Peat Is Right About Amino Acids / Gelatin


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I have already been using gelatin in earnest long enough to decide RP is right about protein amino acids / gelatin / tryptophan and all that.

In an attempt to go low PUFA, I had started dramatically increasing milk intake. But I also started feeling kinda bad, serotonin like symptoms.... figured it could be because of tryptophan, and decided to start increasing gelatin intake. Over the weekend in particular I often have problems staying awake because I get lazy and just have lots of milk (no prep needed). This time I made a big batch of jello and noticed... the desire to take a nap during the afternoon was gone.

RP right again! I may start increasing the dose even more (at about 36g a day now) since I'm still feeling some serotonin symptoms but they are improved.

As great as milk is for calcium, sugar, protein... it must be supplemented alongside gelatin to offset the tryptophan.


Jan 25, 2014
I have already been using gelatin in earnest long enough to decide RP is right about protein amino acids / gelatin / tryptophan and all that.

In an attempt to go low PUFA, I had started dramatically increasing milk intake. But I also started feeling kinda bad, serotonin like symptoms.... figured it could be because of tryptophan, and decided to start increasing gelatin intake. Over the weekend in particular I often have problems staying awake because I get lazy and just have lots of milk (no prep needed). This time I made a big batch of jello and noticed... the desire to take a nap during the afternoon was gone.

RP right again! I may start increasing the dose even more (at about 36g a day now) since I'm still feeling some serotonin symptoms but they are improved.

As great as milk is for calcium, sugar, protein... it must be supplemented alongside gelatin to offset the tryptophan.

I just started drinking some goat milk. Lower in trypophan, and better Feinstrom aminos. I am also using BCAAs alongside most protein meals.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Can you even get skimmed goat milk? I rely on skim milk because I want the protein without the fat, especially without the PUFA's. I generally am under 1 gram of PUFA a day. Goat milk is quite high in PUFA from what I can recall.


Feb 13, 2016
Milk is pretty high in tryptophan, but if the tryptophan in milk is very noticeably converting into serotonin instead of niacin, your thyroid function may not be optimal yet. Do you supplement thyroid? What are your temps?


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Yeah probably but there is no sense suffering through it if I can mitigate it with gelatin.

My temps are actually fairly good for the most part. Usually I can get to 98.6-99+ soon after morning coffee and can maintain it the whole day. I do still struggle getting good sleep / maintaining temperature during sleep though.

I briefly tried thyroid but didn't like it. It made me feel worse.


Oct 5, 2014
I have already been using gelatin in earnest long enough to decide RP is right about protein amino acids / gelatin / tryptophan and all that.

In an attempt to go low PUFA, I had started dramatically increasing milk intake. But I also started feeling kinda bad, serotonin like symptoms.... figured it could be because of tryptophan, and decided to start increasing gelatin intake. Over the weekend in particular I often have problems staying awake because I get lazy and just have lots of milk (no prep needed). This time I made a big batch of jello and noticed... the desire to take a nap during the afternoon was gone.

RP right again! I may start increasing the dose even more (at about 36g a day now) since I'm still feeling some serotonin symptoms but they are improved.

As great as milk is for calcium, sugar, protein... it must be supplemented alongside gelatin to offset the tryptophan.
Two questions mate:

Which brand are you using ?

You let the gelatin to become solid or you drink it liquid ?


Mar 12, 2016
I don't think gelatin counts as an isolated amino.

I've tried using gelatin, but I always notice it makes my skin quality worse, and I don't particularly enjoy eating it anyway.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Two questions mate:

Which brand are you using ?

You let the gelatin to become solid or you drink it liquid ?

I decided to just go with a cheap brand because of how much I plan to take and fitting into my budget - the NOW brand that is like $12? instead of the other stuff which is like 2x or more that cost. I used to just put it in a glass of OJ but I hated that because it wouldn't mix right. Now I make jello and it is not only more enjoyable but maybe more digestible this way too, so I make it solid yes.

My jello is literally just gelatin, OJ, and honey in a 1 TB : 1 cup : 1 TB ratio. I trust home made much more than store bought stuff that has junk additives.

I mostly avoid isolated aminos.

So do I. Gelatin has several AA's. I consider gelatin "food" and not isolated aminos.

I had a bunch more gelatin when I woke up last night, only to find it boosted my metabolism too much... oops. Could not get to sleep again until much later lol. Maybe this just exposes that I'm used to going to bed when I'm "artificially tired" though (high in serotonin). I also noticed my temp went up like crazy (got almost to 98.6 at like 2-3 AM, which never happens normally when I have a midnight snack, even had a bowel movement, also never happens that late)

Is it worth adding BCAA to the mix too? Or not really necessary if I have a high gelatin intake?
Last edited:


Aug 15, 2015
Ah how much I envy you man! Glad gelatin is working for you. I've tried thousand times but it's just not working for me. It makes me look fat/bloated, similar to what niacinamide and aspirin are doing to me. Taurine is my to go amino acid and I am content about that. But deep down, I want gelatin to work for me.


Mar 10, 2016
I had a mild concussion a few days ago. Fruit snacks with gelatin have helped me feel grounded and focused; less "out of it".


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Ah how much I envy you man! Glad gelatin is working for you. I've tried thousand times but it's just not working for me. It makes me look fat/bloated, similar to what niacinamide and aspirin are doing to me. Taurine is my to go amino acid and I am content about that. But deep down, I want gelatin to work for me.

Hmm, interesting. How much gelatin were you taking in? After a couple of other users here posted success stories from gelatin, I realized I was under-dosing gelatin and thus not getting much out of it. The benefits seem to really pop up (at least for me) at the higher dosages, taking care not to go TOO high or you'll get nausea as side effects according to Haidut when he tried to eat 128g in one day for a week straight. I have not actually tried taurine... I kind of try to avoid isolated amino's personally (just me though). I'm already fat and bloated LOL so I probably wouldn't even notice... but it makes me feel better, which makes me think it is probably good for me. Maybe the specific brand you were intaking was not good?

I myself no longer take niacinamide or aspirin anymore. The only supplements I intake now is caffeine, magnesium, selenium, vitamin D/E/K2, gelatin (if you count it as supplement).

I had a mild concussion a few days ago. Fruit snacks with gelatin have helped me feel grounded and focused; less "out of it".

Awesome. Glad you are feeling better.
Nov 21, 2015
So do I. Gelatin has several AA's. I consider gelatin "food" and not isolated aminos.

Agreed. It isn’t isolated. It’s extracted from hides and parts. It’s a natural process. I don’t know how they make isolated aminos and I’m sure it isn’t the pure powder it seems to be.


Aug 15, 2015
Hmm, interesting. How much gelatin were you taking in? After a couple of other users here posted success stories from gelatin, I realized I was under-dosing gelatin and thus not getting much out of it. The benefits seem to really pop up (at least for me) at the higher dosages, taking care not to go TOO high or you'll get nausea as side effects according to Haidut when he tried to eat 128g in one day for a week straight. I have not actually tried taurine... I kind of try to avoid isolated amino's personally (just me though). I'm already fat and bloated LOL so I probably wouldn't even notice... but it makes me feel better, which makes me think it is probably good for me. Maybe the specific brand you were intaking was not good?

I myself no longer take niacinamide or aspirin anymore. The only supplements I intake now is caffeine, magnesium, selenium, vitamin D/E/K2, gelatin (if you count it as supplement).

Awesome. Glad you are feeling better.
You are not fat if you look at me, trust me! Interesting that you use OJ and honey with your gelatin. Maybe vitamin C is helping you with endotoxins that may come from powder gelatin? Honey is really great for digesting bread from some testimonials on the forum. Also the solid texture is probably helping. I may try your method in the next couple of days. I've used Great Lake before, both the red and the green can. Also, I tried bovine gelatin from the supermarket, and they all give me issues. I've tried them with milk and water though.


Feb 9, 2014
One thing you could also try is blend half a cup of skim milk with 1 cup of fat free Greek yogurt with some sugar and salt and vanilla extract. It comes out like a tasty vanilla protein milk shake. Digests very well for me too. I remember when I was new to Peat, I did have to use much more gelatin myself to better handle the tryptophan in the milk. I used a serving of gelatin with 3 out of 4 of my main meals. Still use it with two of my main meals. May up it again myself to see if I notice anything. I try to take something that has vitamin c or orange juice and a little hydrogenated coconut oil too with my meals to lower any potential endotoxin from the gelatin (some brands contian a decent amount of endotoxin).


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I just started drinking some goat milk. Lower in trypophan, and better Feinstrom aminos. I am also using BCAAs alongside most protein meals.

When I tried BCAA's I felt miserably apathetic. I think they lower both dopamine and serotonin, simultaneously inhibiting both from the brain.

Ah how much I envy you man! Glad gelatin is working for you. I've tried thousand times but it's just not working for me. It makes me look fat/bloated, similar to what niacinamide and aspirin are doing to me. Taurine is my to go amino acid and I am content about that. But deep down, I want gelatin to work for me.

More correctly, the amino acid would be glycine. I see what you are getting at, though. And how the heck are niacinamide and aspirin making you fat? I had always though they provided a significant boost tot he metabolism as well as preventing the release of stored PUFA. That boost should help you to burn more calories, right?


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
You are not fat if you look at me, trust me! Interesting that you use OJ and honey with your gelatin. Maybe vitamin C is helping you with endotoxins that may come from powder gelatin? Honey is really great for digesting bread from some testimonials on the forum. Also the solid texture is probably helping. I may try your method in the next couple of days. I've used Great Lake before, both the red and the green can. Also, I tried bovine gelatin from the supermarket, and they all give me issues. I've tried them with milk and water though.

Lol, my avatar is an old pic before I started peating and packed on the pounds. I don't even drink water anymore honestly. I have so much OJ and milk that my need for water is pretty much non-existant.

One thing you could also try is blend half a cup of skim milk with 1 cup of fat free Greek yogurt with some sugar and salt and vanilla extract. It comes out like a tasty vanilla protein milk shake. Digests very well for me too. I remember when I was new to Peat, I did have to use much more gelatin myself to better handle the tryptophan in the milk. I used a serving of gelatin with 3 out of 4 of my main meals. Still use it with two of my main meals. May up it again myself to see if I notice anything. I try to take something that has vitamin c or orange juice and a little hydrogenated coconut oil too with my meals to lower any potential endotoxin from the gelatin (some brands contian a decent amount of endotoxin).

Yeah you probably convert more tryptophan to niacin now. I think when one is unhealthy, the tryptophan tends to go straight to serotonin, with gelatin resisting that. Maybe the OJ then is helping (vitamin C). I also have lots of HCO as well.

When I tried BCAA's I felt miserably apathetic. I think they lower both dopamine and serotonin, simultaneously inhibiting both from the brain.

I noticed the same from BCAA which is why I don't currently take them. Maybe I had a bad brand.


This is why we enjoy pana cotta over here my friend. ;) Total balance.
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