I'm Completely Broken - Erectile Dysfunction, Fatigue, No Concentration



Mar 5, 2017
you sound like you have extremely high insulin sensitivity if you crash right after a meal. As PEAT says low iron can cause high insulin sensitivity

how is your iron levels?

what color is your poo, any black stools? intestinal bleeding can lead to iron lo

are you fat or thin? belly fat? fat thighs? or muscle and bulk?

do you do CARDIO?

do you breath through your nose or your mouth? breathing through the nose increases Nitrous Oxide.

do you wear glasses (high serotonin leads to myopia)

any allergies? hives?

some of what you have said in all your post points to adrenal issues also since the adrenals make a lot of hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, Testosterone etc.

from what I've read in my journey is that if you have high insulin you could have low or weak adrenals and if your adrenals.

A lot of your post seems spot on. Here are my answers:

I thought maybe my iron levels might be a little low since Peats diet is about minimizing iron and someone commented leg cramps I sometimes had around that time could be due to low iron or low magnesium. I tried an iron supplement one time but I thought it would go against Peat so I stopped.

I am naturally very, very thin but over the years of weight training and increasing my calories I build up a good amount of muscle mass and recently my bodyweight was nearly 200 pound with lots of muscle and still pretty lean.

I don't do cardio.

I don't wear glasses but I have light myopia which was diagnosed and completely hit me by surprise. I remember reading one of Ray's articles that said something about the retina weakening due to PUFAs or something and it was describing me perfectly.

No allergies that I know of.

There is definitely something about adrenal function since I just noticed how my body seems to be in a constant state of hypertension and stress and after meals it gets even worse and my heart rate increases very much.


Jan 21, 2018
Another thought is you could have a build up of candida in your system. The tongue being coated and not handling starches well is often common, as well as impaired circulation. Things that can help with candida are all over the net. Things that I have tried/and do include raw garlic, 2 or 3 cloves, finely diced, mixed into cottage cheese or yogurt(tastes like french onion dip). Try this 2 or 3 times per week. Coconut oil (1/2 a teasoon mixed in your coffee, lugols iodine, 2%. Start with 2 or 3 drops and work up to 10 to 12 drops once or twice per day. Can put it in your coffee. Its common to feel some intial brain fog while the candida dies off, it MAY take a few months to get the candida overgrowth under control. BORAX. . about 200 mg per day. Thats about 20 mg of boron. Increases free testo, reduces estrogen in males, and is anti fungal and energizing. I put it in a capsule and combine it with curry powder. You could also try some cayenne pepper, that would increase circulation, if that is an issue.


Mar 5, 2017
Another thought is you could have a build up of candida in your system. The tongue being coated and not handling starches well is often common, as well as impaired circulation. Things that can help with candida are all over the net. Things that I have tried/and do include raw garlic, 2 or 3 cloves, finely diced, mixed into cottage cheese or yogurt(tastes like french onion dip). Try this 2 or 3 times per week. Coconut oil (1/2 a teasoon mixed in your coffee, lugols iodine, 2%. Start with 2 or 3 drops and work up to 10 to 12 drops once or twice per day. Can put it in your coffee. Its common to feel some intial brain fog while the candida dies off, it MAY take a few months to get the candida overgrowth under control. BORAX. . about 200 mg per day. Thats about 20 mg of boron. Increases free testo, reduces estrogen in males, and is anti fungal and energizing. I put it in a capsule and combine it with curry powder. You could also try some cayenne pepper, that would increase circulation, if that is an issue.

Thanks, I am going to be honest with you, a few years ago, I would have totally bought into the candida thing, in fact I did. I took the iodine, the borax, the supps, ate no sugar etc, and I still had no libido.


Sep 23, 2017
A lot of your post seems spot on. Here are my answers:

I thought maybe my iron levels might be a little low since Peats diet is about minimizing iron and someone commented leg cramps I sometimes had around that time could be due to low iron or low magnesium. I tried an iron supplement one time but I thought it would go against Peat so I stopped.

I am naturally very, very thin but over the years of weight training and increasing my calories I build up a good amount of muscle mass and recently my bodyweight was nearly 200 pound with lots of muscle and still pretty lean.

I don't do cardio.

I don't wear glasses but I have light myopia which was diagnosed and completely hit me by surprise. I remember reading one of Ray's articles that said something about the retina weakening due to PUFAs or something and it was describing me perfectly.

No allergies that I know of.

There is definitely something about adrenal function since I just noticed how my body seems to be in a constant state of hypertension and stress and after meals it gets even worse and my heart rate increases very much.

avoid iron supplements get it from food. fructose can increase iron abosption and coffee prevents iron absorption if that helps any.

START WALKING at least an hour a day. Cardio helps the heart and that helps ERECTIONS.
Cardio also increases dopamine. Cardio also stimulates the adrenals.

sounds like you have issues with adrenals and they are not making enough cortisol so when you eat INSULIN SPIKES and then crashes and you have little to know cortisol to release sugar into the blood.

People experiencing adrenal fatigue normally have lower levels of cortisol, which can often make it more difficult to sustain healthy levels of blood sugar.* When blood sugar levels are low (hypoglycemia)

Adrenal Function - What Do Your Adrenal Glands Do? | AdrenalFatigue.org

An individual in burnout has a very difficult time maintaining normal blood sugar levels. Many people in burnout have wildly fluctuating blood sugar levels for the above reasons. Others suffer from chronically low blood sugar levels or hypoglycemia. Others have diabetes (high blood sugar), but they are unable to utilize or burn all the sugar they have in their blood.

the brain does not have the ability to store sugar and if glucose levels drop below about 65 mg/100 ml, an individual will frequently experience extreme anxiety, confusion and nervousness. People have become violent when blood sugar levels fall precipitously.

ARL : Adrenal Burnout Syndrome

In the presence of increased insulin and decreased epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol, blood sugar drops rapidly. If this happens at the same time as an increasing demand for glucose, then further difficulties may arise from this energy fuel shortage. Without adequate available energy, every energy-requiring mechanism of the cell slows dramatically. When this coincides with an electrolyte imbalance (resulting from decreased aldosterone and other adrenal hormones) the cells can be in crisis.
Hypoglycemia and Adrenal Fatigue | Dr. Wilson's AdrenalFatigue.org


Mar 5, 2017
avoid iron supplements get it from food. fructose can increase iron abosption and coffee prevents iron absorption if that helps any.

START WALKING at least an hour a day. Cardio helps the heart and that helps ERECTIONS.
Cardio also increases dopamine. Cardio also stimulates the adrenals.

sounds like you have issues with adrenals and they are not making enough cortisol so when you eat INSULIN SPIKES and then crashes and you have little to know cortisol to release sugar into the blood.

People experiencing adrenal fatigue normally have lower levels of cortisol, which can often make it more difficult to sustain healthy levels of blood sugar.* When blood sugar levels are low (hypoglycemia)

Adrenal Function - What Do Your Adrenal Glands Do? | AdrenalFatigue.org

An individual in burnout has a very difficult time maintaining normal blood sugar levels. Many people in burnout have wildly fluctuating blood sugar levels for the above reasons. Others suffer from chronically low blood sugar levels or hypoglycemia. Others have diabetes (high blood sugar), but they are unable to utilize or burn all the sugar they have in their blood.

the brain does not have the ability to store sugar and if glucose levels drop below about 65 mg/100 ml, an individual will frequently experience extreme anxiety, confusion and nervousness. People have become violent when blood sugar levels fall precipitously.

ARL : Adrenal Burnout Syndrome

In the presence of increased insulin and decreased epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol, blood sugar drops rapidly. If this happens at the same time as an increasing demand for glucose, then further difficulties may arise from this energy fuel shortage. Without adequate available energy, every energy-requiring mechanism of the cell slows dramatically. When this coincides with an electrolyte imbalance (resulting from decreased aldosterone and other adrenal hormones) the cells can be in crisis.
Hypoglycemia and Adrenal Fatigue | Dr. Wilson's AdrenalFatigue.org

Sounds like me yeah. But what to do if that is the case to fix it?

Also so confused, some people say it's high cortisol, you say adrenal fatigue and low cortisol. I always thought cortisol = stress and is elevated in me, because I feel like my body can't relax.


Jan 21, 2018
Thanks, I am going to be honest with you, a few years ago, I would have totally bought into the candida thing, in fact I did. I took the iodine, the borax, the supps, ate no sugar etc, and I still had no libido.

I m just giving you the best ideas that worked for me, not saying that "I know" what you re personal bottom line issue is. Whether those supplements effect candida or its more helpful for blood circulation, I can't say for sure. I know the candida stuff is on overload on the net, don't want to focus too much on that. I can say that at age 59, I have more sex drive than I know what to do with. Wasnt always the case, didnt have that much libido when I was in my teens and early twenties, and didnt even have sex until I was married at age 26.

Here's a few supplements that seem to rev up my sex drive, if you want to go the supplements route. Tongkat Ali Extract(some batches seem to work like crazy, some not so much at all to be honest), Velvet bean or Velvet bean extract(works most of the time), some Maca, the red and black seem the best. If you watched alot of porn while young, it could be a dopamine issue. Velvet bean contains L dopa and should help some. Another thing that works for me goji berries, especially the fresh ones.


Mar 5, 2017
I m just giving you the best ideas that worked for me, not saying that "I know" what you re personal bottom line issue is. Whether those supplements effect candida or its more helpful for blood circulation, I can't say for sure. I know the candida stuff is on overload on the net, don't want to focus too much on that. I can say that at age 59, I have more sex drive than I know what to do with. Wasnt always the case, didnt have that much libido when I was in my teens and early twenties, and didnt even have sex until I was married at age 26.

Here's a few supplements that seem to rev up my sex drive, if you want to go the supplements route. Tongkat Ali Extract(some batches seem to work like crazy, some not so much at all to be honest), Velvet bean or Velvet bean extract(works most of the time), some Maca, the red and black seem the best. If you watched alot of porn while young, it could be a dopamine issue. Velvet bean contains L dopa and should help some. Another thing that works for me goji berries, especially the fresh ones.

Yeah, sorry if my answer came of as rude or anything, just wanted to say that I've tried all of these things and they didn't help me at all except have me spend a lot of money as a broke high school student on supps and food that didn't do anything in the end.

Ironically, I even tried tongkat ali. It didn't have any effects either and was the most expensive supplement ever. I would try another brand, batch whatever, but it's just too expensive, and I don't think anyone should have to rely on herbs to feel normal anyway, especially at a young age.

Looking back, there clearly has to be some underlying issue with hormones, be it blood sugar regulation, thyroid or hypogonadism and it goes deeper than just taking a herb in my opinion. We will see once I have my endo appointment which is actually only in 2 months, but I am gonna really press for complete checkup, blood and not accept the it's in your head thing, or the you look young and fit thing.


Mar 5, 2017
Also some updates, since I am really trying to observe the effects particular foods have on my body:

Caffeine: Not to be graphic or offend anyone, but I noticed caffeine feels like it is castrating me in a sense. It makes my testicles shrivel up and feel very tight and small. My penis feels limb and shrivled up as well. My nipples get very small and hard, as if it is cold. I generally feel like caffeine makes me look more androgenic, especially my upper body and face but my genitals say something else. At the same time, it feels like it makes me shed hair. On one hand it makes me jittery but on the other hand it makes me a lot more stoic, as if it might lower serotonin.

Fast food/starchy meals: So if I fast food, like a pizza, or even a regular "balanced" meal with meat and potatoes for example, I feel bloated, and the next morning I wake up with a puffy face.

Starch by itself: So eating salted rice by itself, or sweet potatoes (little bit of olive oil) by itself, it seems like I don't get the blood sugar crash, but my pulse goes sky high and I might not digest it properly.

Fruit: Yesterday, I spent some money on fruit, and it feels like I don't have any problems with it. They don't give me energy though and only satiate me for a very short amount of time. Also it feels like at first it gives me dopamine, but then causes digestive trouble, which increases serotonin again.

Another thing I noticed is a little bit of black in my bowel movements today. I wonder if that has anything to do with the coffee consumption and iron, the poster above was talking about.


Sep 23, 2017
Sounds like me yeah. But what to do if that is the case to fix it?

Also so confused, some people say it's high cortisol, you say adrenal fatigue and low cortisol. I always thought cortisol = stress and is elevated in me, because I feel like my body can't relax.

when your sugar is low then your feel agitated and stress
normally cortisol would kick in and break down glycogen to releases sugar into the blood

with weak or low adrenal you get little to no cortisol...not enought to break down stored sugar so you feel agitated. your body is in stress

adrenals also make sex hormones and if you have issues with that it could all be related. Low T Low Dopamine

if your cortisol is high then you would have a lot of fatty acids and sugar in your blood, energy for you to do stuff and if you don't do stuff to burn it OFF insulin kicks and then turn into BELLY FAT.

but it seems everytime you eat the insulin is dropping your sugar and you don't have enough cortisol to replace it and then you get a stress response


Mar 5, 2017
when your sugar is low then your feel agitated and stress
normally cortisol would kick in and break down glycogen to releases sugar into the blood

with weak or low adrenal you get little to no cortisol...not enought to break down stored sugar so you feel agitated. your body is in stress

adrenals also make sex hormones and if you have issues with that it could all be related. Low T Low Dopamine

if your cortisol is high then you would have a lot of fatty acids and sugar in your blood, energy for you to do stuff and if you don't do stuff to burn it OFF insulin kicks and then turn into BELLY FAT.

but it seems everytime you eat the insulin is dropping your sugar and you don't have enough cortisol to replace it and then you get a stress response

Yes, I read the article and it makes sense. But I still don't get from that, what the solution is to the problem. Could you me explain some ways I could tackle this issue?


Jan 21, 2018
Yeah, sorry if my answer came of as rude or anything, just wanted to say that I've tried all of these things and they didn't help me at all except have me spend a lot of money as a broke high school student on supps and food that didn't do anything in the end.

Ironically, I even tried tongkat ali. It didn't have any effects either and was the most expensive supplement ever. I would try another brand, batch whatever, but it's just too expensive, and I don't think anyone should have to rely on herbs to feel normal anyway, especially at a young age.

Looking back, there clearly has to be some underlying issue with hormones, be it blood sugar regulation, thyroid or hypogonadism and it goes deeper than just taking a herb in my opinion. We will see once I have my endo appointment which is actually only in 2 months, but I am gonna really press for complete checkup, blood and not accept the it's in your head thing, or the you look young and fit thing.

Sorry but you probably won't like what I'm about to say, but here it is anyhow.

I went thru all the blood and saliva hormone tests on multiple occasions. Don't get your hopes up in my opinion. The Doc's are just working to get 2 or 3 low T tests so they can prescribe a $500 a month testo gel, that doesnt really work as it converts into estrogen and your free testo levels really arent effected at all. Probably more dangerous than helpful. I wouldnt waste the time at all with that to be honest. You will waste alot of time and money, and few years of your life and it will be a dead end. Most of the reference ranges are bogus. They include everyone from 16 year old kids to 90 year old men. If you think that having the testo of a 90 year old man is normal, well your tests will likely be "normal.". Look at the reference ranges for 20 year old men, that would mean something. Alot of people have thyroid issues nowadays, and that's a likely problem. Flouridated water is a thyroid suppressor. So are artificial sweeteners in diet soda and other diet products. Same with raw broccolli and cabbage. Same with vegetable oils. One reason iodine helps people over time is it displaces the flouride in the thyroid and helps the thyroid work the way it was designed. Getting some tyrosine, selenium and zinc help also. If you have an issue with energy as well as sexual energy, the thyroid could be the issue. Don't let them pawn some pharma thyroid medication like synthroid, just do a few supplements and stay away from the thyroid suppressors. and you'll be fine. Be well my friend. I attached a website that might be helpful with reference ranges. etc



Sep 23, 2017
Yes, I read the article and it makes sense. But I still don't get from that, what the solution is to the problem. Could you me explain some ways I could tackle this issue?

i guess if you go to a doctor see if they can check you pituatary and hypothalamus to see if all hormoens are wroking correctly.

if you are going on your own then you want to eat foods and excercises that support the health of these two glands...your issues seem very related and a change in diet and exercixes and increasing FREE SUNLIGHT are the cheapest and easiest ways to start.



Thyroid Health – The Care and Feeding of Your Hypothalamus « Thyroid U

Foods For Keeping Up Excellent Hypothalamus Health


Mar 5, 2017
Sorry but you probably won't like what I'm about to say, but here it is anyhow.

I went thru all the blood and saliva hormone tests on multiple occasions. Don't get your hopes up in my opinion. The Doc's are just working to get 2 or 3 low T tests so they can prescribe a $500 a month testo gel, that doesnt really work as it converts into estrogen and your free testo levels really arent effected at all. Probably more dangerous than helpful. I wouldnt waste the time at all with that to be honest. You will waste alot of time and money, and few years of your life and it will be a dead end. Most of the reference ranges are bogus. They include everyone from 16 year old kids to 90 year old men. If you think that having the testo of a 90 year old man is normal, well your tests will likely be "normal.". Look at the reference ranges for 20 year old men, that would mean something. Alot of people have thyroid issues nowadays, and that's a likely problem. Flouridated water is a thyroid suppressor. So are artificial sweeteners in diet soda and other diet products. Same with raw broccolli and cabbage. Same with vegetable oils. One reason iodine helps people over time is it displaces the flouride in the thyroid and helps the thyroid work the way it was designed. Getting some tyrosine, selenium and zinc help also. If you have an issue with energy as well as sexual energy, the thyroid could be the issue. Don't let them pawn some pharma thyroid medication like synthroid, just do a few supplements and stay away from the thyroid suppressors. and you'll be fine. Be well my friend. I attached a website that might be helpful with reference ranges. etc


Dude, I like what you have to say. It's my same exact viewpoint. I know that they are bullshitting when it comes to the reference ranges and me having the T of 200 would make me fall into the reference range but it would actually be that of a 90 year old dude.

My main thing with the doc is just getting the labs to actually know myself where I stand so I can attack the problem with some data. My plan wasn't even to listen to the doctor because I know he will probably not do anything good and especially here, the only form of TRT would be some kind of gel, and gels don't work. My main thing is really just getting my bloodwork so I know where I do stand in terms of hormones and see if maybe something is elevated and I have at least some sort of thing that I can attack and see how it helps, like who knows for example elevated prolactin or maybe just my TSH.

i guess if you go to a doctor see if they can check you pituatary and hypothalamus to see if all hormoens are wroking correctly.

if you are going on your own then you want to eat foods and excercises that support the health of these two glands...your issues seem very related and a change in diet and exercixes and increasing FREE SUNLIGHT are the cheapest and easiest ways to start.



Thyroid Health – The Care and Feeding of Your Hypothalamus « Thyroid U

Foods For Keeping Up Excellent Hypothalamus Health

Thanks I'll check out these links!


Jan 21, 2018
Good luck with the testing, we'll be interested to see what you find out. Vitamin D test might be worthwhile if you are in a northern climate. My free testo levels were effected by sub optimal vitamin D levels in the the winter, and the summer sun did help alot. Another thought is cellphone radiation. If you put your phone in your pocket, or your laptop on your lap, the emf's can injure your man parts. Russian olympic athletes were known to ice there balls to increase testo levels. Stay out of hot tubs or anything that would heat that area.


Jul 3, 2016
Folic acid/folate deficiency can be a cause of ED. Although Peaters with more knowledge have to suggest to you if it is worthwhile to supplement it as supplementation has been associated with diseases like cancer. Synthetic folic acid, most likely, as folate is nature's version and folic acid doesn't exist in nature. Folic acid is a synthetic precursor to folate. See studies concerning folate deficiency and erectile dysfunction:

A new potential risk factor in patients with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: folate deficiency

Also checking for varicocele is ofcourse a standard these days as it is known to impair testosterone levels, among more. A varicocele can feel like worms in your scrotum, and they almost always occur on the left side. When they occur on the right side as well, a left side varicocele is also almost always present. So don't be deceived, the veins inside your scrotum are not supposed to be enlarged, they are supposed to be very thin, about the size of 1 millimeter. Check on Google Images for pictures.
Last edited:

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
Get a blood test. Go to your doctor explain your problems. It's important

I would test:
Vitamin D
Also test your cholesterol levels
all these are common to test

Guys, I am feeling completely broken and really don't know how to continue but I am not giving up and I know there has to be a fix.

I am 19, about to turn 20, I have always had problems with diet. When I was younger I passed out a couple of times, or I had blurry vision and thought I was gonna pass out again. Now I know this has to be some sort of whacked out blood sugar problems.

Anyway, when I was doing no gluten, low starch, intermittent fasting, higher fat, my energy was a lot better. But I crashed. And now following the Peat diet, I get some improvements but here is the kicker:

A couple weeks ago, I met this girl, we had a great connection, I was mentally super attracted to her and she was to me but I couldn't get it up. Like I had zero brain-**** connection. The next few times my erections didn't feel super full, I actually didn't feel anything during sex and lost my erection pretty fast. It's not anxiety, it has been like this for as long as I can think.

I never got morning wood in my life except for maybe 3 times in my life were I felt very androgenic for the day. I always feel low testosterone, low physical libido though my mental state is always horny.

I tried stopping porn and masturbation since I was 15, multiple times of going for periods over 100 days without masturbation, orgasm or porn and my penis was completely dead. I can't take this anymore. So many potential partners that I have to turn down because my body doesn't work.

On top of that, trying to eat normally, I just completely pass out of fatigue so my blood sugar seems to be out of whack. And all these problems leave me with no energy to pursue my passions and my business, because I can't concentrate and I just feel like I am broken.

I tried eating no carbs yesterday and my energy was consistent without any crashes, but my libido is completely non existent again and today in the shower I lost so much hair, so I know that this is not the way to go, it's just avoiding the problem in terms of blood sugar balance.

What can I do? Doctors don't help me because they say it's all in my mind and I am young and they don't even take real tests. I feel like one of those PFS guys where nothing seems to work, even though I never took finasteride.

Please help me, guys.


Mar 5, 2017
You maybe interested in what this guy just posted. It was his thyroid mainly, and the iodine helped, but mainly when he went to 12.5 mg a day. The docs always will prescribe some pharma produced thyroid supplement, like I said earlier. Don t waste your time IMHO.

Sex And Thyroid Hormones, Iodine, Cortisol, Low Libido

Interestingly enough, I stumbled upon this post yesterday too when I searched for Iodine. I am gonna try it again and this time at correct dosages.

I also think one of my big problems might be dairy. I never even thought I might not tolerate dairy well. I always blamed it on the sugar but it seems it's actually dairy that causes my scalp itch. I ate sugar by itself and had no problems. Milk by itself, scalp itch. I used to always mix sugar with milk so I couldn't pinpoint it on the milk. Also, maybe apple juice/orange juice by itself don't cause diarrhea but only because of milk combination.

I am gonna completely cut out milk and grains because grains make me feel bloated and I get endotoxin symptoms.

I am gonna try to get most of my carbs from fruit juices, fruit, my protein through gelatin and a little meat, and some fat through meat, eggs as well. We will see how it goes.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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