Artery Blockages


Mar 8, 2015
I have had a CT angiogram recently and i have a narrowing of the right coronary artery at the beginning.

In the left coronary artery there was the appearance of a possible lesion in the mid left anterior descending but they thought this was artifactual and so not related to me (does this mean it was a screen fault).

Any idea what this means relative to men aged late 40's. Is it normal to have some narrowing at least ?

It has been recommended i take an aspirin and a statin a day, but i am against the statin as i am a thyroid patient and i have read statins are not so good for us.

My cholesterol was good at my last check, 4 with a 1.4 HDL.

I did well on the treadmill test and the echocardiogram was fine, all normal function.

They are recommending i go for a stress echo test.

I haven't seen the consultant about the results but was given a copy of their findings today when i went to see the GP.

I am fit and active, late 40's, don't smoke, only drink a little wine per week on saturday. My weight is the same today as i was aged in the 20's. I have a under active thyroid and this does cause me issues and apparently this can mean i am more likely to get some form of heart disease i think.

Recently i have had lots of sore joint and muscle issues, which i have posted about (my theory is this is related to high SHBG, so making testosterone unavailable).

I would be interested in understanding where i fit in the world of heart disease. Has anyone got any experience with this area of health on this board ?


Oct 10, 2018
You said you were a thyroid patient, does this mean you're taking thyroid meds? I'm no doctor, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I personally would probably try desiccated thyroid treatment. The dosage seems to vary, but a common dose is somewhere between 2 grains or higher for heart disease. Broda Barnes had over 1,500 patients and in a 20 year period he cured 94% of heart diseases, only 4 of his patients had heart attacks, and all 4 were taking dosages below 2 grains. Mark Starr uses Barnes's treatment strategy to this very day. You could even reach out to Mark if you wanted to, he has a facility in Arizona I believe. The aspirin will help too, though 325mgs is probably the minimal dose. Diet will help as well, lowering your serum fatty acids by eating a nutrient rich high carb diet. Avoid as much PUFA as possible, only fat sources should be small amounts of coconut oil, butter, lowfat dairy, beef liver, and shellfish. About 10% to 15% of total energy derived from fat is a good goal. Diet should be mostly based on fruits, fruit juice, and tubers. This is a personal choice you're going to have to make, but I would also ditch the statin. Activated charcoal, in the proper dosages, will reliably lower cholesterol. So will desiccated thyroid treatment. Pregnenolone will also lower cholesterol, but I'm not sure what dosage to use, someone else may be able to give some input on that.


Mar 8, 2015
I am using pregnenalone, have started recently at 25mcg a day (50 on alternate days).

I take T4 and sometimes a little T3. I used armour years ago but there was very little difference between T4 and this so i went with T4.

I notice the aspirin is having a positive effect, but it may be early days yet. It seems to raise my temp a little so i am not getting cold hands at the moment.

My tricep muscles feel really achy, as if i have been on a work out, but i haven't. The aspirin has had some effect here it seems. I wonder if it is raising testosterone.

Thanks for the input.


Oct 10, 2018
I am using pregnenalone, have started recently at 25mcg a day (50 on alternate days).

I take T4 and sometimes a little T3. I used armour years ago but there was very little difference between T4 and this so i went with T4.

I notice the aspirin is having a positive effect, but it may be early days yet. It seems to raise my temp a little so i am not getting cold hands at the moment.

My tricep muscles feel really achy, as if i have been on a work out, but i haven't. The aspirin has had some effect here it seems. I wonder if it is raising testosterone.

Thanks for the input.
Do you mean milligrams? 25mcg is an awfully small dose, I normally take around 3mgs of StressNon, but topical is more potent then oral. Oral pregnenolone is usually anywhere between 20-50mgs. Some people even mega dose it, at dosages well above 100mgs. I wouldn't recommend a mega dose, most of it gets converted into progesterone and could oppose your T production. It's normally recommended to have a product that has both T4 and T3 in it, but stick with whatever is working. You'll know if thyroid is working for you or not, you should get really warm and relaxed, provided you have enough glycogen and micronutrients (like magnesium and b vitamins). I can't really say about the triceps, maybe a magnesium deficency? But maybe not, if the aspirin helps them that suggests some sort of inflammatory cause. Also, I should've mentioned this in my original post but forgot. You could try the Linus Pauling protocol as well. The combination of vitamin C and lysine is suggested to be a powerful deterrent to plaque formation in the arteries. I wouldn't depend solely on it, but it could be used in addition with the other things.


Aug 6, 2015
acerola would be better than synthetic vitamin c

whole food gelatin could replace lysine - the proline in gelatin removes plaque too

vitamin d and k2 will remove calcium

acerola powder
gelatin powder, 75g a day
vitamin d and k2


Jan 25, 2014
I have had a CT angiogram recently and i have a narrowing of the right coronary artery at the beginning.

In the left coronary artery there was the appearance of a possible lesion in the mid left anterior descending but they thought this was artifactual and so not related to me (does this mean it was a screen fault).

Any idea what this means relative to men aged late 40's. Is it normal to have some narrowing at least ?

It has been recommended i take an aspirin and a statin a day, but i am against the statin as i am a thyroid patient and i have read statins are not so good for us.

My cholesterol was good at my last check, 4 with a 1.4 HDL.

I did well on the treadmill test and the echocardiogram was fine, all normal function.

They are recommending i go for a stress echo test.

I haven't seen the consultant about the results but was given a copy of their findings today when i went to see the GP.

I am fit and active, late 40's, don't smoke, only drink a little wine per week on saturday. My weight is the same today as i was aged in the 20's. I have a under active thyroid and this does cause me issues and apparently this can mean i am more likely to get some form of heart disease i think.

Recently i have had lots of sore joint and muscle issues, which i have posted about (my theory is this is related to high SHBG, so making testosterone unavailable).

I would be interested in understanding where i fit in the world of heart disease. Has anyone got any experience with this area of health on this board ?

Well, I don't know that statins are good for anyone. Period. If the issue comes up, you could always mention to your doctor, "yeah, about that statin..... there has never been any proof that they in any way reduce heart disease for men who haven't already had a heart attack. Why are you recommending it?"

Are you taking K2? That is the first thing I would take for any arterial blockage or narrowing. Well, I've actually been taking it for at least five years, so I would just up my dosage.

Linus Pauling's theory on Heart Disease is also worth your time. I mean, the man was only the most brilliant scientist of 20th century, and no one apparently can refute anything in this article-

So, you could add vitamin C, lysine, and proline to the mix.

Have you checked your iron levels, especially ferritin? Lowering iron tends to reduce any issue with heart disease, and it can also indirectly increase vitamin C, E, and other antioxidant levels.

Aspirin.... great anti inflammatory. And great for many other things. I'm sure you can find lots of support for aspirin on this forum.


Jan 25, 2014
acerola would be better than synthetic vitamin c

I haven't seen any proof of this statement, anywhere. acerola is fine, but Ascorbic Acid is cheaper, and much more economical if you are interested in taking a high dose. And literally every study that shows benefits of Vitamin C used either Ascorbic Acid or Sodium Ascorbate.


Mar 8, 2015
Thanks for the info guys.

Pregnenalone is 25mg, not mcg.

I will have a look into these links

What does Vitamin K2 actually help with then ? I wonder if it is in my multi vitamin. I will check. Is there a good daily dose to take ?


Mar 8, 2015
I haven't seen any proof of this statement, anywhere. acerola is fine, but Ascorbic Acid is cheaper, and much more economical if you are interested in taking a high dose. And literally every study that shows benefits of Vitamin C used either Ascorbic Acid or Sodium Ascorbate.

Would you use vitamin C tablets or ascorbic acid powders ?
Nov 21, 2015
I would never take statins. They are poisonous, quite literally. Poisoning important enzymes that we need to produce our hormones.

You say you are taking thyroid. But are your temperatures and heart rate good? Are you waking around 98F, and going up to 98.6F or 99? And are you averaging HR in the 80s at rest?


Mar 8, 2015
I would never take statins. They are poisonous, quite literally. Poisoning important enzymes that we need to produce our hormones.

You say you are taking thyroid. But are your temperatures and heart rate good? Are you waking around 98F, and going up to 98.6F or 99? And are you averaging HR in the 80s at rest?

My temps are good but I can never get my hr up. It is 42 when I wake and 46 at rest in the day. It will go higher obviously when exercising. I have been on high thyroid doses and it will not go higher. The highest I have seen it at rest is 55.
Nov 21, 2015
My temps are good but I can never get my hr up. It is 42 when I wake and 46 at rest in the day. It will go higher obviously when exercising. I have been on high thyroid doses and it will not go higher. The highest I have seen it at rest is 55.

Have you been on t3?


Mar 8, 2015
Yes up to 90mcg in the past T3 only at one point. Used to be on 150 T4 and 50 T3 also at one point. 6 grains at another point.

Now on 125 T4 and sometimes use a little T3 such as 2.5mcg. I now find small doses of T3 work better.

Its a mystery why my body cannot use the thyroid meds as well as it should and so give me a higher heart rate. Based on my last bloods it looks like i need less T4 still and maybe a little more T3. It a tough one to work out.
Nov 21, 2015
Yes up to 90mcg in the past T3 only at one point. Used to be on 150 T4 and 50 T3 also at one point. 6 grains at another point.

Now on 125 T4 and sometimes use a little T3 such as 2.5mcg. I now find small doses of T3 work better.

Its a mystery why my body cannot use the thyroid meds as well as it should and so give me a higher heart rate. Based on my last bloods it looks like i need less T4 still and maybe a little more T3. It a tough one to work out.

I found that for me, stored PUFAs were the problem. Took maybe 2 years on various low fat diets and then I became responsive...


Dec 10, 2016
Not sure what these are. I have triglycerides and hdl readings
Lp(a) is a lipoprotein that is similar to LDL but it contains an additional apolipoprotein. It is strongly associated with CVD. Some people think Lp(a) rises in attempt to repair damaged blood vessels when there is not enough vitamin c and lysine to to repair the damage with collagen. Sometimes people have normal total and/or LDL cholesterol levels but Lp(a) is elevated indicating blood vessel damage.

ApoB is just the number of LDL particles which seems to be more associated with risk than LDL cholesterol levels.
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