
Mar 16, 2017
For some reason I tend to get brain fog after lunch. Drinking a glass of orange juice afterward helps. I think I got that from you @haidut


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I think perhaps we should call it effeminine, due to its inability to increase growth

Some people make take offense with the word due to its "female" roots. Maybe a better word would effetene from effete?
Thanks for the links though. Do you think the benefits from arginine depletion for cancer are partly due to lowering putrescine synthesis?


Jul 14, 2016
Some people make take offense with the word due to its "female" roots. Maybe a better word would effetene from effete?
Thanks for the links though. Do you think the benefits from arginine depletion for cancer are partly due to lowering putrescine synthesis?
Yeah; it's hard to think of a more direct explanation. If arginine and methionine are made limiting amino acids, then polyamine production must decrease. Also, thinking about arginine leads a person to wonder if methygloxal works partially by disabling it: turning it into hydroimidazalone.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I don't think a vegetarian diet would be better than another one, as putrescine is formed from ornithine (which is itself formed from arginine) and this amino acid can be obtained on any diet. However, arginine depletion would likely help (as it has been shown in many studies) by limiting the source of raw material for ornithine and thus putrescine. Of course, the reduction in NO synthesis from lower arginine availability is also very therapeutic, and Peat has spoken many times about that.
So, avoiding protein high in arginine would probably be the most relevant dietary restriction.
It's almost a requirement. A serving of steak has almost a gram of methionine. It doesn't make sense to be thinking about supplementing selenomethionine in mcgs and ingesting meat at the same time, you can't possibly block all that with dietary manipulation. On top of that, even if you manage to somehow interfere with absorption, there will still be plenty of methionine for bacterial action. The logical step is to avoid animal protein for a while and other sources of excess georginine:

William F. Koch Research Site

"The lesson to be taken is that peas, lentils, fish, meat, eggs, almonds, nuts and any other source of excessive amounts of Arginine should be eliminated from the diet, as we have been doing for the past third of a century. It is reassuring indeed that our chemical study of the diet, as supported by the clinical observations covering a long period of years, is now being confirmed by the most recent scientific studies. The rule in this type of therapy should be to follow the diet as we have developed it and forget the hash and ham and eggs."​

"methionine and cysteine are the two amino acids known as the sulfur amino acids because they contain sulfur. But in methionine the sulfur plays a structural role, and in cysteine the sulfur engages in physiologically important chemical reactions.

In selenomethionine, the selenium replaces the sulfur in methionine and replaces its structural role. There’s basically no difference between the physiological and structural benefits of methionine where selenium is playing that structural role instead of sulfur. But in cysteine, there’s a fundamental critical, absolutely essential difference between sulfur being the thing that’s engaging in chemical reactions and selenium being the thing that engages in chemical reactions, such that in, for example, the fundamental molecule, the sulfur of the cysteine is what allows glutathione to perform all its physiological functions, and in any of the selenoproteins, the selenium of the selenocysteine is what allows it to engage in its physiological functions. The fact that these are so clearly different can be seen by something like glutathione peroxidase where selenium is part of the enzyme, selenium does one thing, then glutathione comes and recycles the selenium. They’re in no way whatsoever interchangeable. They’re critically interdependent.

This is really important to understand because that means that the selenium in selenomethionine is not fulfilling any particular physiological role. It’s just randomly replacing sulfur. So in plants and fungi, the fact that they mostly accumulate selenomethionine reflects the fact that there is no physiological function of selenium in those plants or in fungi. What happens is in proportion to the amount of selenium in the soil, there will be random incorporation of selenium into the selenomethionine. If selenium gets incorporated into cysteine molecules, those plants will detoxify it by methylating it and so you get minor proportions of methylated selenocysteine in plants, and in certain plants you’ll see more of those methylated forms like cruciferous vegetables and certain mushrooms and so on.

Neither plants nor animals have a need for selenomethionine, and in animals the whole goal of selenium in the diet is to get selenocysteine incorporated into selenoproteins. Selenomethionine is perfectly capable of making its way into selenocysteine, but it takes a rather torturous path to get there."​

Preventing and treating cancer with progesterone.

"One of the basic reactions to injury is to shift the cell away from oxidative metabolism to glycolytic metabolism, which is inefficient, but can support cell division. Chemical stains show that during cell division cells are in a reduced state, with abundant sulfhydryl groups including reduced glutathione and protein sulfhydryls. This shift in itself increases the formation of active estradiol from estrone.

In the inflamed or estrogen dominated cell, enzymes such as the cyclooxidases (COX), that convert arachidonic acid into prostaglandins, are activated. Beta-glucuronidase and sulfatases are activated, and these cause intracellular estrogen to increase, by removing the water soluble sulfate and glucuronate portions from estrogens that had been inactivated. The detoxifying enzymes that attach those molecules to estrogen are inactivated in the estrogen dominated cell. The prostaglandin formed from arachidonic acid stimulates the formation of the enzyme aromatase or estrogen synthetase, that converts androgens into estrogen."​

So these sulfury reactive compounds are accumulating, and substances that attempt to restore oxidation don't have a chance, they're inactivated by them.
Speaking of reactive sulfur compounds, like it was mentioned, even if you manage to block the absorption of undesired amino acids, they'll likely be a problem. If I'm not wrong, hydrogen sulfide can be measured in breath. It's quite toxic and highly reactive.

William F. Koch Research Site

"The protection of Carbonyl in conjugation with ethylene must again take into consideration the sulfydryl group as present in hydrogen sulfide particularly, and so the use of animal proteins of all types comes up as an offense against good recovery chemistry. A patient may “get by” while eating animal proteins. In fact, the stuffing of patients with animal proteins in hospitals to “give them strength” as they say can be credited with many failures in the ordinary infections like pneumonia and tuberculosis. In cancer it is simply fatal and rapidly so in the whole field of observations that we have made. We have recommended bone broth for its calcium content in the past, and it has been used safely in some patients. But we soon learned that all patients could not take even this, and we saw too many develop indole and skatol in the urine after its use. We therefore discontinued this effort to supply useful food materials in a way that satisfies the cravings for meat of a good part of our patients. Not only are the metallic catalysts endangered by the sulfides, but additions are made to Carbonyl-ethylene conjugates which inactivate them. They also liberate highly active hydrogen that makes additions to free radical oxidation carriers. Of course, when Nature has her most important tools rendered useless in this way, she supplied her second line of agents to do what they can to keep the system going, but this is not what we want. To combat serious disease we must have the best that Nature can offer, and indeed we must add to this even more active oxidation agents than Nature regularly uses, so far as we know. It is to supply such Carbonyl compounds that we have built up our initiators of oxidation chains as we have. But since they are more active than any we know in Nature, they are all the more reactable with the sulfide and amine or the aromatic inhibitors produced by meat putrefaction within the intestinal tract. Thus the pure vegetarian, fruit diet is all the more necessary, while our Treatment is used."​

Dr. William Frederich Koch USA/Brazil, Drs. Erich & Dieter Reinstorff, Germany - Discussion Thread
If it's hydrolyzed, the starchy problematic compounds such as chondroitin sulfate go down the drain, and you basically have an abundance of the desired amino acids, but it's still be a source of arginine, etc.

Dr. William Frederich Koch USA/Brazil, Drs. Erich & Dieter Reinstorff, Germany - Discussion Thread
It's used in experiments to deplete amino acids, and while this can be viewed as a good thing, it can go too far and cause problems. It doesn't work on its own unless the dose is so little that it wouldn't perhaps justify risking bumping on those problems.
If you have lab animal studies in which they made animals develop tumors all of the sudden and then be helped somehow by gelatin, it's akin to the discussion of trauma vs chronicity. It's not the same.
Chronic inflammation depletes the body of nutrients. Digestion of meats is more laborous and the ability to digest it properly is probably affected once a degenerative condition set in.

It's important to keep the diet low in fat and minimize circulating fatty acids, but you can't do that if meats are present since the digestion takes longer and meals are heavier. The person is so conditioned in running on stress hormones that as soon as you supress them, you're left with an inefficient state. Frequent smaller meals are needed.

Then there's the fact that vegetables (unlike meats) contain an array (I was going to insert a joke here, but didn't out of mercy with our life model) of protective substances that happen to prevent their decay. That's why I think these shamans suggested raw greens. A great part of goitrogens in foods (for example) are released by bacteria, they become much more available once cooking inactivated the plant's defenses: this is when it becomes an attractive food for bacteria.

The Travis Corner
But here's the entire part:
William F. Koch Research Site

"Sulfides, in the drinking water or produced in the intestine by putrefying bacteria, are also highly toxic. This is another reason for avoiding animal foods, for as we have explained, sulfides and sulfhydryl, in many forms, can add to the double bonds that activate the FCG and thus paralyze the tissue oxidations. Their action on the bowel wall is like that of the toxic amines. They paralyze the musculature and the secretion of ferments and of mucous causing diverticulosis and ultimately a gangrenous degeneration with prolonged exposure.

Our parathyroid experiments showed that the guanidine bases cause a gellation of the tissue colloids that hinder oxygen transport, even in the large veins. The other amines produced in the intestine by the bacteria that decarboxylate amino acids, have the same action. For this action, which is the vanguard of disease of all kinds, three factors are needed: First, the bacteria must be there. Second, the amino acids must be there in excess. And third, the reaction of the medium must be acid. The Streptococcus fecalis, for example, decarboxylates arginine to become agmatin, an amine that is oxidized by diamine oxidase only in dilute solution, but it inactivates diamine oxidase in more concentrated solution. The reaction of the medium where it is most active is from pH 3.5 to pH 5. In the same way, lysine is changed to cadaverine, histidine to histamine, ornithin to putrescine, tyrosine to tyramine, by such bacteria as B Cadaveris, E. Coli, Cl. Welchi, S. Fecalis, etc. Some bacteria like S. Fecalis require an exogenous source of vitamin B6 in order to form their decarboxylase. Lactic acid bacilli consume pyridoxal phosphate greedily and thus may prevent the S. Fecalis and the others that require this vitamin, from producing their enzymes. Only histidine decarboxylase appears to not require B6 as a coenzyme. Thus, there are four ways of trying to control the production of the toxic amines in the colon. 1) keep the bowels moving. 2) do not eat an excess of protein foods; eat no animal foods to supply the B6, for too much bacterial action keep the colon from being alkaline in reaction, as it should be NORMALLY. Lactic acid bacilli, however, create a favorable medium for amine production and this more than counterbalances their action in using up pyridoxal phosphate. The S. Fecalis even produces its own lactic acid to activate its decarboxylases, and make a sure job of it. 3) the food must be well chewed, not too much liquid taken at the meal, and as small a volume of food as is serviceable for nutrition. Thus the natural secretion of the intestinal wall, which is pH 8 or so, will have a chance to dominate the field. When the bolus is solid and supports germ action, the bolus is found to be alkaline on the outside only, and acid inside, where the toxins are being brewed. 4) the vegetarian diet tends to avoid this distribution and to hold the whole bolus alkaline, as it should be."​

William F. Koch Research Site

"if the amine condensed with the FCG forms a tight bond not separable under normal ranges of energy production, as did guanidine in the parathyroid experiments, the whole train of pathological events must follow. For this reason it is well to inquire into the sources of such pathogenic amines. One is the production of toxic amines in the acid colon by various bacteria that decarboxylate amino acids. In many people, the intestinal flora is firmly entrenched and converts the food into one’s poisons that serve as the vanguard of disease. Animal proteins are the main sources of these toxic amines, and sulfides, while vegetables, cereals, and fruits supply plenty of protein and at the same time do not support decarboxylating germs. The intestine must be kept at a range of pH above 7, since the decarboxylations progress best at a pH of 3.5 to 6 when mediated by the Streptococcus fecalis and so many others.

The fungus found always in cancer is an amine producer that could initiate the pathogenesis as explained above, with its whole train of symptoms. And the modern antibiotic amine poisons, especially those that attack the liver and cause suspensions of consciousness like the sulfa drugs, and any in fact, are to be scrutinized with great suspicion as the cancer death rate his increased so greatly since they have become so widely used. Sulfides and sulfhydryl derived from food add to the double bonds that activate the FCG and thus block its activation powers. The intestinal flora again is to be considered with the diet if one is to maintain a normal function of the FCG as an energy producer and protector against pathogens. Especially during the Treatment period, when a dehydrogenator Carbonyl group of highest efficiency has been administered, one must protect the oxidation progression that follows from being blocked, as can take place through permanent free radicals as the oxides of nitrogen."​

Only after a certain progress* is made and balanced is attained that animal proteins are introduced:
William F. Koch Research Site

"The diet is preeminently vegetarian, one should avoid such decalcifying acids as oxalic, tartaric, and even citric, unless the latter is neutralized somewhat by precipitated chalk. This is because; in cases suffering from deficient oxidation, the burning of citric acid may be difficult, and it may take away the valuable cations from the living colloids and carry them off into the urine. This so-called alkalizing action is evidently a catastrophe. On the other hand we may feed chalk, or give a low dilution of it, for a time at the beginning of Treatment, also, where bowel function must require a cathartic, milk of magnesia is preferred on a similar basis. The necessary vitamins should be provided in their natural form from raw fruits, cereals and vegetables. Yeast is a great help and can be used in amounts of an ounce or two several times a day, as far from meals as possible. Meat should not be given while a growth is undergoing absorption, because the liver has enough to do with that job, but, if after the growth is absorbed, and asthenia and anemia is stubborn, nearly raw beef, from the inside of a roast, free from burned parts and overheated fats, can be given. Animal products should be avoided as a rule, and milk feeding should be properly supervised. A soup made by boiling clean chopped beef bones four or five hours, will supply glycine and various salts advantageously. Still the major part of the diet should be raw ripe vegetables and fruits."​

I'll leave you with this one from Gerson's book:
"In practice, I have seen that most of the advanced or terminal cases refuse a higher intake of protein, especially cooked meats, fish, eggs, etc. Many of them have a special desire for raw food, but refuse even finely chopped raw meat or fresh raw egg stirred in orange juice. I observed that almost all [advanced] patients with a higher protein could not be saved. In some cases I observed a much quicker growth of the cancer or metastases."

Ray's Quick Therapy Diet: 2 Quarts Of Milk And 2 Quarts Of Orange Juice Per Day (I forgot to mention that unsaturation of substances is not just a matter of propagating reactions, but also changing the shape of things once they react)
By the way, an overlooked nutrient in cancer is vitamin A. It's involved in differentiation of cells. Koch supplemented his patients with vitamin A:

William F. Koch Research Site

"Highly polar double bonds can add free radicals of the high efficiency oxidation process, especially those developed during the Survival oxidations, which block the recovery process before it even gets a good start. Illuminating gas, exhaust gases from combustion engines, chimney smoke from oil burners, paint solvents, floor wax solvents, various terpenoid substances, as those in the skins of citrus fruits, perfumes (natural or synthetic) and even too much carotene in the food are to be avoided. The cancer patient, for example, is somewhat night-blind, simply because he cannot oxidize carotene to vitamin A, as efficiently as he should. He should receive his vitamin A, in the form of fish liver oil, and not as the pre-vitamin sold as vitamin A."​

But Gerson's patients also ingested massive amounts of certainlynotdiokine-carotene. I already posted how these are absorbed even in the absense of fat, yet he stimulated bile flow with coffee; at the same time giving them thyroid (magnesium retention, full oxidation and CO2, etc; you know the story), niacin and b12, so supporting the whole conversion and use.

William F. Koch Research Site

"The blood and urine, the skin texture and color, the metabolism rate, the blood pressure and quality of the heartbeat and texture of the blood vessels are helpful guides. The sedimentation rate and the crenation of the red cells in one percent salt solution, the replacement of methemoglobin by oxyhemoglobin, and the cell counts indicate the trend, but it must be remembered that while the growth is being absorbed at the high rate of the negative phases, sufficient toxic material is circulating to increase the sedimentation rate and diminish the crenation rate. However, at the end of a positive phase, the crenation rate may be normal while the sedimentation rate may not have improved very greatly unless the absorption and elimination of the diseased material is completed. It must be remembered too that when several disease poisons such as those of tuberculosis and cancer, and perhaps also syphilis are present in the same patient, the recovery from any one of them before the others are eliminated, and therefore the removal of one of the toxic factors, may be accompanied by an increase in the sedimentation rate while the crenation rate improves. This is because each of the poisons mentioned tends to absorb each others energy, and thus detoxicate each other, just like one fluorescent substance may quench another of appropriate spectrum qualities, or one homeopathic medicine may annul another medicine or poison. We find that we may add a few drops of very dilute tuberculin solution to the blood and depress the sedimentation rate so long as cancer is present, but after recovery this addition will increase the sedimentation rate just as the disease would. One can thus test for the completion of recovery. Luetin and agar have similar properties in a measure, but tuberculin is more practical.

Professor Brose’s phosphatase test, and the Ph and oxidation-reduction potential of the blood may prove very serviceable too. But no test can gauge recovery without being interpreted in the light of the rest of the findings. It is the totality of changes only that should be the guide.

Normally the red cells all-crenate in a one percent salt solution. But toxic material carried by the blood tends to increase the osmotic pressure of the erythrocyte contents so they fail to crenate in proportionate percentage to the toxic state. The injured cells may swell instead of shrinking. The explanation is not so simple an affair as one might think. Poisons absorbed from the intestines play a part but with a cleansed bowel, the failure to crenate should be attributed to the internal toxic state produced by the disease. The crenation follows both the general trend and its periodic variations. The pH. and mv. may be about 8 and 5 respectively and like the crenation test improve with each positive phase, but fall back somewhat with each negative phase, in keeping with the general appearance and feeling of the patient, the general trend being towards normal. To a good observer the totality of change is evident in the clinical features alone.

The quality of the heart beat during recovery as compared to its quality before the Treatment may be definite aid in estimating progress. The electrocardiograph is a great help, but the heart sounds and the character of the beat tell in a similar way to the characteristics of the nervous system, what the sum total of the response is at the time. Here too the presence of a negative phase must be taken into account and one must estimate the quality in both positive and negative phases. At times, the advance of recovery may traverse a reaction to a hereditary or past disease, and the heart may be the chief organ to reveal the symptoms. Hence, a suddenly developing aortic blow or stenosis that lets up fairly abruptly, may signify the recovery from an old syphilis while the patient is getting well from cancer. In fact, because of the fundamental position of the Treatment, the recovery from cancer is not taking place at all unless the diseases of less depth are also lifted and removed in due course, and in reverse order to their acquirement or destructive position in the case at hand.

The urine tells quite a story, albumen disappears as fast as the blood and renal structure is corrected. This may be quite rapid. In acute infections like pneumonia urine that boils solid because of albumen may be free in a few days. But in chronic Bright’s disease time is required, perhaps weeks or months. The quantity and partition of solids excreted by day and night, the improvement in specific gravity, etc., should follow in correct order, but during the earlier negative phases, there may be a surprising excretion of non-protein nitrogen referable to the elimination of the autolyzing growth material. When the products of digestion of the growth are absorbed by the blood faster than they can be eliminated by the kidneys, the dependant tissues absorb them from the blood and as a consequence develop a higher osmotic pressure, take up water, and swell. Thus oedema of the feet and legs may be present during the period of greatest rate of autolysis and absorption of the growth. When the kidneys have caught up on their job of elimination the oedema disappears. It serves as a safety valve.

As the recovery gains ground, the spleen and liver improve in function; this may be noted from the bile elimination, the destruction and removal of effete but still circulating red cells, and the improvement in the peristalsis of the intestine. Where modern therapies have annihilated the reticulo-endothelial system, including the spleen, the improvements just mentioned, plus the disappearance of germs from the blood smears, may be the first indication that there may be a recovery, for, unless the defense mechanism is restored, recovery is out of the question. Good medical judgment will tend rather to delay, than to repeat Treatment; for, if the Treatment is effective, like a key in a lock, one does not repeat the dose any more than one would stick another key in the hole while turning the key already there. Recovery may take months or years, and one dose has demonstrated its ability to act equally long. The dose is practically never repeated before the twenty-fourth week. Yet patients that have been heavily radiated may require a second dose on the fifteenth day, but only if they have given no response by way of reaction or improvement after the first dose."​
Last edited:


Jul 14, 2016
It's almost a requirement. A serving of steak has almost a gram of methionine. It doesn't make sense to be thinking about supplementing selenomethionine in mcgs and ingesting meat at the same time, you can't possibly block all that with dietary manipulation. On top of that, even if you manage to somehow interfere with absorption, there will still be plenty of methionine for bacterial action. The logical step is to avoid animal protein for a while and other sources of excess georginine:

William F. Koch Research Site

"The lesson to be taken is that peas, lentils, fish, meat, eggs, almonds, nuts and any other source of excessive amounts of Arginine should be eliminated from the diet, as we have been doing for the past third of a century. It is reassuring indeed that our chemical study of the diet, as supported by the clinical observations covering a long period of years, is now being confirmed by the most recent scientific studies. The rule in this type of therapy should be to follow the diet as we have developed it and forget the hash and ham and eggs."​

"methionine and cysteine are the two amino acids known as the sulfur amino acids because they contain sulfur. But in methionine the sulfur plays a structural role, and in cysteine the sulfur engages in physiologically important chemical reactions.

In selenomethionine, the selenium replaces the sulfur in methionine and replaces its structural role. There’s basically no difference between the physiological and structural benefits of methionine where selenium is playing that structural role instead of sulfur. But in cysteine, there’s a fundamental critical, absolutely essential difference between sulfur being the thing that’s engaging in chemical reactions and selenium being the thing that engages in chemical reactions, such that in, for example, the fundamental molecule, the sulfur of the cysteine is what allows glutathione to perform all its physiological functions, and in any of the selenoproteins, the selenium of the selenocysteine is what allows it to engage in its physiological functions. The fact that these are so clearly different can be seen by something like glutathione peroxidase where selenium is part of the enzyme, selenium does one thing, then glutathione comes and recycles the selenium. They’re in no way whatsoever interchangeable. They’re critically interdependent.

This is really important to understand because that means that the selenium in selenomethionine is not fulfilling any particular physiological role. It’s just randomly replacing sulfur. So in plants and fungi, the fact that they mostly accumulate selenomethionine reflects the fact that there is no physiological function of selenium in those plants or in fungi. What happens is in proportion to the amount of selenium in the soil, there will be random incorporation of selenium into the selenomethionine. If selenium gets incorporated into cysteine molecules, those plants will detoxify it by methylating it and so you get minor proportions of methylated selenocysteine in plants, and in certain plants you’ll see more of those methylated forms like cruciferous vegetables and certain mushrooms and so on.

Neither plants nor animals have a need for selenomethionine, and in animals the whole goal of selenium in the diet is to get selenocysteine incorporated into selenoproteins. Selenomethionine is perfectly capable of making its way into selenocysteine, but it takes a rather torturous path to get there."​

Preventing and treating cancer with progesterone.

"One of the basic reactions to injury is to shift the cell away from oxidative metabolism to glycolytic metabolism, which is inefficient, but can support cell division. Chemical stains show that during cell division cells are in a reduced state, with abundant sulfhydryl groups including reduced glutathione and protein sulfhydryls. This shift in itself increases the formation of active estradiol from estrone.

In the inflamed or estrogen dominated cell, enzymes such as the cyclooxidases (COX), that convert arachidonic acid into prostaglandins, are activated. Beta-glucuronidase and sulfatases are activated, and these cause intracellular estrogen to increase, by removing the water soluble sulfate and glucuronate portions from estrogens that had been inactivated. The detoxifying enzymes that attach those molecules to estrogen are inactivated in the estrogen dominated cell. The prostaglandin formed from arachidonic acid stimulates the formation of the enzyme aromatase or estrogen synthetase, that converts androgens into estrogen."​

So these sulfury reactive compounds are accumulating, and substances that attempt to restore oxidation don't have a chance, they're inactivated by them.
Speaking of reactive sulfur compounds, like it was mentioned, even if you manage to block the absorption of undesired amino acids, they'll likely be a problem. If I'm not wrong, hydrogen sulfide can be measured in breath. It's quite toxic and highly reactive.

William F. Koch Research Site

"The protection of Carbonyl in conjugation with ethylene must again take into consideration the sulfydryl group as present in hydrogen sulfide particularly, and so the use of animal proteins of all types comes up as an offense against good recovery chemistry. A patient may “get by” while eating animal proteins. In fact, the stuffing of patients with animal proteins in hospitals to “give them strength” as they say can be credited with many failures in the ordinary infections like pneumonia and tuberculosis. In cancer it is simply fatal and rapidly so in the whole field of observations that we have made. We have recommended bone broth for its calcium content in the past, and it has been used safely in some patients. But we soon learned that all patients could not take even this, and we saw too many develop indole and skatol in the urine after its use. We therefore discontinued this effort to supply useful food materials in a way that satisfies the cravings for meat of a good part of our patients. Not only are the metallic catalysts endangered by the sulfides, but additions are made to Carbonyl-ethylene conjugates which inactivate them. They also liberate highly active hydrogen that makes additions to free radical oxidation carriers. Of course, when Nature has her most important tools rendered useless in this way, she supplied her second line of agents to do what they can to keep the system going, but this is not what we want. To combat serious disease we must have the best that Nature can offer, and indeed we must add to this even more active oxidation agents than Nature regularly uses, so far as we know. It is to supply such Carbonyl compounds that we have built up our initiators of oxidation chains as we have. But since they are more active than any we know in Nature, they are all the more reactable with the sulfide and amine or the aromatic inhibitors produced by meat putrefaction within the intestinal tract. Thus the pure vegetarian, fruit diet is all the more necessary, while our Treatment is used."​

Dr. William Frederich Koch USA/Brazil, Drs. Erich & Dieter Reinstorff, Germany - Discussion Thread
If it's hydrolyzed, the starchy problematic compounds such as chondroitin sulfate go down the drain, and you basically have an abundance of the desired amino acids, but it's still be a source of arginine, etc.

Dr. William Frederich Koch USA/Brazil, Drs. Erich & Dieter Reinstorff, Germany - Discussion Thread
It doesn't work on its own unless the dose is so little that it wouldn't perhaps justify risking bumping on those problems. It's used in experiments to deplete amino acids, and while this can be viewed as a good thing, it can go too far and cause problems. If you have lab animal studies in which they made animals develop tumors all of the sudden and then be helped somehow by gelatin, it's akin to the discussion of trauma vs chronicity. It's not the same.
Chronic inflammation depletes the body of nutrients. Digestion of meats is more laborous and the ability to digest it properly is probably affected once a degenerative condition set in.

It's important to keep the diet low in fat and minimize circulating fatty acids, but you can't do that if meats are present since the digestion takes longer and meals are heavier. The person is so conditioned in running on stress hormones that as soon as you supress them, you're left with an inefficient state. Frequent smaller meals are needed.

Then there's the fact that vegetables (unlike meats) contain an array (I was going to insert a joke here, but didn't out of mercy with our life model) of protective substances that happen to prevent their decay. That's why I think these shamans suggested raw greens. A great part of goitrogens in foods (for example) are released by bacteria, they become much more available once cooking inactivated the plant's defenses: this is when it becomes an attractive food for bacteria.

The Travis Corner
But here's the entire part:
William F. Koch Research Site

"Sulfides, in the drinking water or produced in the intestine by putrefying bacteria, are also highly toxic. This is another reason for avoiding animal foods, for as we have explained, sulfides and sulfhydryl, in many forms, can add to the double bonds that activate the FCG and thus paralyze the tissue oxidations. Their action on the bowel wall is like that of the toxic amines. They paralyze the musculature and the secretion of ferments and of mucous causing diverticulosis and ultimately a gangrenous degeneration with prolonged exposure.

Our parathyroid experiments showed that the guanidine bases cause a gellation of the tissue colloids that hinder oxygen transport, even in the large veins. The other amines produced in the intestine by the bacteria that decarboxylate amino acids, have the same action. For this action, which is the vanguard of disease of all kinds, three factors are needed: First, the bacteria must be there. Second, the amino acids must be there in excess. And third, the reaction of the medium must be acid. The Streptococcus fecalis, for example, decarboxylates arginine to become agmatin, an amine that is oxidized by diamine oxidase only in dilute solution, but it inactivates diamine oxidase in more concentrated solution. The reaction of the medium where it is most active is from pH 3.5 to pH 5. In the same way, lysine is changed to cadaverine, histidine to histamine, ornithin to putrescine, tyrosine to tyramine, by such bacteria as B Cadaveris, E. Coli, Cl. Welchi, S. Fecalis, etc. Some bacteria like S. Fecalis require an exogenous source of vitamin B6 in order to form their decarboxylase. Lactic acid bacilli consume pyridoxal phosphate greedily and thus may prevent the S. Fecalis and the others that require this vitamin, from producing their enzymes. Only histidine decarboxylase appears to not require B6 as a coenzyme. Thus, there are four ways of trying to control the production of the toxic amines in the colon. 1) keep the bowels moving. 2) do not eat an excess of protein foods; eat no animal foods to supply the B6, for too much bacterial action keep the colon from being alkaline in reaction, as it should be NORMALLY. Lactic acid bacilli, however, create a favorable medium for amine production and this more than counterbalances their action in using up pyridoxal phosphate. The S. Fecalis even produces its own lactic acid to activate its decarboxylases, and make a sure job of it. 3) the food must be well chewed, not too much liquid taken at the meal, and as small a volume of food as is serviceable for nutrition. Thus the natural secretion of the intestinal wall, which is pH 8 or so, will have a chance to dominate the field. When the bolus is solid and supports germ action, the bolus is found to be alkaline on the outside only, and acid inside, where the toxins are being brewed. 4) the vegetarian diet tends to avoid this distribution and to hold the whole bolus alkaline, as it should be."​

William F. Koch Research Site

"if the amine condensed with the FCG forms a tight bond not separable under normal ranges of energy production, as did guanidine in the parathyroid experiments, the whole train of pathological events must follow. For this reason it is well to inquire into the sources of such pathogenic amines. One is the production of toxic amines in the acid colon by various bacteria that decarboxylate amino acids. In many people, the intestinal flora is firmly entrenched and converts the food into one’s poisons that serve as the vanguard of disease. Animal proteins are the main sources of these toxic amines, and sulfides, while vegetables, cereals, and fruits supply plenty of protein and at the same time do not support decarboxylating germs. The intestine must be kept at a range of pH above 7, since the decarboxylations progress best at a pH of 3.5 to 6 when mediated by the Streptococcus fecalis and so many others.

The fungus found always in cancer is an amine producer that could initiate the pathogenesis as explained above, with its whole train of symptoms. And the modern antibiotic amine poisons, especially those that attack the liver and cause suspensions of consciousness like the sulfa drugs, and any in fact, are to be scrutinized with great suspicion as the cancer death rate his increased so greatly since they have become so widely used. Sulfides and sulfhydryl derived from food add to the double bonds that activate the FCG and thus block its activation powers. The intestinal flora again is to be considered with the diet if one is to maintain a normal function of the FCG as an energy producer and protector against pathogens. Especially during the Treatment period, when a dehydrogenator Carbonyl group of highest efficiency has been administered, one must protect the oxidation progression that follows from being blocked, as can take place through permanent free radicals as the oxides of nitrogen."​

Only after a certain progress* is made and balanced is attained that animal proteins are introduced:
William F. Koch Research Site

"The diet is preeminently vegetarian, one should avoid such decalcifying acids as oxalic, tartaric, and even citric, unless the latter is neutralized somewhat by precipitated chalk. This is because; in cases suffering from deficient oxidation, the burning of citric acid may be difficult, and it may take away the valuable cations from the living colloids and carry them off into the urine. This so-called alkalizing action is evidently a catastrophe. On the other hand we may feed chalk, or give a low dilution of it, for a time at the beginning of Treatment, also, where bowel function must require a cathartic, milk of magnesia is preferred on a similar basis. The necessary vitamins should be provided in their natural form from raw fruits, cereals and vegetables. Yeast is a great help and can be used in amounts of an ounce or two several times a day, as far from meals as possible. Meat should not be given while a growth is undergoing absorption, because the liver has enough to do with that job, but, if after the growth is absorbed, and asthenia and anemia is stubborn, nearly raw beef, from the inside of a roast, free from burned parts and overheated fats, can be given. Animal products should be avoided as a rule, and milk feeding should be properly supervised. A soup made by boiling clean chopped beef bones four or five hours, will supply glycine and various salts advantageously. Still the major part of the diet should be raw ripe vegetables and fruits."​

I'll leave you with this one from Gerson's book:
"In practice, I have seen that most of the advanced or terminal cases refuse a higher intake of protein, especially cooked meats, fish, eggs, etc. Many of them have a special desire for raw food, but refuse even finely chopped raw meat or fresh raw egg stirred in orange juice. I observed that almost all [advanced] patients with a higher protein could not be saved. In some cases I observed a much quicker growth of the cancer or metastases."

Ray's Quick Therapy Diet: 2 Quarts Of Milk And 2 Quarts Of Orange Juice Per Day (I forgot to mention that unsaturation of substances is not just a matter of propagating reactions, but also changing the shape of things once they react)
By the way, an overlooked nutrient in cancer is vitamin A. It's involved in differentiation of cells. Koch supplemented his patients with vitamin A:

William F. Koch Research Site

"Highly polar double bonds can add free radicals of the high efficiency oxidation process, especially those developed during the Survival oxidations, which block the recovery process before it even gets a good start. Illuminating gas, exhaust gases from combustion engines, chimney smoke from oil burners, paint solvents, floor wax solvents, various terpenoid substances, as those in the skins of citrus fruits, perfumes (natural or synthetic) and even too much carotene in the food are to be avoided. The cancer patient, for example, is somewhat night-blind, simply because he cannot oxidize carotene to vitamin A, as efficiently as he should. He should receive his vitamin A, in the form of fish liver oil, and not as the pre-vitamin sold as vitamin A."​

But Gerson's patients also ingested massive amounts of certainlynotdiokine-carotene. I already posted how these are absorbed even in the absense of fat, yet he stimulated bile flow with coffee; at the same time giving them thyroid (magnesium retention, full oxidation and CO2, etc; you know the story), niacin and b12, so supporting the whole conversion and use.

William F. Koch Research Site

"The blood and urine, the skin texture and color, the metabolism rate, the blood pressure and quality of the heartbeat and texture of the blood vessels are helpful guides. The sedimentation rate and the crenation of the red cells in one percent salt solution, the replacement of methemoglobin by oxyhemoglobin, and the cell counts indicate the trend, but it must be remembered that while the growth is being absorbed at the high rate of the negative phases, sufficient toxic material is circulating to increase the sedimentation rate and diminish the crenation rate. However, at the end of a positive phase, the crenation rate may be normal while the sedimentation rate may not have improved very greatly unless the absorption and elimination of the diseased material is completed. It must be remembered too that when several disease poisons such as those of tuberculosis and cancer, and perhaps also syphilis are present in the same patient, the recovery from any one of them before the others are eliminated, and therefore the removal of one of the toxic factors, may be accompanied by an increase in the sedimentation rate while the crenation rate improves. This is because each of the poisons mentioned tends to absorb each others energy, and thus detoxicate each other, just like one fluorescent substance may quench another of appropriate spectrum qualities, or one homeopathic medicine may annul another medicine or poison. We find that we may add a few drops of very dilute tuberculin solution to the blood and depress the sedimentation rate so long as cancer is present, but after recovery this addition will increase the sedimentation rate just as the disease would. One can thus test for the completion of recovery. Luetin and agar have similar properties in a measure, but tuberculin is more practical.

Professor Brose’s phosphatase test, and the Ph and oxidation-reduction potential of the blood may prove very serviceable too. But no test can gauge recovery without being interpreted in the light of the rest of the findings. It is the totality of changes only that should be the guide.

Normally the red cells all-crenate in a one percent salt solution. But toxic material carried by the blood tends to increase the osmotic pressure of the erythrocyte contents so they fail to crenate in proportionate percentage to the toxic state. The injured cells may swell instead of shrinking. The explanation is not so simple an affair as one might think. Poisons absorbed from the intestines play a part but with a cleansed bowel, the failure to crenate should be attributed to the internal toxic state produced by the disease. The crenation follows both the general trend and its periodic variations. The pH. and mv. may be about 8 and 5 respectively and like the crenation test improve with each positive phase, but fall back somewhat with each negative phase, in keeping with the general appearance and feeling of the patient, the general trend being towards normal. To a good observer the totality of change is evident in the clinical features alone.

The quality of the heart beat during recovery as compared to its quality before the Treatment may be definite aid in estimating progress. The electrocardiograph is a great help, but the heart sounds and the character of the beat tell in a similar way to the characteristics of the nervous system, what the sum total of the response is at the time. Here too the presence of a negative phase must be taken into account and one must estimate the quality in both positive and negative phases. At times, the advance of recovery may traverse a reaction to a hereditary or past disease, and the heart may be the chief organ to reveal the symptoms. Hence, a suddenly developing aortic blow or stenosis that lets up fairly abruptly, may signify the recovery from an old syphilis while the patient is getting well from cancer. In fact, because of the fundamental position of the Treatment, the recovery from cancer is not taking place at all unless the diseases of less depth are also lifted and removed in due course, and in reverse order to their acquirement or destructive position in the case at hand.

The urine tells quite a story, albumen disappears as fast as the blood and renal structure is corrected. This may be quite rapid. In acute infections like pneumonia urine that boils solid because of albumen may be free in a few days. But in chronic Bright’s disease time is required, perhaps weeks or months. The quantity and partition of solids excreted by day and night, the improvement in specific gravity, etc., should follow in correct order, but during the earlier negative phases, there may be a surprising excretion of non-protein nitrogen referable to the elimination of the autolyzing growth material. When the products of digestion of the growth are absorbed by the blood faster than they can be eliminated by the kidneys, the dependant tissues absorb them from the blood and as a consequence develop a higher osmotic pressure, take up water, and swell. Thus oedema of the feet and legs may be present during the period of greatest rate of autolysis and absorption of the growth. When the kidneys have caught up on their job of elimination the oedema disappears. It serves as a safety valve.

As the recovery gains ground, the spleen and liver improve in function; this may be noted from the bile elimination, the destruction and removal of effete but still circulating red cells, and the improvement in the peristalsis of the intestine. Where modern therapies have annihilated the reticulo-endothelial system, including the spleen, the improvements just mentioned, plus the disappearance of germs from the blood smears, may be the first indication that there may be a recovery, for, unless the defense mechanism is restored, recovery is out of the question. Good medical judgment will tend rather to delay, than to repeat Treatment; for, if the Treatment is effective, like a key in a lock, one does not repeat the dose any more than one would stick another key in the hole while turning the key already there. Recovery may take months or years, and one dose has demonstrated its ability to act equally long. The dose is practically never repeated before the twenty-fourth week. Yet patients that have been heavily radiated may require a second dose on the fifteenth day, but only if they have given no response by way of reaction or improvement after the first dose."​
After reading about the anti‐opiate caffeoyl quinides in coffee, I did give a thought to the common 'coffee enema' mechanism of action. Could it be enough to simply say that coffee is unique in anti‐opiate molecules? accelerating nerve conduction with 4‐caffeoyl‐1,5‐quinide?

I think Koch and Gerson make good points: that meat is naturally high in polyamine‐precursors. Koch takes this one step further and expounds on the sulfur‐containing amino acids, how these can be problematic, and how they inhibit methylglyoxal. It's easy to see how this would occur since methylglyoxal is known to spontanously add to glutathione forming the substrate for glyoxylase I—an enyzme which isomerizes the methylglyoxal‐S‐glutathione adduct making it a substrate for glyoxylase II, which produces lactic acid and regenerates glutathione. So it appears to me that methylglyoxal antagonizes polyamine synthesis, checks cellular growth, and that too many sulfur‐containing amino acids can prevent this (by distracting, baiting, and occupying cellular methylglyoxal—among other things.)

Chris Masterjohn seems to give an accurate description of selenium in amino acids, yet fails to point‐out that Se‐methionine cannot form polyamines; this is perhaps its most important function.
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Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
raw fruits, cereals and vegetables

Unfortunately, not only are raw veggies a significant source of PUFA (as Peat said many times) they are also a great food for intestinal bacteria and increase endotoxin. Cereals are probably the worst for endotoxin, and may increase inflammation by absorption of starchy particles into the bloodstream. I agree that meats are far from optimal protein source for somebody who is sick, but maybe something middle of the road (between meat and raw veggies) can be adopted - i.e. milk and eggs. Peat spoke of quite a few people who stopped their leukemias with a diet of eggnog (yolks and milk).


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Unfortunately, not only are raw veggies a significant source of PUFA (as Peat said many times) they are also a great food for intestinal bacteria and increase endotoxin. Cereals are probably the worst for endotoxin, and may increase inflammation by absorption of starchy particles into the bloodstream. I agree that meats are far from optimal protein source for somebody who is sick, but maybe something middle of the road (between meat and raw veggies) can be adopted - i.e. milk and eggs. Peat spoke of quite a few people who stopped their leukemias with a diet of eggnog (yolks and milk).
Milk is problematic food, which is why only cottage cheese or yogurt (despite its lactic acid!) worked. Milk can acidify the intestines with its sugar, egg whites will be a source of amines and the yolks add a considerable amount of fat per meal which can facilitate the absorption of toxins and impair carb oxidation.

Raw vegetables aren't for the bulk of the calories, so some PUFA won't be as much of a problem. If you worry about these you have to worry about eggs as well. Some of the fiber can be discarted. 3 egg yolks will give you 1.5g of PUFA being conservative, 500g (!) of arugula will give you the same amount. However the water-soluble nutrients will be more absorbable than the fatty ones that will probably be carried out along with the fiber. And using it as example, I can't imagine in its raw state becoming food for bacteria.
Sorgen said:
Another case was a lady from Armenia. This was a very interesting case. I had to work against the whole family. There were many physicians in the family, and I had plenty of trouble. But, anyway, I came through in that case. She had cancer of the breast which regrew. Every time the family insisted that she was "so much down." She weighed only 78 pounds. She was skin and bones and they wanted me to give her egg yolks. I gave her small amounts of egg yolks-the cancer regrew. Then they insisted that I give her meat, raw chopped meat. I gave her this and the cancer regrew. The third time, they wanted me to give her some oil. I gave her the oil and the third time the cancer regrew. But, anyway, three times I could eliminate the cancer again and cure. And still I had no idea what cancer was. If somebody asked me about the theory, just what it was I was doing, I had to answer, "I don't really know myself."
He suggests to withhold eggs for a year in cases of cancer.

If all else fails and toxins are still generated in excess, they will be less poisonous in the absence of animal proteins. In Koch's experience even beans weren't a problem when meats weren't present.

After studying Travisord's work in depth I realized that dairy (especially from modern breed cows) can cause similar problems to cereals in susceptible people.

It's all a negative perspective but you can assume that things aren't running smoothly for a while if a person is weakened by (or with) a disease.
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Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Milk is problematic food, which is why only cottage cheese or yogurt (despite its lactic acid!) worked. Milk can acidify the intestines with its sugar, egg whites will be a source of amines and the yolks add a considerable amount of fat per meal which can facilitate the absorption of toxins and impair carb oxidation.

Raw vegetables aren't for the bulk of the calories, so some PUFA won't be as much of a problem. If you worry about these you have to worry about eggs as well. Some of the fiber can be discarted. 3 egg yolks will give you 1.5g of PUFA being conservative, 500g (!) of arugula will give you the same amount. However the water-soluble nutrients will be more absorbable than the fatty ones that will probably be carried out along with the fiber. And using it as example, I can't imagine in its raw state becoming food for bacteria.

He suggests to withhold eggs for a year in cases of cancer.

If all else fails and toxins are still generated in excess, they will be less poisonous in the absence of animal proteins. In Koch's experience even beans weren't a problem when meats weren't present.

After studying Travisord's work in depth I realized that dairy (especially from modern breed cows) can cause similar problems to cereals in susceptible people.

It's all a negative perspective but you can assume that things aren't running smoothly for a while.

In that case the only sensible approach seems to be that all protein must come in the form of ketoacids (as in potato protein soup) so that no ammonia and polyamines are generated. Ketoacids can even be bought in bulk as powder if juicing potatoes every day is not feasible.

Btw, what did Gerson do to make the breast cancer disappear in that Armenian lady? Just administer his diet? I understand he is saying he does not know what specifically worked, but what is it he did for those patients? There is no mention of the protocol anywhere in the entire chapter of the book.
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
In that case the only sensible approach seems to be that all protein must come in the form of ketoacids (as in potato protein soup) so that no ammonia and polyamines are generated. Ketoacids can even be bought in bulk as powder if juicing potatoes every day is not feasible.
I think it's reasonable. When is your Ketatocid coming out?
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Oct 5, 2014
Milk is problematic food, which is why only cottage cheese or yogurt (despite its lactic acid!) worked. Milk can acidify the intestines with its sugar, egg whites will be a source of amines and the yolks add a considerable amount of fat per meal which can facilitate the absorption of toxins and impair carb oxidation.

Raw vegetables aren't for the bulk of the calories, so some PUFA won't be as much of a problem. If you worry about these you have to worry about eggs as well. Some of the fiber can be discarted. 3 egg yolks will give you 1.5g of PUFA being conservative, 500g (!) of arugula will give you the same amount. However the water-soluble nutrients will be more absorbable than the fatty ones that will probably be carried out along with the fiber. And using it as example, I can't imagine in its raw state becoming food for bacteria.

He suggests to withhold eggs for a year in cases of cancer.

If all else fails and toxins are still generated in excess, they will be less poisonous in the absence of animal proteins. In Koch's experience even beans weren't a problem when meats weren't present.

After studying Travisord's work in depth I realized that dairy (especially from modern breed cows) can cause similar problems to cereals in susceptible people.

It's all a negative perspective but you can assume that things aren't running smoothly for a while if a person is weakened by (or with) a disease.
Amazoniac, what's your diet like? :):


Jan 6, 2017
Dr H.R. Clark has used HCG as a potential tumor growth factor and OPT(ortho-phosphor-tyrosine) and a metastatic growth factor.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Dr H.R. Clark has used HCG as a potential tumor growth factor and OPT(ortho-phosphor-tyrosine) and a metastatic growth factor.

Fully agree on hCG. Despite being a known biomarker for testicular cancer, it is now being recognized as a biomarker for a number of other cancers. So, I would not be surprised if FDA approves common pregnancy tests to be used as quick cancer diagnosis tools. Peeing on a strip is a lot cheaper and less dangerous than radiation imaging or biopsies.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Btw, what did Gerson do to make the breast cancer disappear in that Armenian lady? Just administer his diet? I understand he is saying he does not know what specifically worked, but what is it he did for those patients? There is no mention of the protocol anywhere in the entire chapter of the book.
I missed this.
Gerson in reply to Georgi said:
It was almost the same which I used for tuberculosis patients[1-7] which I had worked out and used at the University Clinic in Munich with Prof. Sauerbruch. After the work at the University Clinic the treatment had been established and had been found effective.[8,9] I thought that maybe it will be effective in cancer too.
1. F. Sauerbruch, A. Herrmannsdorferand M. Gerson, "UeberVersuche, schwere Formen der Tuberkulose dureb diatetische Behandlungen zu beeinflussen," Muench. Med. Wochenschr., 2, 1 (1926).
2. M. Gerson. ibid, 77, 967 (1930).
3. -, "Phosphorlebertran und die Gerson-Herrmannsdorfersche Diat zur Heiling der Tuberkulose," Dtsch. Med. Wochenschr., 12, 1 (1930}.
4. F. Sauerbruch, A. Herrmannsdorfer and M. Gerson, Muench. Med. Wochenschr., 23 (1930).
5. M. Gerson, "Wiederherstellung der verschiedenen Gefuehiqualitaeten bei der Lupusheilung," Verh. Dtsch. Ces. Inn. Med., 43, 77 (1931}.
6. -, Diattherapie der I.ungentuberkulose, Deuticke, Vienne, 1934.
7. -, "Einiges ueber die kochsalzarme Diat," Hyppokrates Z. Einheitsbestr., Cegenwartsmed., 12, 627 (1931).
8. F. Sauerbruch, Das War Mem Leben, Kindler und Schiermeyer Verlag, Bad Woerischofen, 1951, pp. 363· 371. This contains an account of how the author learned of Gerson's work by an accidental conversation on the train with one of Gerson's cured TB patients, which led to a large scale successful trial of the Gerson TB therapy at the Sauerbruch clinic.
9. E. Urbach and E. B. Le Winn, Skin Diseases, Nutrition and Metabolism, Grune and Stratton, New York, 1946, pp. 4, 65-67, 530-537. This contains a comprehensive review (in English) of the successful use of the Gerson therapy to cure tuberculosis of the skin.


Jul 14, 2016
While true that leaves have linoleic acid, this exists in relatively low amounts. As a percentage of total fatty acids, leaf lipids are similar to egg yolk; the linoleic acid percentage ranges from about 15–20% in leaves, depending on temperature, and 8–30% in hen's eggs—depending on diet. Tallow‐fed chicken's eggs are of course the lowest (~8%), but also the rarest; the common linoleic acid percentage of total fatty acids in commercial eggs is commonly measured around 15%.

kale.png egg.png click to embiggen: Linoleic acid as percentage of total fatty acids in both kale (left) and egg (right). tells me that one large egg has ~4.1‧g of fat, making the contribution from linoleic acid ~15% of this value—or .62‧g per egg. But this is still too high, as the 'total omega−6' category gives a value of 574‧mg per egg. But since linoleic acid comprises ~88% of total ω−6 fatty acids, according to Cherian, perhaps a more fair number would be 505‧mg linoleic acid per egg. The amount in kale is so low as to be expressed in μg/g, or parts per million. Faik A. Ayaz gives us a value of 18.6‧μg/g linoleic acid for the kale leaf, making the isolinoleic mass of kale vs one egg being:

505‧mg = x(18.6‧μg/g)

505‧mg‧g/18.6‧μg = x

27.16‧mg‧g/μg = x

27.16‧(10⁻³)‧g‧g/(10⁻⁶)g = x

27.16‧(10⁶)‧g‧g/(10³)g = x

27.16‧(10³)‧g‧g/g = x

27.16‧(10³)‧g = x

27160‧g = x

27160‧g‧(lb/454‧g) = x

27160‧g‧(lb/454‧g) = x

59.8‧lb = x

I get nearly sixty pounds of kale to equal the amount of linoleic acid in one large egg. This seems high, so I'll check the page on kale.. .

And this gives me a lower final number. Per 100g of kale, the total ω−6 fatty acids is given to be about 500‧mg (the total fat categories never add up properly, perhaps either because of rounding or they had meant to say 'total lipids'—including things like vitamin E and sterols.) Eleven percent of this value (55‧mg) is assumed to be linoleic acid. This would make 900‧g of kale isolinoleically equivalent to one large egg—certainly more realistic than the first calculation. Since this represents only two pounds, I can only assume that Dr. Faik Ayaz had used the wrong units, perhaps had used μg/g instead of the g/100‧g he uses elsewhere.. .

Gisela Werner gives us different numbers:

kale1.png kale2.png click to embiggen: Another analysis of kale.

The total lipids in kale represent .15% of the total mass of which 18.5% is linoleic acid. This makes kale .028% linoleic acid by mass, or 280‧μg/g. This is about ten times higher than what Faik A. Ayaz had reported (lending support to the idea that he had simply used the wrong units.) This yields:

505‧mg = x(280‧μg/g)

505‧mg‧g/280‧μg = x

1.8‧mg‧g/μg = x

1.8‧(10⁻³)‧g‧g/(10⁻⁶)g = x

1.8‧(10⁶)‧g‧g/(10³)g = x

1.8‧(10³)‧g‧g/g = x

1.8‧(10³)‧g = x

1800‧g = x

1800‧g‧(lb/454‧g) = x

1800‧g‧(lb/454‧g) = x

3.96‧lb = x

Which is more realistic and close to the two pounds I got from the website, a source not highly accurate because they always round to one decimal place. So I would stand by a number somewhere around three pounds.

It should take somewhere between two and four pounds of kale to equal the linoleic acid found in one egg (depending of course on the growing temperature of the kale and diet of the hen.)

Ayaz, Faik A. "Nutrient contents of kale." Food Chemistry (2006)
Cherian, G. "Fatty acid composition and egg components of specialty eggs." Poultry Science (2002)
Werner, Gisela. "Fatty acid composition of lipids from edible parts and seeds of vegetables." European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (1984)
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Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It should take about three pounds of kale to equal the linoleic acid found in one egg (depending of course on the growing temperature of the kale and diet of the hen.)

Thanks for the details. But another important question would be - what is the nutritional value of kale compared to an egg? Can one live off just cooked kale and say coconut oil (or butter)? There was a famous news article making the rounds last year proclaiming a person can thrive on a diet of just potatoes and butter, if they also take a multivitamin to compensate for deficiencies this diet would induce. Btw, I wonder why nobody raised the issue of EFA deficiencies those people on the potato/butter diet undoubtedly experienced...Probably because it was not an issue at all and those people thrived, which would have exposed the EFA scam if the issue was discussed publicly.
So, mashed potatoes with MCT sounds like a good way to avoid most of the toxicities of other food while providing close to 100% SFA.


Jul 14, 2016
As far as lipids go: dairy, coconut, beef, chocolate, and fruit all seem good. But for some reason, this forum seems to ignore the substantial linoleic acid content of eggs.
But another important question would be - what is the nutritional value of kale compared to an egg?
If it is expressed per gram linoleic acid, I would think it would be quite embarrassing to the egg; but I think expressing vitamins and minerals per calorie is the most fair approach. We all eat different volumes and masses of foods, yet everyone eats a very similar amount of calories per body weight.

The cronometer can answer this question with the least amount of work (normalized to 1000‧Cal apiece):

kalev.png eggv.png click to embiggen: Vitamins: Kale on left and egg on right (1000‧Cal).
kalem.png eggm.png click to embiggen: Minerals: Kale on left and egg on right (1000‧Cal).
kalep.png eggp.png click to embiggen: Amino Acids: Kale on left and egg on right (1000‧Cal).
kalel.png eggl.png click to embiggen: Fatty Acids: Kale on left and egg on right (1000‧Cal).


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
But it has to be per serving. What's the avaibalia- alaivabi- How available are nutrients in greens?
The forum isn't ignoring the PUFA in eggs, it's the contrary, most people here avoid them to the point of a possible overall negative effect.
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Mar 16, 2017
Wow Travis, no mercy on the egg! Another benefit of Lapodin is great bowl movements. As Ray said slow movements and a lot of vegetable consumption can act like lettuce in a plastic bag at room temperature for a couple of days...


Jul 14, 2016
But it has to be per serving. What's the avaibalia- alaivabi- How available are nutrients in greens?
The forum isn't ignoring the PUFA in eggs, it's the contrary, most people here avoid them to the point of a possible overall negative effect.
I had the impression that most people here ate eggs, but I could be wrong.. .

But I'm telling you! someone needs to start these niche markets before David Asprey does:

(1) Nickel‐free and platinum‐catalyzed hydrogenated coconut oil
(2) Selenium‐enriched kale for added anti‐cancer effect
(3) Tallow‐fed chickens with ~8% linoleic acid eggs
(4) Alpaca cheese—opiate‐free!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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