We will be back soon!

We have decided to move away from our current host. It seems that the damage was quite extensive to the servers and they are overwhelmed. I have been with them for 8 years and they have been really great up till the last year or so. I think the original guys that ran it, sold out to a big corporation and the customer service has dropped off big time. The communication from the hosting company this past week has absolutely abysmal. I understand they had a catastrophic event, but they really dropped the ball.

I have purchased a new server, our long time server guy Matt will start working on it tomorrow and getting it ready to go. He hopes to have everything done in a couple of days, so hopefully by Monday we should be back up and running.

I sincerely appreciate everyone’s patience while we get the forum back online. This is the longest the forum has ever been down if I am remembering correctly. I was hoping our hosting company would be able to pull it together but it just seems like they are not able to so its time to move on.

We will be back and stronger and less toxic then ever. The low “vitamin A” and low toxin lifestyle is without a doubt the way going forward. “vitamin A” is not even a vitamin, reconcile.


Storms Rock The Dallas Texas area and Knocks out RayPeatForum.com Servers

Early Sunday morning the 26th of May storms rocked the Dallas Texas area and took out the Ray Peat Forum servers. The hosting company declared a force majeure the damage was so extensive. We are in the process now of rebuilding the server and bringing the forum back online. At this time we do not have an ETA but soon as I get more info I will post it here. We have a backup of the forum right before the server went down. We are just waiting for the server to be fully brought back online to upload it. Soon as I have more info I will post here.
