The Culprit Is PUFA And I Will Remove Them Fast. (Severe Acne, IBS, Fatigue)



Dec 8, 2018
As a laymen giving my two cents, the PUFA was certainly not helping the situation at all. But I'm not entirely convinced it was the underlying culprit, and if it was, I highly doubt you solved the problem by depleting your PUFA stores which is a very long process that requires a few years of time on a highly restrictive lowfat diet. More then likely switching to a fruit based diet switched your metabolic machinery over to glucose metabolism, which severely inhibited fatty acid liberation. Simply put, actually storing your PUFA away in your tissues probably helped. Whereas while on a carnivore diet you were probably liberating tons of fatty acids which only exacerbated the issue.

I dont think so. When I stopped being a fruitarian/raw foodist, I became a high carb cooked vegan. My acne was still healed, but if I ate things like peanut butter, tahini, or fast food I would get acne again. So we can conclude that the fruitarian/raw food diet had lasting accumulative effects
When I kept eating too much restaurant and fast food I developed severe acne again. Eating a low fat high carb vegan for 2 or 3 months didn't help the problem at all. So in conclusion:
Eating high carb , low fat I had severe acne, and it was the same kind than when eating carnivore.
So my only conclusion is that Omega 6/PUFA oxidized fats accumulate over time, and eating fruitarian/raw food removes them quite fast . This will cause the acne and gut problems to dissapear, as long as I don't eat them again (or at least not long enough)


Dec 8, 2018
I think you lose mostly the saturated fatty acids in your adipose tissues. The body prefers to oxidize them for energy over the polyunsaturated fats. The polyunsaturated fats, to my understanding, have a cumulative affect to them over a lifespan. At least this is what Peat mentioned in a YouTube clip (Westside PUFA's YouTube channel).
If you eat fast food everyday, especially fatty and fried things , like fries and doughnuts , will make you gain a lot of weight. The Omege 6 PUFA's will be obviously stored in that fat you gained. If you lose that fat that you gained before, you will subsequently remove the PUFA's along with the fat you gained. Where else could the PUFA's be stored?
If you have no body fat accumulated, you cannot have stored PUFA's in my understanding.


Dec 8, 2018
Do you sweat easily? It could be all the sweating allowed toxins to come off our skin pores and your skin was reacting to some allergens or toxins coming off.

Than toxins were coming off your may indicate you have poor digestiion. Since you have this problem when you're off a fruitarian diet, it may have to do with your inability to digest protein and/or fats well. Test to see what happens when you eat fats like coconut oil and butter. If that goes well, then it may be a problem with protein digestion. You can try eating raw meat (like a carpaccio or ceviche) and see how it goes. If it goes well, it's likely an enzyme problem. Eat fresh pineapple before you eat cooked meat and see how that goes, or you can take digestive enzymes before your meal.

Food that's not fully digested can get absorbed by the small intestine into the blood, but that is usually filtered off by both the liver and kidneys. It would be an extra load for your kidneys and liver, and constantly stressing them this way isn't a good way to go. They would start to fail doing their job, and these undigested particles would have to be excreted some other way, and that is through the skin. That could be why you have skin allergies.

You also have low immunity, having both pneumonia and tonsillitis. Poor digestion can do that as you aren't receiving enough nutrients.

I used to sweat a lot. As a result, I still have the keloids that result from it. My keloids are much worse. Small ones get together and fuse and become bigger over time. They grew more than what I'm seeing on your back. I'm not sure yours are keloids as much as they're hypertrophic scars. I stopped sweating that much after I had mercury chelation, with my mercury toxicity resulting from having too many mercury fillings over the years.

Your situation and mine won't fit to a tee, but I hope you well in troubleshooting what ails you, and I hope what I shared could give you some ideas.

Also, what is your temperature and your heart rate? It's good to have an indication of your metabolism as a good metabolism also makes you less prone to allergies, and allergies to me are a sign also of low immunity levels.

I don't seat easily , no. Well, I think it depends on what kind of diet I am. When I was carnivore , I was usually hotter than most people around me. I was able to be outside in winter with a shirt, when it was 10 degrees celcius.

It is not that I have this problem when I quit doing the fruitarian diet. It is that over time, the fruitarian/raw food diet healed me. I was actually a high carb cooked vegan for almost a year after stopping becoming a raw foodist, and I didn't have any acne, except when I was eating things like peanut butter, tahini, fast food or fried foods. All high in oxidized PUFA's.

I don't know my temperature and heart rate. I will check next time.


Dec 8, 2018
Yeah, I also forgot to mention this. The scars don't look like keloids. This is a keloid:


Yes, I have keloids. 3 dermatologist told me that . They are not very visible in my picture. This are mine:


That is not acne. Those are keloids.


Dec 8, 2018
I think (and Ray Peat has mentioned it too) that having good liver function is important to detoxify estrogen and other toxins.Feeding the liver protein, sugar and B-vitamins for example energizes the liver and enhances its detoxing capabilities. Starving, or not eating protein will make the liver underperform. So dieting or fruitarian diet is counterproductive if your goal is to detox.

I don't agree at all. Nobody detox eating a high meat, high dairy diet . Look to Sally Fallon or Jimmy Moore.
But you have so many reports of people healing all kind of diseases with raw vegan diets. I think one of the best indicators of toxicity is the skin.

Look at this. All this people healed with a raw vegan/fruitarian/plant based diet:






Oct 10, 2018
I dont think so. When I stopped being a fruitarian/raw foodist, I became a high carb cooked vegan. My acne was still healed, but if I ate things like peanut butter, tahini, or fast food I would get acne again. So we can conclude that the fruitarian/raw food diet had lasting accumulative effects
When I kept eating too much restaurant and fast food I developed severe acne again. Eating a low fat high carb vegan for 2 or 3 months didn't help the problem at all. So in conclusion:
Eating high carb , low fat I had severe acne, and it was the same kind than when eating carnivore.
So my only conclusion is that Omega 6/PUFA oxidized fats accumulate over time, and eating fruitarian/raw food removes them quite fast . This will cause the acne and gut problems to dissapear, as long as I don't eat them again (or at least not long enough)
There's many things here though that hasn't been accounted for. PUFA's adverse heath effects don't really work that way. PUFA desensitizes your cells to thyroid hormone, making you "thyroid resistant" so to speak. This lays ground zero for various downstream health effects that usually take years to conclude. PUFA is the problem when that 40 year old gets cancer or dies from an heart attack. Mainstream medical simply blames your genetics and diagnose you with a case of bad luck. When in reality a life long consumption of polyunsaturated fats degraded the persons metabolism and immunity setting them up for a host of illnesses. Consuming PUFA, and removing PUFA, isn't likely to cause spontaneous effects over just a couple months. I'm more in line to agree with Runenight201's opinion. These skin problems are very closely associated with intestinal issues. And even though PUFA isn't helping you out at all, it's more likely that removing hard to digest foods and eatting nothing but fruit (which is very easily digested) helped your issue. Undigested food particles can wreck havoc in your gut. Peanut butter, tahini, and fast food are filled with a bunch of different anti-nutrients and gums that aren't typically good for even a high functioning intestine, let alone a malfunctioning intestine.
Last edited:


Oct 10, 2018
If you eat fast food everyday, especially fatty and fried things , like fries and doughnuts , will make you gain a lot of weight. The Omege 6 PUFA's will be obviously stored in that fat you gained. If you lose that fat that you gained before, you will subsequently remove the PUFA's along with the fat you gained. Where else could the PUFA's be stored?
If you have no body fat accumulated, you cannot have stored PUFA's in my understanding.
You're likely getting more saturated fat in those fried foods then you might realize. Even if they use vegetable oils, the carbohydrate you're consuming is being converted into saturated fat. So it's likely you're burning mostly saturated fats. Our fat cells in the adipose tissue have a half life of about 3 years, so it would take on average 3 years on a lowfat diet (PUFA less then 1% total energy) to detox PUFA fully.


Jul 21, 2018
I agree completely with high carb low fat fixing the skin very effectively, I think it is an amazing cleansing/catabolic diet to get rid of toxins. Personally I never had a single pimple ever but I have seen so many amazing healing stories everywhere from people. Also in my observation people with bad skin always eat tons of fried foods.

Though the diet is horrible for temperature and building up your body. I want to build more robustness and the only way I can do so is by eating more meat and eggs, nothing gives me more warmth and strength personally than those foods, besides that I think they are way more toxic than fruits. Personally I experience the macrobiotic system of yin/yang foods to be true. I will be super cold and pale when I follow a high fruit diet, especially in winter, 3000 kcal of high grain/meat keeps me warm and 5000 kcal fruit leaves me cold.

A lot of raw vegans also tend to develop other type of problems, they get this weird pale/greyness or their skin gets extremely wrinkly (see mcdougall or doug graham for example).

I think at different times you need different approaches. More grain/animal foods to build and high fruit to detox/clean. Unnecessary fat intake is always bad in my opinion, I never noticed any benefit from any type of fat , be it saturated or pufa or mufa.


Feb 18, 2018
I don't agree at all. Nobody detox eating a high meat, high dairy diet . Look to Sally Fallon or Jimmy Moore.
But you have so many reports of people healing all kind of diseases with raw vegan diets. I think one of the best indicators of toxicity is the skin.

Look at this. All this people healed with a raw vegan/fruitarian/plant based diet:





Those may be the success stories, now peruse some of the tragedies that a raw-vegan diet can cause.

Sv3rige does countless interviews with ex-vegans who tanked their health. Now this sv3rige dude himself has some extreme dietary views himself, but I do appreciate his work giving a platform to the countless amount of ex-vegans who ruined their health following a vegan diet. I don't think it's an optimal health producing diet, at best one can subsist and at worst degeneration happens...and fast. Perhaps one wishes to roll the dice and play with their health like that, I don't think it's a smart idea. Maybe its a good diet to therapeutically undertake for a temporary period, I don't know, but if any diet isn't producing high energy, sound sleep, high motivation and sex drive, then it's not a quality diet in my opinion.

I apologize if I sound authoritarian, I just see a lot of mistakes in your line of thinking that I made exactly myself, and wanted to help prevent you from needless suffering like I went through. Counting calories is a sham, your body will tell you what you should eat and how much of it you should eat, so long as you pay attention to cravings and keep an open mind with eating different foods and combinations, noting reactions, energy, mind set, etc.... This process is terribly impaired from what I consider "the researchers bias", where the logical side takes over and justifies sub-par health practices in order to fit a theory. Sv3rige has some pretty shocking videos on how unhealthy some vegans look (even though vegans are not the only ones guilty of this bias), where they tank their health due to the research on plant-based diets being the healthiest, ignoring all physiological signals that their bodies may be giving them.

It's a long process of experimentation but ultimately leads one towards settling on a base of foods that nourish well and provide lasting health without having to be super orthorexic. People who reach levels of good health pretty much eat the same set of foods day in/day out that make them feel good.

Feel free to experiment, I'll just re-state my core advice, which is that you should be seeking a state of high energy, sound sleep, stable moods, high motivation, and a healthy sex drive. When you have all these things, most symptomatic problems fade away, because these are the traits of a very healthy human. I believe most people can reach this state, so long as they keep iterating at diet and lifestyle solutions until they find one that sticks.


Dec 8, 2018
Those may be the success stories, now peruse some of the tragedies that a raw-vegan diet can cause.

Sv3rige does countless interviews with ex-vegans who tanked their health. Now this sv3rige dude himself has some extreme dietary views himself, but I do appreciate his work giving a platform to the countless amount of ex-vegans who ruined their health following a vegan diet. I don't think it's an optimal health producing diet, at best one can subsist and at worst degeneration happens...and fast. Perhaps one wishes to roll the dice and play with their health like that, I don't think it's a smart idea. Maybe its a good diet to therapeutically undertake for a temporary period, I don't know, but if any diet isn't producing high energy, sound sleep, high motivation and sex drive, then it's not a quality diet in my opinion.

I apologize if I sound authoritarian, I just see a lot of mistakes in your line of thinking that I made exactly myself, and wanted to help prevent you from needless suffering like I went through. Counting calories is a sham, your body will tell you what you should eat and how much of it you should eat, so long as you pay attention to cravings and keep an open mind with eating different foods and combinations, noting reactions, energy, mind set, etc.... This process is terribly impaired from what I consider "the researchers bias", where the logical side takes over and justifies sub-par health practices in order to fit a theory. Sv3rige has some pretty shocking videos on how unhealthy some vegans look (even though vegans are not the only ones guilty of this bias), where they tank their health due to the research on plant-based diets being the healthiest, ignoring all physiological signals that their bodies may be giving them.

It's a long process of experimentation but ultimately leads one towards settling on a base of foods that nourish well and provide lasting health without having to be super orthorexic. People who reach levels of good health pretty much eat the same set of foods day in/day out that make them feel good.

Feel free to experiment, I'll just re-state my core advice, which is that you should be seeking a state of high energy, sound sleep, stable moods, high motivation, and a healthy sex drive. When you have all these things, most symptomatic problems fade away, because these are the traits of a very healthy human. I believe most people can reach this state, so long as they keep iterating at diet and lifestyle solutions until they find one that sticks.

I have said many times in the post that I don't plan to remain all my life Fruitarian, just enough to heal.
I know Sv3ridge. He made me stop eating plants. But he is always showing biased information. Not all vegans look like the ones in his videos. What abput blue zones? Most of them where near vegetarians, with very little animal products consumption. There are some very healthy fruitarian in youtube. that have been doing it for years, decades. Is it healthy for everyone in the long term? I don't think so. Could it be better with some additions like dairy or legumes? I am sure it could. Is every vegan sick? No way! People have even healed cancer with raw vegan diets.


Dec 8, 2018
There's many things here though that hasn't been accounted for. PUFA's adverse heath effects don't really work that way. PUFA desensitizes your cells to thyroid hormone, making you "thyroid resistant" so to speak. This lays ground zero for various downstream health effects that usually take years to conclude. PUFA is the problem when that 40 year old gets cancer or dies from an heart attack. Mainstream medical simply blames your genetics and diagnose you with a case of bad luck. When in reality a life long consumption of polyunsaturated fats degraded the persons metabolism and immunity setting them up for a host of illnesses. Consuming PUFA, and removing PUFA, isn't likely to cause spontaneous effects over just a couple months. I'm more in line to agree with Runenight201's opinion. These skin problems are very closely associated with intestinal issues. And even though PUFA isn't helping you out at all, it's more likely that removing hard to digest foods and eatting nothing but fruit (which is very easily digested) helped your issue. Undigested food particles can wreck havoc in your gut. Peanut butter, tahini, and fast food are filled with a bunch of different anti-nutrients and gums that aren't typically good for even a high functioning intestine, let alone a malfunctioning intestine.

In my case it had nothing to do with the digestabiliy of foods. I was eating like a kilo of whole pasta, 200 grams of almonds and walnuts and a lot of hot curry. I had no acne at all. Everytime I would consume peanut butter or tahini or fried food, baaam, I developed acne.

Where are the studies that you cannot remove PuFA's in a couple of months?

If you eat fast food everyday, especially fatty and fried things , like fries and doughnuts , will make you gain a lot of weight. The Omege 6 PUFA's will be obviously stored in that fat you gained. If you lose that fat that you gained before, you will subsequently remove the PUFA's along with the fat you gained. Where else could the PUFA's be stored?
If you have no body fat accumulated, you cannot have stored PUFA's in my understanding.


Have you tried taking DIM? Antibiotics? ACV? Raw Garlic?


Mar 15, 2014
Though the diet is horrible for temperature and building up your body. I want to build more robustness and the only way I can do so is by eating more meat and eggs
Not at all true, in my experience.

I'm super warm from eating high fruit, milk, and sugar. Arguably you might consider that drinking whole milk isn't low fat, it's pretty much the only fat source I was getting for a long while.

Higher fat makes me cold. As for "building the body" I guess it's debatable, but I never cared about having bigger muscles than I already do.


Oct 2, 2018
PUFAs are not just found in the fat cells of your body. They are found in EVERY cell of your body as they are incorporated in the lipid (fatty) membrane which forms the outer boundary of your cells, as well as forming lipid compartments within the cell, such as the nucleus and mitochondria. So just because you have a low body fat ratio does not mean that you have depleted your body of all PUFA.

Have you been living in the same place this whole time? I’m wondering apart from you diet whether you are being exposed to anything at home or at work which may be contributing to your condition?


Dec 8, 2018
I agree completely with high carb low fat fixing the skin very effectively, I think it is an amazing cleansing/catabolic diet to get rid of toxins. Personally I never had a single pimple ever but I have seen so many amazing healing stories everywhere from people. Also in my observation people with bad skin always eat tons of fried foods.

Though the diet is horrible for temperature and building up your body. I want to build more robustness and the only way I can do so is by eating more meat and eggs, nothing gives me more warmth and strength personally than those foods, besides that I think they are way more toxic than fruits. Personally I experience the macrobiotic system of yin/yang foods to be true. I will be super cold and pale when I follow a high fruit diet, especially in winter, 3000 kcal of high grain/meat keeps me warm and 5000 kcal fruit leaves me cold.

A lot of raw vegans also tend to develop other type of problems, they get this weird pale/greyness or their skin gets extremely wrinkly (see mcdougall or doug graham for example).

I think at different times you need different approaches. More grain/animal foods to build and high fruit to detox/clean. Unnecessary fat intake is always bad in my opinion, I never noticed any benefit from any type of fat , be it saturated or pufa or mufa.

I don't know if agree fully, but I think too that maybe there is a diet for detoxing, and there is a diet for building . Like most animals in nature , when they change what they eat depending on season, or like bears when they fast and hibernate during winter.

I found that raw foods are great for healing. First time I did the raw vegan diet that healed me from acne , the first months it made me spit a lot of mucus and phlegm. That lasted for weeks, till one day I got a fever out of nowhere. Like I was feeling nice, and then baam, I had a very strong fever, I was shaking so much in it was summer but I fell so cold. And then the days after, I had no more mucus. And didn't have more mucus anymore .

How the hell did you eat 5000 kcal of fruit in a day? That's like more than 6 kilos of fruit!

I think the the pale skin and the wrinkles could be because they were exposed to a lot of sun and they are white (I think Dr Graham lives in the tropics) or could be because an omega 3 , Vitamin A, Vitamin D, zinc deficiency. Heck, Dr Mcdougalls son has to use glasses, while his parents don't.


Dec 8, 2018
Have you tried taking DIM? Antibiotics? ACV? Raw Garlic?

I tried antibotics when I was younger, no difference.
I tried raw garlic when I was a raw vegan, after I healed acne, and It gave me stomach pain and gas.
I never tried ACV.
I have no idea what is DIM.
I never tried antibiotics (from doctors or natural) because my case of acne is so severe that dermatologist say that my only hope is accutane, Antibiotics are not able to cure nodular acne like the one I have.


Dec 8, 2018
PUFAs are not just found in the fat cells of your body. They are found in EVERY cell of your body as they are incorporated in the lipid (fatty) membrane which forms the outer boundary of your cells, as well as forming lipid compartments within the cell, such as the nucleus and mitochondria. So just because you have a low body fat ratio does not mean that you have depleted your body of all PUFA.

Have you been living in the same place this whole time? I’m wondering apart from you diet whether you are being exposed to anything at home or at work which may be contributing to your condition?

Well, I am not saying that I can deplete ALL PUFAs in months, BUT maybe can deplete enough so I can have clear skin. And I think anyways we have not enough proof that we cannot deplete most of PUFAs quickly with the right diet.
1) On a fat-free diet, PUFA depletion in serum and cholesterol was daramatic and it took about 4 days to almost fully deplete PUFA.
2) In various tissues like muscle, skin and testis, PUFA depletion was slower, but still after ONLY 31 days the PUFA depletion in tissues reached the depletion levels seen in serum and cholesterol. As far as I can see PUFA levels fell to under 5% concentration in tissues. Again, this was achieved when feeding fat-free diet.
3) Perhaps the most important, and depressing finding - even a single high PUFA meal replenished PUFA content in serum, cholesterol and tissues almost up to the levels seen before starting fat-free diets. So, after depleting PUFA make sure to avoid even a single "binge event" of restaurant food unless you are loaded up on vitamin E.

PUFA Depletion Can (probably) Be Accomplished In 30 Days!

I have travelled around 15 countries in this 3 years. Never stayed in one home for more than 3 months at a time. Changing places didn't affect my acne at all.


Dec 8, 2018
Not at all true, in my experience.

I'm super warm from eating high fruit, milk, and sugar. Arguably you might consider that drinking whole milk isn't low fat, it's pretty much the only fat source I was getting for a long while.

Higher fat makes me cold. As for "building the body" I guess it's debatable, but I never cared about having bigger muscles than I already do.

I was super warm when eating carnivore. I would get super cold when I fast. I think some people could feel cold while eating a fruitarian diet because they were anemic. Lack of Iron and Vitamin B12 cause it, and the fruitarian diet is usually deficient in both.


Feb 18, 2018
I have said many times in the post that I don't plan to remain all my life Fruitarian, just enough to heal.
I know Sv3ridge. He made me stop eating plants. But he is always showing biased information. Not all vegans look like the ones in his videos. What abput blue zones? Most of them where near vegetarians, with very little animal products consumption. There are some very healthy fruitarian in youtube. that have been doing it for years, decades. Is it healthy for everyone in the long term? I don't think so. Could it be better with some additions like dairy or legumes? I am sure it could. Is every vegan sick? No way! People have even healed cancer with raw vegan diets.

There could be a multitude of other factors that account for "healthy" fruitarians, as well as things we don't know that aren't actually healthy about them, like whether they are actually capable of reproducing or not. It could also be the case that they may be using botox or other means of body alterations to fake health in order to convince you of their diet. These aren't accusations, but musings (although this certainly was the case with freelee the banana girl), and I'm more inclined to trust the negative experiences rather than the positives, because the positive experiences are always attempting to sell you on something.

The only group of people who have included no animals in their diets are seven day Adventists. Even blue zones consumed animals, and it was probably highly nutritious ones like oysters or something. We crave animals because they are good for us to eat, especially properly raised ones who have been eating a highly nutritious diet. Also I'm not sure if longevity even means optimal health, and it's not like we're over here measuring centenarians pulse, temps, sleep, and energy to determine whether they're actually healthy lol, and the fact that they are so old for sure complicates the matters some more. If optimal health means dying 5 years shorter than so be it. I value quality of life over quantity of life.

Anyways good luck to you, I hope you figure it out, life becomes truly amazing once you do.


Nov 16, 2018
What's this omnivore talk, humans are originally vegans, we are not predators except through modern tools.
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