this blood test done, I’ve been taking a quarter grain of Armour (1 week), upped this to half yesterday but I’m feeling nothing. I don’t suffer from any of the tiredness associated with hypothyroidism but probably because I’m adrenalised all the time (hence cold hands and feet).

Average temp is 36.6C/97.8F pulse is generally fast (90bpm), but hands and feet nearly always freezing, and I feel cold all over.

Very grateful if you’ve managed to read to this point - thanks!

Any ideas what else can I try?

Edited to add: also tried salt, bag breathing, carrot salad. And I use Estroban and B vits too.

Any improvements? :)
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Apr 15, 2015
Lately I've been taking caffeine, yesterday managed 1,200mg but couldn't sleep at all so have eased off today. Seems to be helping (need to clear liver in order to get everything working properly..?).

I tried thyroid before the caffeine escapade but couldn't sleep at all.


Mar 29, 2014
If you try to drive up your metabolism with caffeine or thyroid supplements without supplying adequate fuel, you may well cause yourself more stress, more adrenaline, less sleep, etc. If you are experimenting with increasing caffeine (or thyroid) I'd recommend getting your food intake up and increasing the caffeine only gradually, and not going so far as to sabotage your sleep (or anything else you notice).

I don't know what thyroid you tried, but if it was and NDT, are you aware it can take at least 2 weeks for the level to stabilise in the body because T4 has a long half-life (this is also why it can be safer to start small and increase slowly)? Also, apparently supplementing thyroid can lead to increased sensitivity to adrenaline. Once the thyroid function is supplying more of the energy, not so much adrenaline will be needed, and apparently this can even itself out with a little time.
Apr 15, 2015
Thanks Tara, wise words. Cushion of food support really important to combat adrenaline increase. One of my issues is that too much adrenaline manifests in many different ways that are sometimes not obvious (get in to bed and only then realise I'm totally wired!)


Mar 29, 2014
BrittanySetter said:
post 108874 get in to bed and only then realise I'm totally wired!
btdt :)
Takes a bit to change habits.
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Sep 16, 2015
tara said:
post 108808 If you try to drive up your metabolism with caffeine or thyroid supplements without supplying adequate fuel, you may well cause yourself more stress, more adrenaline, less sleep, etc. If you are experimenting with increasing caffeine (or thyroid) I'd recommend getting your food intake up and increasing the caffeine only gradually, and not going so far as to sabotage your sleep (or anything else you notice).

Good point for me too. I drink more coffee lately, I really love coffee... but I also eat more. Now that I read this I am more calm about drinking more coffee.
Yesterday I ate 1000 kcal of carbs before bed. I slept like a baby and woke up all warm. It is noon now and my hands are getting cold again. But usually I am cold since I step out of bed. So yes, more fuel for higher BMR.
I was also monitoring my heart beat during night time and noticed increased average pulse. :)
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Nov 17, 2015
While your thyroid isn't low it may not be optimal.

It is said that most people need BOTH free T3 AND FT4 at least in the upper half of the range and preferably in the upper third to feel really well.

I would do 25 mcg Levothyroxine for 1 month. Lab tests.
Increase to 50 mcg. Lab tests.

Only when FT4 is near the top and only IF FT3 lagged behind you can consider using T3 or NDT.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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